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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2008, 11:59 AM
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Re: insurance question

With this specific problem they would most likely want to try a hard reset first and attempt to clean the keypad. If this didn't solve the problem, the would issue you a replacement a $0 (if you do have ESRP) as long as the phone is not liquid or physical damaged.

As for the refurbished argument...Refurbished phones come from 2 places. The first is when someone does a 30 day exchange to a different phone or returns the phone all together. These are mostly considered "preowneds". The second place they come from is if someone returns a phone with a defect, it is sent back to the manufacturer and they replaced the faulty part and 9 times out of 10 the case as well. Then every other component is tested and if p***** it becomes a "recon" or reconditioned phone (refurbished).

Hope that makes things a little easier to understand :P
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2008, 12:01 PM
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Re: insurance question

Originally Posted by dub24 View Post
With this specific problem they would most likely want to try a hard reset first and attempt to clean the keypad. If this didn't solve the problem, the would issue you a replacement a $0 (if you do have ESRP) as long as the phone is not liquid or physical damaged.

As for the refurbished argument...Refurbished phones come from 2 places. The first is when someone does a 30 day exchange to a different phone or returns the phone all together. These are mostly considered "preowneds". The second place they come from is if someone returns a phone with a defect, it is sent back to the manufacturer and they replaced the faulty part and 9 times out of 10 the case as well. Then every other component is tested and if p***** it becomes a "recon" or reconditioned phone (refurbished).

Hope that makes things a little easier to understand :P
lol, this is exactly what we said already!!

listen lets not turn this into a war, the point is to help the op get a newphone.

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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2008, 12:06 PM
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Re: insurance question

Originally Posted by sanjsrik View Post
it's returned, the reason is irrelevant. it's sometimes okay, sometimes not, i'd rather get a new one. heck, right now, the voice command button on my phone is kaput, it's pressed in and will not work, no clue why, just noticed it the other bc i wanted to remap it, but noticed it's all screwed up. I've heard this is a common thing for these buttons to not work properly. Do I want to give up my perfectly good phone for a model that may not be as factory new as this one?

oh, and you can check using EPST if it's refurbished.

If it's returned, it's refurbished, regadless of the reason. You're okay with a refurbished phone okay, i was sharing my experience with going through 7 phones before getting a new one, funny thing is, the refurbished models failed no less than a week to 2 weeks after I received them. Numerous phone calls and trips to stores were worth a lot more than $50 to me.
That's funny. Obviously you have a strong aversion to the word "refurbished". You call your PPC with a broken button "perfectly good" and "factory new"? You are not only willing but eager to keep the one you have, however if you received one exactly like it as a replacement you would rightly return it, but likely also complain loudly about its condition. How many of those seven refurb units you returned were in better condition than your "factory new" phone? How many did you return just because you were on a quest for a "new" phone? If you returned your current phone, and the button were replaced and the phone sent to someone else as a refurbished replacement, why would they (or even you) not be satisfied with it?

When I was in consumer goods retail, not phones but another specialty electronics item, it was general knowledge that refurb units had better quality control than new units, as refurbs were actually tested individually and new units were not. A properly refurbished unit is as good as new.

Last edited by bakntyme; 03-18-2008 at 12:20 PM.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2008, 12:19 PM
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Re: insurance question

Originally Posted by Success100 View Post
lol, this is exactly what we said already!!

listen lets not turn this into a war, the point is to help the op get a newphone.
Yes, but are you guys a Sprint TSR's? ... figured hearing it come straight from the horses mouth :P
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2008, 12:28 PM
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Re: insurance question

I returned the 7 units not looking for a new one, i wasn't even aware that they were sending refurbished ones until about the 6th one which the first three died within 2 days, the fourth had a bad touchscreen, the fifth had a broken speaker that no sound would come out of the sixth would not turn on at all, the lights on top were fine but the screen was completely black. So, after spending hours on the phone with customer service at verizon, i was told, "we can send you as many refurbished models as we want". I've had an aversion since then.

My "factory new" phone works does not have other massive issues such as the ones described above, sort of like the expression, "better the hell I know than the one I don't"

YMMV, but refurbished didn't work out for me.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2008, 12:32 PM
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Re: insurance question

"When I was in consumer goods retail, not phones but another specialty electronics item, it was general knowledge that refurb units had better quality control than new units, as refurbs were actually tested individually and new units were not. A properly refurbished unit is as good as new."

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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2008, 12:36 PM
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Re: insurance question

i am not a professional or anything but i agree with success100. 2 days ago i went to a sprint store in AZ, showed them that my slider stopper broke hence it was cracking my case. they took a look at it for 20 min and came out and gave me a brand new phone. i chcked the life usage using ##778# and it was at 1 min the time i got it. so from experiance not stories or some telling me something. they didnt try to give me refurb or any excuses to not cover my phone. hope this helps.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2008, 12:53 PM
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Re: insurance question

well, i'm about to go walk over to a repair place now to see about this button issue, so we'll see what happens, i'll post when i get back to see what they say.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2008, 12:58 PM
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Re: insurance question

good luck!! make sure u go to a warrant/repair store. i went to a non repair store and the idiot working assured me i was going to pay 50$.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2008, 01:09 PM
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Re: insurance question

I bought the PPC6700 on eBay 1 month old. I dropped it and the joystick got floppy. I took it to Sprint and they said (as they typed) here you go...now you're insured. Take it to the Service desk back there. I took it back to them and they said "Order him one."

They ordered me a refurb'd 6700 and as soon as i left the store, the QWERTY was malfunctioned. I took it back in and they cracked open a Mogul and apologized profusely. I just started to notice "the white spot" on my screen. (Mogul is a few mos old) I took it back in and they immediately ordered me a new one. They said that most Mogul's will get that spot b/c there's something that heats up under it...but my spot is only evident on a stark white screen. I called them back and told them to cancel the order b/c it really doesn't bother me.

So yeah...I actually turned down another new PPC6800 free of charge. I felt like they have taken care of me above and beyond their obligation...why should I hose them? If I find out that they've come up with an actual solution to the "white spot" then I'll go ahead with it.

Edit: Since I got my insurance...I've paid $0.

Last edited by chelboed; 03-18-2008 at 01:17 PM.
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