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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 09-01-2010, 03:42 PM
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Originally Posted by boredandtattooed View Post
its NEVER gonna happen...

hasnt happened in 2 years with the TP1 and hasnt happened in a year now with the TP2...

you guys dont understand, if WE want something, AND its do-able.. it gets done! end of story... If after a year(TP2) or 2years(TP1) and it hasnt happened yet, its not going to happen..

The wonderful DEVS here and on XDA, have proven time and time again to be FAR superior than MS, HTC, and Carrier DEVS.. if FM radio could be done, it would have been by now...

Think about FM Radio on CDMA(more specifically sprint) like you do Tethering and wanting an Infrastructure connect instead of Adhoc... its just not do-able(and dont say wModem-it doesnt work on TP2s)

just sayin guys, Let It Go Already

Check This Out I know you tired of hearing of everyone trying to get the FM radio to work but u must under stand people on here and xda are not far superior then the people who make it but I dont take anything from them. Why i say that cause if this was true they would figure out what drivers and software are in these phones to make it work.To my knowledge No one has yet to say whats really in these phone the only people who know is the one's who made it and the developers who have degree's in the field they study so they know what is in these phones. So before you tell people to give up know your "GOT DAM FACTS"
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 09-02-2010, 01:13 AM
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Originally Posted by young0ne View Post
Check This Out I know you tired of hearing of everyone trying to get the FM radio to work but u must under stand people on here and xda are not far superior then the people who make it but I dont take anything from them. Why i say that cause if this was true they would figure out what drivers and software are in these phones to make it work.To my knowledge No one has yet to say whats really in these phone the only people who know is the one's who made it and the developers who have degree's in the field they study so they know what is in these phones. So before you tell people to give up know your "GOT DAM FACTS"
look little man, Im really not one to come at.. ill drop 20links on you from the last 3years where CDMA FM RADIO DOESNT WORK-ESPECIALLY ON SPRINT SMRT/winMO PHONES!!!

how much more proof and "GOT DAM FACTS" do you need douchebag.. is 3years worth of it NOT WORKING, enough for you??

and if you think the DEVS here and on XDA arent superior to MS/HTC/Carriers-youve got a LOT to learn... dude, we had winMO 6.5 COMPLETED 6month before Them.. where you think you got FREE tethering from? who made the "Unlockers"? what about Max Sense? CHT? Custom Roms? "Rooting"? "Jailbreaking"? Should I keep going?? End Users/Hackers, dude... every "we'll fix our consumers from doing this"... KILLED! they cant stop Us!

You seriously under estimate Hackers man.. We want It, We'll get it-if its possible... CDMA RAdio is NOT HAPPENING!!!!

Sprints new slogan should be " Whether its a Early Upgrade or charges for nothing, We'll be there"
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 09-02-2010, 10:35 AM
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[QUOTE=boredandtattooed;1932424]look little man, Im really not one to come at.. ill drop 20links on you from the last 3years where CDMA FM RADIO DOESNT WORK-ESPECIALLY ON SPRINT SMRT/winMO PHONES!!!

how much more proof and "GOT DAM FACTS" do you need douchebag.. is 3years worth of it NOT WORKING, enough for you??

and if you think the DEVS here and on XDA arent superior to MS/HTC/Carriers-youve got a LOT to learn... dude, we had winMO 6.5 COMPLETED 6month before Them.. where you think you got FREE tethering from? who made the "Unlockers"? what about Max Sense? CHT? Custom Roms? "Rooting"? "Jailbreaking"? Should I keep going?? End Users/Hackers, dude... every "we'll fix our consumers from doing this"... KILLED! they cant stop Us!

You seriously under estimate Hackers man.. We want It, We'll get it-if its possible... CDMA RAdio is NOT HAPPENING!!!!


Like I said i dont take anything from them cuz they have done a lot. But dont you think that the people that made these phones know that phones can be rewritten.Yes they they do know that! not only that they allow the end user/hackers do it. If they wanted to the could but a full lock on the phone and hackers really couldnt do anything. its all about the security level of the device which block certian thing.so it's a level that a lot hackers dont know cuz they dont have access to this info. so belive me it can be done just got to have the right person to know whats blocking what. U have to think man why do they have hardware in their if its not possible to have fm radio they would have just went with a different chip-set. they locked it a security level.

