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  #9301 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2010, 11:25 AM
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Re: 12.13.10 VINdows ROMs

Originally Posted by supasanch24 View Post
Well, I posted this earlier and no one responded, but I set the alarm for 5:30am this morning and the alarm didn't sound until 5:38am. I havn't had this happen on any of Vin's other roms, just his latest Pluto. I don't have many cabs installed Just HD mini lock screen, Utask, An action screen and lockdevice. Any suggestions? Otherwise it's back to 8/5 Pluto no cookie.(still bulletproof)
I used the alarm on 12/13 yesterday and it went off at the right time. I use galarm, but I think galarm uses the stock event timer to trigger things. I don't use any of the items you have listed above.
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  #9302 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2010, 11:54 AM
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Re: 12.13.10 VINdows ROMs

I am a Chinese, for the first time to stroll the foreign forum. My English is very bad, and I'll try it your ROM
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  #9303 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2010, 01:56 PM
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Re: 12.13.10 VINdows ROMs

Originally Posted by mwalt2 View Post
I answered most of your questions in red.

Pretty helpful answer!
ya i never help anybody around here, i will compare my reputation to yours though. see i have a sense of humor which looks like your lacking and sometimes im on pppcg working and dont have time to answer a post that has 50 questions in it but i will try to help more people so i can get a better rep.
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  #9304 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2010, 02:45 PM
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Re: 12.13.10 VINdows ROMs

Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 View Post
ya i never help anybody around here, i will compare my reputation to yours though. see i have a sense of humor which looks like your lacking and sometimes im on pppcg working and dont have time to answer a post that has 50 questions in it but i will try to help more people so i can get a better rep.
yeah, it would be nice if you actually helped someone around here instead of just foolin' around. figures ... damn fliers fan...

and wth? i didn't know your boy arrested last night at some TnA bar...

oh yeah, thanks for helping so many of us, bro...your #2 in my book.

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  #9305 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2010, 02:50 PM
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Re: 12.13.10 VINdows ROMs

Originally Posted by Recursion View Post
yeah, it would be nice if you actually helped someone around here instead of just foolin' around. figures ... damn fliers fan...

and wth? i didn't know your boy arrested last night at some TnA bar...

oh yeah, thanks for helping so many of us, bro...your #2 in my book.
#2 wtf is with that, hope alex is #1. i will try to help around here more though, sorry.
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  #9306 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2010, 04:23 PM
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Re: 12.13.10 VINdows ROMs

Originally Posted by mwalt2 View Post

Originally Posted by Shahriar5252
Hi guys:

I just switched over to this VINdows Plutonium ROM for my Sprint TP2. I used to be on Sprint Lover's wm6.5.x ROM, but the developer stopped fixing bugs. Here are a few problems with VINdows Plutonium ROM on my TP2:

1. The volume buttons have lost the press and hold capability to quickly scroll the volume down. I have to keep on clicking on the vol up or down to go up or down.

I don't know that I've ever seen that feature. I can tell you that none of the recent HTC Volume Control packages have the feature (from Leo, Huashan, Oboe)

Are you kidding? The hardware volume up/down keys of all HTC phones with stock ROMs toggle the volume all the way up or down simply by PRESSING AND HOLDING one of these keys up or down. VINdows ROM on my Sprint TP2 is the only one that does not have this feature, so you have to put the volume up or down by single clicks of the vol up/down keys. I think it may be a problems with the drivers that VIN is using for the hardware keys or a simple registry tweak. If anyone knows how to fix it, please share with all of us.

2. Is there a way to disable the music that is played when the volume goes up and down?

Yes you can do that with the following: HKCU\ControlPanel\Volume\Mute Change from 3 to 1

Thank you. This trick worked perfectly on this ROM.

3. The on-screen keyboard does not have tactile feedback, and the option is not found in the Text Input Settings.

I can't help here. I don't know what keyboard vin puts in his ROM.

4. I installed all 4 tabs for Sense, and they all installed properly including the Footprints tab. But when I turn on the Footprint, it opens the camera and then a page comes up titled "GPS." It keeps on saying "Initializing GPS," but the GPS never initializes. Does anyone know what is wrong?

There's nothing wrong. Footprints is hard coded to use the Leo camera. It won't work correctly on the TP2 or any other device. You can still take GPS photos using the camera and then add them to the footprints tab manually

Oh well, can't have everything. For those of you that are interested, Resco's Photo Manager does have a built in feature that adds GPS location to any photos that you take. You can download a demo or buy it $10 from MS Marketplace. Other advantages are that it makes thumbnails come up faster in Resco's File Explorer and it does not cache files on your device memory (something that HTC Album and HTC YouTube do to make you run out of device memory without your knowing it).

