Assuming the poster here is honest about what is said, you are wrong.
Here is where it's from...
This is not helping people, there is plenty of facts here, the hardware is there, the phone can do it, it's software disabled per the carriers to make more money on their music warez. If you could get music free over the air, why would you pay for their music services ?
I hate when there is 50,000 people saying it wont and cant' work, when there is plenty of proof, that it is there, it could possable work and just figuring out what make it tick would fix it. I'm not here saying, Yes, it will 100% work, I am here to say if some of the experts have a 2nd look at this, maybe they can confrim 100% if its possable. Maybe it will maybe it won't but, for people to just shut everyone down is dumb.
More proof that it's there...
Just wish people would try to help instead of trying to shut everyone down.... It's a boot loader problem in the HSPL but, it was opened but, no one looked any more than this...
There is enough info in this post to say, yes, it's possable, and an idea on where to go...
IT'a EFF'n FM radio, come on...