And P.S You didnt have to call me a douchebag i didnt call you no names i gave you that respect.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 09-02-2010, 05:25 PM
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I kind of agree with young0ne...

This thread was created to look at this at a different angle. Maybe someone could look over something that possably as been overlooked in the past, or never looked at due to not knowing enough about the phone when it was attempted.

Yep, this subject appears to be beatten to death between here and XDA but, if there is a little progress to the goal here, I will keep an eye on it and I bet a TON of other people would jump in if there was positive progress here.

For someone to jump in, say "it aint going to happen" or "give it up" is like going on a iPhone thread and saying "iPhone sucks". The facts are out there that the hardware is in there, someone was able to "ping" the hardware, HTC said "it was disabled by the choice of the carrier".

With that being said, MAYBE it will work, chances are high that it will never work but, the OP wanted to look at it differently, why not let him ?

If there is nothing productive to say, please dont' say anything...
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2010, 08:50 AM
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It might be possible to easily rule out FM Radio for CDMA:

1. If you ID the bluetooth chip, then you might be able to find its spec sheet. If so, you can look at the pin outs for the chip, and possibly identify which pins are associated with FM Radio.

2. If a single FM required pin out is NOT connected, the answer is NO FM RADIO. But I suspect either all the pins are connected, or we won't be able to check between the package and PCB.

Anyhow, I'd bet $20 that the firmware flashed to that bluetooth chip doesn't utilize the FM components of the chip. I've just recently dealt in this industry, so I've seen how things normally operate. Well, my best guess is that NOBODY is going to dump that chip without specialized equipment! The damn read-only bit has been flipped, I'd bet a billion dollars on it! So unless we get a leaked bin for the chip, reverse engineer/mod/recompile, figure out the port & protocol for accessing that chip, code up a front-end to flash that chip (the manufacturer probably won't be handing it out for free), reflash the chip, mod our OS, and certainly one or more additional sub-steps I haven't mentioned, then we've got NO FM RADIO!

Now lemme throw some mp3s on my sd card...

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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2010, 08:25 PM
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FM on CDMA will never work for the same reasons that CDMA users can't talk and surf at the same time. Regardless of the hardware being present or not, it isn't supported by the network. Thinking it's as easy as a regedit, software update or flipping a switch is a waste of energy. Do you really think a company would cripple a feature if they didn't have to, especially when their competitor (AT$T) offers it? Get real. If they could turn the FM radio on and charge CDMA users extra $ to do so, they would in a heartbeat.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2010, 09:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Miami_Son View Post
FM on CDMA will never work for the same reasons that CDMA users can't talk and surf at the same time. Regardless of the hardware being present or not, it isn't supported by the network. Thinking it's as easy as a regedit, software update or flipping a switch is a waste of energy. Do you really think a company would cripple a feature if they didn't have to, especially when their competitor (AT$T) offers it? Get real. If they could turn the FM radio on and charge CDMA users extra $ to do so, they would in a heartbeat.
Assuming the poster here is honest about what is said, you are wrong. Here is where it's from...

Originally Posted by gd761 View Post
I called HTC America and was asking about the FM Radio. Accouding to HTC, they said that SPRINT requested that the FM Radio be locked and the ONLY way to get it unlocked is for SPRINT to request that it be unlocked, then HTC will release a ROM update for it to be unlocked. I asked if there was a phone that I could get to work on SPRINT's network with all the capabilities that my phone currently has. HTC told me that I CAN NOT purchase any phone outside the US with EVERYTHING TRUELY UNLOCKED that will work with SPRINT. The restrictions are not only the FM radio, but also the Conference Call Room, and the US GSM networks are LOCKED on the phone.

I had then called SPRINT and asked about these features and was shortly sent to ADVANCED TECH SUPPORT. I was told that HTC will not be releasing ANY ROM UPDATE to UNLOCK those features. But, if I wait until October 11th, SPRINT will have a phone that will have these features ready to go and also have the FRONT FACING CAMERA. But sadly the phone will not have any sliding keyboard at all.
This is not helping people, there is plenty of facts here, the hardware is there, the phone can do it, it's software disabled per the carriers to make more money on their music warez. If you could get music free over the air, why would you pay for their music services ?

