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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 11-04-2010, 01:20 PM
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Re: Phone lagging when 4G is on

You don't need an iphone community for it to get attention..if its a real issue your best bet is Engadget...
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 11-04-2010, 03:47 PM
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Re: Phone lagging when 4G is on

For what it's worth, I have found a solution to the issue for me (knock on wood): Don't touch the 4G widget. I don't know why this would cause an issue, but since I have had the phone, if I used the widget to toggle 4G, within 24 hours, the phone would start to lag badly. Someone mentioned turning it on and off from the settings page instead, and that has certainly helped. I now set up my own toggle widget with tasker right next to the existing one (I still use the stock one as an indicator), and the phone has been behaving wonderfully as long as I either use this or allow tasker to switch it automatically.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 11-04-2010, 06:19 PM
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Re: Phone lagging when 4G is on

Originally Posted by Sideman7 View Post
OK, I was suffering from the same issue here on a stock phone... Did some searching online and someone suggested changing scenes after the phone started lagging from the 4G. Well, what do you know, it solved the issue for me. Better than having to reboot... I don't understand why this would work though.
Maybe your phone felt happy with a new set of clothes!
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 11-10-2010, 09:36 AM
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Re: Phone lagging when 4G is on

Originally Posted by Sideman7 View Post
For what it's worth, I have found a solution to the issue for me (knock on wood): Don't touch the 4G widget. I don't know why this would cause an issue, but since I have had the phone, if I used the widget to toggle 4G, within 24 hours, the phone would start to lag badly. Someone mentioned turning it on and off from the settings page instead, and that has certainly helped. I now set up my own toggle widget with tasker right next to the existing one (I still use the stock one as an indicator), and the phone has been behaving wonderfully as long as I either use this or allow tasker to switch it automatically.
I just turned my 4G on using the settings and my CPU went to 100% like it usually does. 8:28am November 10, 2010.

The good news is, not that I've rebooted the phone, I can enjoy 4G for the rest of the day without it acting up.

This may sound like a stupid question, but does Android OS deteriorate throughout the day like an older Windows machine would? by this, I mean why can I run 4G for a whole day (usually right after a reboot) and then have it fail on me VERY regularly the next day. It's almost as if something gets corrupted throughout the day of having the OS running.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 11-10-2010, 11:58 AM
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Re: Phone lagging when 4G is on

Palmetto Fellow if you turn on 4g for use all day it will die it around 4hours. Only use 4g when needed.
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 11-10-2010, 03:50 PM
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Re: Phone lagging when 4G is on

Originally Posted by dallas contractor View Post
Palmetto Fellow if you turn on 4g for use all day it will die it around 4hours. Only use 4g when needed.
I keep it charging pretty regularly. I leave 4G on because of the issues I am having. I try to recreate this bug as often as possible...though the point I was trying to make is that once I have to reboot because of this bug, I can run 4G for a whole day without issues...and then sometime the next day, I will have this problem happen again.

I've been on 4G all day so far, and I had to reboot this morning when the 4G bug struck. I expect that when I return back to Charlotte tomorrow, and turn 4G back on, it will fail. Then I'll have to reboot and start the whole process over again. If it works tomorrow, then the chances of the bug striking Friday are doubled. I can't think of two days straight that I've been able to use 4G without rebooting.

I am experimenting with pre-emptive rebooting. Perhaps if I reboot the phone each night while recharging, I'll be able to use 4G the whole next day anytime I choose without an issue.
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old 11-10-2010, 04:27 PM
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Re: Phone lagging when 4G is on

i leave ALL my radios on ALL day long and all night.

whenever i see this issue its when im in 3g and it hands off to 4g.

4G uses IPs and assigns an IP to your handset. 3G is packet based. i think the issue is there because as others mention, toggling can help, rebooting helps, PRL update (i have tried personally) helps...these functions releases the 3G radio totally and the unit is assigned an IP and now its all on the 4G network.

before doing the above tricks, it also makes sense the CPU is in the high digits since it has to monitor and decode BOTH 3G data (packets) AND 4G data (totally IP based data). it also has to source the closest 4G link (be it a cell tower, or picocell, the latter is used to fill in the gaps within the city blocks, etc).

now as i said i leave 4G (wifi, the whole lot) on all day, 24 hours and its really hit or miss when i see this lag... meaning sometimes when its handed off onto 4G the phone will not lag at all and keep on truckin' and other times it does lag.. i see LESS lag in my environments and MORE stable usage overall however.

maybe this also has something to do with the signal strength on 4G when the phone gets into 4G coverage...

lots of variables and its great there is a dialog going on. looping HTC in is a good idea. someone get a ticket started with them online...

OR if someone wants to summarize what most of us are experiencing, ILL submit the ticket and get the dialog going...
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old 11-10-2010, 05:06 PM
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Funny u all mentioned this. I have a epic and enabling 4g lags it bad. Root and non root. So it must be the radio trying to talk to the tower hogging up resources.

Sent from some where on Earth, sorrounded by llamas.
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old 11-10-2010, 10:05 PM
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Re: Phone lagging when 4G is on

Originally Posted by cuellarm View Post
Has anyone noticed their phones lagging when 4G is on? I think I started noticing this sometime after the latest update. Every time I turn on 4G, I do get a signal, but then everything starts lagging... scrolling, opening/closing apps, moving between screens, etc.

It gets so annoying that the only solution I can find is to reboot. Even if I turn 4G off, the phone continues to lag. It never lags when on 3G only or wifi.

Is this a known issue? any ideas? I couldn't find any threads on this particular issue, but I have found reports about it in other forums. Thanks.

Non-rooted Evo, 2.2, build 3.29.651.5
Just got my EVO (so still non-rooted) and yes, everything lags when the 4G radio is on. But, not when WIFI is running.
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old 11-11-2010, 11:17 AM
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Re: Phone lagging when 4G is on

Originally Posted by marctronixx View Post
whenever i see this issue its when im in 3g and it hands off to 4g.

4G uses IPs and assigns an IP to your handset. 3G is packet based. i think the issue is there because as others mention, toggling can help, rebooting helps, PRL update (i have tried personally) helps...these functions releases the 3G radio totally and the unit is assigned an IP and now its all on the 4G network.
3G is IP as well. IP is packet based.

When in 3G, I get a different IP address than when in 4G...but both are IP, and both are packet based.
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