5. The taskbar is using the old wm6.1 sharp-corner square icon for Ev (which is too small and hurts one's eyes), the icon with a phone handle over the signal bars is grainy because it is probably a QVGA icon, and the charge icon is the old one from wm6.1. I know there are some taskbars that in listed in the 2nd post by vin255764 but they all have small icons. I prefer the original wm6.5.x's big black and white icons as I used to have on my old ROM in which the Ev icon's letters were enlarged and placed in a rounded square. Does anyone know a cab for this?

There's nothing stopping you from installing a different taskbar. I've found THIS taskbar to work pretty well for me. If you want the stock one, download a custom taskbar and look at the files inside it. Then find the SYS you are using, download it, and find the stock files. You will need to recmod (google) the modules of some of the files used. Then just replace the custom ones cooked in the ROM.

The taskbars in your link are not for the original taskbar icons of wm6.5.x. I am still amateur at this, so if anyone had a CAB with the original wm6.5.x black and white taskbar icons, please share it with everyone.

6. In the phone settings menu, the option for NAM selection is unhidden. I would recommend that this option be hidden because as it happened to my first Sprint TP2, by switching the NAM the phone's radio became incapable of being recognized by Sprint towers even after a hard reset. So Sprint had to do a hard reset via MLS code, which resets the radio settings too. Then, my phone lost the ability to be recognized by Verizon towers when it went on roaming. So I had to get a new one.

probably personal preference. You can hide them if you like I suppose.

Yes, I know how to hide it in the phone settings registry key, but I just wanted other Sprint TP2 users to beware of the consequences of switching their NAM. For those interested, go to the following reg key and make this change:
"HiddenNAMSelectPage"=dword: 1 (original value in this VINdows Plutonium ROM is 0)

My replies are in green.
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  #9307 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2010, 04:35 PM
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Re: 12.13.10 VINdows ROMs

Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 View Post
is this all you dont like?
Please read as many of the item as you like and answer as many as you like. I posted all six items because, in his first or second post, vin255764 was asking for feedback from Sprint users. Posting is the only way to let him know about the problems. Would it have been any easier if I had posted each item as a separate post? Thanks for your curt answer!
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  #9308 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2010, 06:28 PM
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Re: 12.13.10 VINdows ROMs

Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 View Post
ya i never help anybody around here, i will compare my reputation to yours though. see i have a sense of humor which looks like your lacking and sometimes im on pppcg working and dont have time to answer a post that has 50 questions in it but i will try to help more people so i can get a better rep.
And this is why I troll this thread every day. Just so I can hit thanks on everything Vin & Darren post. Oh, and get a chuckle or two.

Thanks everyone here! I miss my TP2. Got an Epic but its about 7 degrees off. Does a lot of stuff better but some stuff not as well. Still learning.
Madtown, Wisconsin. 68 square miles surrounded by reality.
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  #9309 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2010, 06:34 PM
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Re: 12.13.10 VINdows ROMs

ya i never help anyone.(from epic forum)

Originally Posted by djfujiyama View Post
Darren graciously offered to help me on IM and even with his help every step of the way, it took us FOUR HOURS to get this done. We just got done now. It probably would have taken more than double the amount of time had I done this by myself. I dont know about you guys, but $25 is DEFINITELY worth 4 hours of my time.

In any case, thank you Darren for all the support. PM me your paypal email address.

P.S. Midnight ROM looks sweet.

Glad you got your Epic up & running.....Darren is an awesome guy that is always willing and more than happy to help others out. You don't get a rep score like he's got for nothing! He has definately helped me out of a jam more than once.

Have fun searching for a ROM you like! I'm currently running midNIGHT without any issue to speak of. I have also had good success using Viper's ROM. Just my 2 cents
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  #9310 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2010, 08:36 PM
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Re: 12.13.10 VINdows ROMs

haha I'm due 4 upgeade in 2 weeks & looks like I'm headed 4 the Epic

I did something Terrible...
Something truly totally terrible...Hideous..revolting..

I flashed 6 other dam roms in last few days.
OMG for what that was, not even going to get into it, except that I hate bugs.
Mapped all their registries for comparisons and got the **** out! wew!

Back to my solid "reference" rom, Vin's neodium
Yeah I know, I should try the plutonium.

Just half sec lag on screen rotation when pulling out keyboard slider,
with Installed CHT 1.8.5 installed.

Now I have a life again, at least for the weekend..
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