I hate when there is 50,000 people saying it wont and cant' work, when there is plenty of proof, that it is there, it could possable work and just figuring out what make it tick would fix it. I'm not here saying, Yes, it will 100% work, I am here to say if some of the experts have a 2nd look at this, maybe they can confrim 100% if its possable. Maybe it will maybe it won't but, for people to just shut everyone down is dumb.

More proof that it's there...

Originally Posted by marcus_cruz View Post
Actually the software is not crippled. It's the bootloader that does not initialize the hardware address in the bluetooth chipset. As a phone is powering on, a number of "commands" <--laymens terms, are sent to various hardware components. Camera, phone radio <-- "not the fm radio", bluetooth irq's, It's up to the carrier wether or not they want to turn certain things on and off. So, the hardware is there, the software that works on the GSM versions, would most likely work on the CDMA verions if the FM radio was enabled. The FM software uses the standard windows framework, regardless, until the the hardware is "turned-on" we will not have true FM radio. I was working on it, and was able to actually get a response back from the FM radio back before the HSPL was released, but gave up to work on other projects.
Just wish people would try to help instead of trying to shut everyone down.... It's a boot loader problem in the HSPL but, it was opened but, no one looked any more than this...

There is enough info in this post to say, yes, it's possable, and an idea on where to go...

IT'a EFF'n FM radio, come on...

Last edited by DavidinCT; 09-03-2010 at 10:01 PM.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2010, 10:18 PM
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Originally Posted by DavidinCT View Post
Assuming the poster here is honest about what is said, you are wrong. Here is where it's from...

This is not helping people, there is plenty of facts here, the hardware is there, the phone can do it, it's software disabled per the carriers to make more money on their music warez. If you could get music free over the air, why would you pay for their music services ?

I hate when there is 50,000 people saying it wont and cant' work, when there is plenty of proof, that it is there, it could possable work and just figuring out what make it tick would fix it. I'm not here saying, Yes, it will 100% work, I am here to say if some of the experts have a 2nd look at this, maybe they can confrim 100% if its possable. Maybe it will maybe it won't but, for people to just shut everyone down is dumb.

More proof that it's there...

Just wish people would try to help instead of trying to shut everyone down.... It's a boot loader problem in the HSPL but, it was opened but, no one looked any more than this...

There is enough info in this post to say, yes, it's possable, and an idea on where to go...

IT'a EFF'n FM radio, come on...
Thank you Just gave me a ideal about the bootloader. if anyone can find out if the htc imagio use the chipset as the tp2 and if it locked at HSPL maybe we can import the code to the bootloader to activate FM signal on tp2 chipset but they have to be the exact model.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 09-04-2010, 12:00 AM
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Originally Posted by Miami_Son View Post
FM on CDMA will never work for the same reasons that CDMA users can't talk and surf at the same time. Regardless of the hardware being present or not, it isn't supported by the network. Thinking it's as easy as a regedit, software update or flipping a switch is a waste of energy. Do you really think a company would cripple a feature if they didn't have to, especially when their competitor (AT$T) offers it? Get real. If they could turn the FM radio on and charge CDMA users extra $ to do so, they would in a heartbeat.
If this is true than how did the cdma diamond have the FM radio working?
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 09-04-2010, 11:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Miami_Son View Post
FM on CDMA will never work for the same reasons that CDMA users can't talk and surf at the same time. Regardless of the hardware being present or not, it isn't supported by the network. Thinking it's as easy as a regedit, software update or flipping a switch is a waste of energy. Do you really think a company would cripple a feature if they didn't have to, especially when their competitor (AT$T) offers it? Get real. If they could turn the FM radio on and charge CDMA users extra $ to do so, they would in a heartbeat.
Sorry dude but this is completley wrong! The Imagio on Verizon has an FM radio enabled stock, no modding needed. The radio will most likely never work on our TP2s but it has nothing to do with a limitation of CDMA.
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