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Old 09-02-2010, 01:13 AM
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Originally Posted by young0ne View Post
Check This Out I know you tired of hearing of everyone trying to get the FM radio to work but u must under stand people on here and xda are not far superior then the people who make it but I dont take anything from them. Why i say that cause if this was true they would figure out what drivers and software are in these phones to make it work.To my knowledge No one has yet to say whats really in these phone the only people who know is the one's who made it and the developers who have degree's in the field they study so they know what is in these phones. So before you tell people to give up know your "GOT DAM FACTS"
look little man, Im really not one to come at.. ill drop 20links on you from the last 3years where CDMA FM RADIO DOESNT WORK-ESPECIALLY ON SPRINT SMRT/winMO PHONES!!!

how much more proof and "GOT DAM FACTS" do you need douchebag.. is 3years worth of it NOT WORKING, enough for you??

and if you think the DEVS here and on XDA arent superior to MS/HTC/Carriers-youve got a LOT to learn... dude, we had winMO 6.5 COMPLETED 6month before Them.. where you think you got FREE tethering from? who made the "Unlockers"? what about Max Sense? CHT? Custom Roms? "Rooting"? "Jailbreaking"? Should I keep going?? End Users/Hackers, dude... every "we'll fix our consumers from doing this"... KILLED! they cant stop Us!

You seriously under estimate Hackers man.. We want It, We'll get it-if its possible... CDMA RAdio is NOT HAPPENING!!!!

Sprints new slogan should be " Whether its a Early Upgrade or charges for nothing, We'll be there"
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