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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2008, 11:16 AM
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Re: insurance question

I went through the "refurbished" dance when I wa with verizon, I went through SEVEN refurbished phones before they finally agreed to send me a new one in a box. Trust me, you don't want a refurbished phone. They're very far from being "just as good as a new one."
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2008, 11:17 AM
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Re: insurance question

I stand corrected, it's now 3 incidents up to $1000 each.

still, the short-sightedness of saving $50 and paying for numerous phone calls to get more refurbished phones is going to definitely cost you more than $50 in time.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2008, 11:21 AM
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Re: insurance question

i think that the mileage varies here. I used to work for Alltel and Tmobile. There were times where people would get 2-3 defective phones in the DOA period(first 30 days), and in this period, with any carrier, you get an exchange for a new one. There were times where people got refurbs, and never had issues, and there were times where it took several tries, just like the new ones. I had to send my first sprint mogul back because the keyboard sensor didnt work. So i dont think its a case of "dont go for a refurb", i think its more of a these things are mass produced, and there are a few bad apples out of every bunch.

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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2008, 11:34 AM
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Re: insurance question

when it's refurbished, for whatever reason, you ARE getting a rejected phone, that much is a fact.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2008, 11:36 AM
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Re: insurance question

i never read the fine print on my insurance but i always assumed they would send me a refurb phone over a new one if they had them available.
is there something saying if you go through insurance you will get a new phone and not a refurb
i would go into the store. i recently got a new phone not a refurb due to the white dot issue.
you may luck out and get the new phone from a store due to the buttons
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2008, 11:37 AM
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Re: insurance question

Originally Posted by sanjsrik View Post
when it's refurbished, for whatever reason, you ARE getting a rejected phone, that much is a fact.
that there my buddy IS NOT A FACT.

when people return a phone for a different phone(example HTC touch for Mogul), what you think happens to the touch? it gets refurbed, when someone cancels service in the trial period and returns the phone, the phone gets refurbed, when the phone has a problem, it gets refurbed, ****, some carriers even let you send your phone in for an exchange just for a cosmetic refurb.

So that there buddy is not a FACT
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2008, 11:46 AM
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Re: insurance question

Originally Posted by Success100 View Post
i totally disagree-

so your telling me if your buy a new bmw and your engine quits while its still in warranty, your gonna pay for a new one? My point exactly-

if u do get a refurb so what!! they are just as good as a new one, cosmetically and structurally. I will take a refurb that looks and acts brand new over paying 50 bucks for something thats malfunctioning at no fault of mine. You have to remember that when these places refurb the phones, they have to be quality inspected and such b4 they send them back out. You wont be able to tell the difference b/t a new and refurb.
Actually the warranty is suppose to go through HTC and not Sprint. It's like if you buy a printer at Best Buy without Best Buy's warranty. You would have to ship your printer to the manufacturer to honor the manufacturer's warranty. (This isn't recommended because when the manufacturers fix your phones they set the default to their standards and it can make the programming almost impossible when you try to activate it with Sprint. This has happend to me with my Moto Q.)

Also just because you pay $50 doesn't mean you'll end up with a brand new phone. Asurion also replaces the phones with refurbished units and only after they're out of refurbished units will they offer a brand new phone. How do I know this? I paid $50 to replace my Centro when my fat right butt cheek broke my screen. They in turn sent me a refurbished Centro with a problem with the speakerphone so I returned that again and told them to give me a new phone or I would keep sending back the devices with any minor flaws.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2008, 11:49 AM
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Re: insurance question

it's returned, the reason is irrelevant. it's sometimes okay, sometimes not, i'd rather get a new one. heck, right now, the voice command button on my phone is kaput, it's pressed in and will not work, no clue why, just noticed it the other bc i wanted to remap it, but noticed it's all screwed up. I've heard this is a common thing for these buttons to not work properly. Do I want to give up my perfectly good phone for a model that may not be as factory new as this one?

oh, and you can check using EPST if it's refurbished.

If it's returned, it's refurbished, regadless of the reason. You're okay with a refurbished phone okay, i was sharing my experience with going through 7 phones before getting a new one, funny thing is, the refurbished models failed no less than a week to 2 weeks after I received them. Numerous phone calls and trips to stores were worth a lot more than $50 to me.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2008, 11:51 AM
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Re: insurance question

Originally Posted by kingsfan626 View Post
Actually the warranty is suppose to go through HTC and not Sprint. It's like if you buy a printer at Best Buy without Best Buy's warranty. You would have to ship your printer to the manufacturer to honor the manufacturer's warranty.

Also just because you pay $50 doesn't mean you'll end up with a brand new phone. Asurion also replaces the phones with refurbished units and only after they're out of refurbished units will they offer a brand new phone. How do I know this? I paid $50 to replace my Centro when my fat right butt cheek broke my screen. They in turn sent me a refurbished Centro with a problem with the speakerphone so I returned that again and told them to give me a new phone or I would keep sending back the devices with any minor flaws.

YES..with asurion, they CAN AND WILL send u a refurb. You are correct on that.

As far as the whole warranty/manufacture issue, you're incorrect on that(when it comes to cell phones but youre right in all other respects)- the carrier deals with the manufacturer, which is why when u have a problem with your phone(a defect) you DONT call HTC. You call sprint right? If you called HTC, they WILL tell you to call sprint, or your respective carrier.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2008, 11:53 AM
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Re: insurance question

Originally Posted by sanjsrik View Post
it's returned, the reason is irrelevant. it's sometimes okay, sometimes not, i'd rather get a new one. heck, right now, the voice command button on my phone is kaput, it's pressed in and will not work, no clue why, just noticed it the other bc i wanted to remap it, but noticed it's all screwed up. I've heard this is a common thing for these buttons to not work properly. Do I want to give up my perfectly good phone for a model that may not be as factory new as this one?

oh, and you can check using EPST if it's refurbished.

If it's returned, it's refurbished, regadless of the reason. You're okay with a refurbished phone okay, i was sharing my experience with going through 7 phones before getting a new one, funny thing is, the refurbished models failed no less than a week to 2 weeks after I received them. Numerous phone calls and trips to stores were worth a lot more than $50 to me.
well like i said, the mileage varies.
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