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  #9311 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2010, 09:19 PM
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Re: 12.13.10 VINdows ROMs

Originally Posted by Maxx134 View Post
haha I'm due 4 upgeade in 2 weeks & looks like I'm headed 4 the Epic

I did something Terrible...
Something truly totally terrible...Hideous..revolting..

I flashed 6 other dam roms in last few days.
OMG for what that was, not even going to get into it, except that I hate bugs.
Mapped all their registries for comparisons and got the **** out! wew!

Back to my solid "reference" rom, Vin's neodium
Yeah I know, I should try the plutonium.

Just half sec lag on screen rotation when pulling out keyboard slider,
with Installed CHT 1.8.5 installed.

Now I have a life again, at least for the weekend..
its always a good idea to flash another cooks stuff then you realize how good vins roms are.

ps you will love the epic, trust me.
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  #9312 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2010, 02:02 AM
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Re: 12.13.10 VINdows ROMs

Originally Posted by Recursion View Post
Yes, but ... there are good inventions and bad ones. The creation of ex-wives is not a necessary step, my brutha. I'm thinking about a "reset" button...resulting in neither a wife nor an ex-wife. This would be a good invention!!

Sir, I agree wholeheartedly with you, a "Mulligan" or "Do-Over" would be a fantastic invention. Short version of my story is after 5 years of marriage, a professional psychiatrist used the term "delusionaly psychotic", and as hard as it may be to believe, I was NOT the person in that relationship he was describing!

On a separate note, has anyone any comments or been able to recreate my Voice Command/Bluetooth Headset issue? I'm just about ready to go back to an earlier version of the ROM to get that feature back.
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  #9313 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2010, 08:12 AM
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Re: 12.13.10 VINdows ROMs

Originally Posted by ToddSmith View Post
UPDATE: It's definitely a glitch in the system. Task29'ed the phone, flashed, then immediately set options in Voice Command and paired the headset. Same problem as above, before anything else was installed.
I am running the 11/13 No Sense No Titanium ROM and this feature works for me. I am not running a stereo BT headset though, just a regular one. I have not tried anything more recent than this because my setup is so good. I have NEVER stayed on the same ROM this long...
ROM Du Jour: 12.08.10.NackedPlutonium_23150 + SPB Mobile Shell
Radio: 2.32WU
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  #9314 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2010, 09:49 AM
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Red face Re: 12.13.10 VINdows ROMs

Originally Posted by Shahriar5252 View Post
Please read as many of the item as you like and answer as many as you like. I posted all six items because, in his first or second post, vin255764 was asking for feedback from Sprint users. Posting is the only way to let him know about the problems. Would it have been any easier if I had posted each item as a separate post? Thanks for your curt answer!

.....I cant believe I am getting in the middle of this. Shahriar5252 this thread has moved light years past the first couple of posts(notice we are countless versions beyond and some 900+ pages) Vin busts his hump to produce in most of our opinions the greatest ROM ever built. We all have our opinions and have all tried other ROMs but found this thread to be our home. There is plenty of help in this forum from some of the best around, but to bust up in a rock solid forum "family" that is pretty tight and very defensive of Vin with what read like a complaint list, was kind of like a subtle insult.Vin cooks for stability and speed, hell most of us dont even overclock because its already quick enough. Please stick around and I promise that if your questions are worded properly this will be the last TP2 ROM you use.

Welcome to the Fam!

Vin 4 Pres!

Vin's Plutonium (hearts)
VZW 2.35 Radio

Last edited by IanPhillips1; 12-18-2010 at 10:03 AM. Reason: reword
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  #9315 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2010, 09:54 AM
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Re: 12.13.10 VINdows ROMs

Shahriar5252 - Here is a link to what you seek for heptic feedback, works like a charm, setting are in the system folder, multiple options.

[App] [01/26/2009] TouchResponse 0.3.2 - Vibrate on touch - xda-developers
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  #9316 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2010, 01:51 PM
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Re: 12.13.10 VINdows ROMs

Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 View Post
ya i never help anybody around here, i will compare my reputation to yours though. see i have a sense of humor which looks like your lacking and sometimes im on pppcg working and dont have time to answer a post that has 50 questions in it but i will try to help more people so i can get a better rep.
First, to me rep means nothing. You got thanked 5 times for the quoted post. There's nothing in that post that is useful IMO, but you're cool...so people just press a button on an internet forum. I was honestly trying to be similarly funny by posting that, though I apparently did a bad job (thought the exclamation mark might make it more obvious). If you don't have time, why reply at all or why not reply with "I'll try to help later"?

Since you brought it up about the whole rep thing, here's a little math. You have been thanked for 40.93% of your posts. I have been thanked for 57.34% of my posts. This is assuming that each thanks is to a unique post (which is not true, but percentages will just be lower with multiple thanks/post). By these numbers, you can conclude that your rep is higher only because you spend more time making posts on this internet forum. If we had the same number of posts (aka I average 41 posts/day), my 'rep' would be roughly 17% higher than yours.

I don't have any problem with you, but I don't appreciate you trying to think you're somehow better based off of 'rep'. Please don't be offended by this, I'm only trying to make a point and defend myself. You can delete this post if you wish, but I would appreciate if you would also delete the similarly off topic posts in response to my previous post .

Last edited by mwalt2; 12-18-2010 at 02:03 PM. Reason: spelling ;)
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  #9317 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2010, 02:08 PM
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Re: 12.13.10 VINdows ROMs

Originally Posted by mwalt2 View Post
First, to me rep means nothing. ***

You have been thanked for 40.93% of your posts. I have been thanked for 57.34% of my posts. ***

I don't have any problem with you, but I don't appreciate you trying to think you're somehow better based off of 'rep'. Please don't be offended by this, I'm only trying to make a point and defend myself.
That's good, cause my rep in real life just plain sucks! I wander home late at night, kicking neighborhood dogs, trash cans, and mail boxes. Usually I wind up crashing on the front yard, found usually in my traditional Al Bundy pose on Sat/Sun mornings. But enough about me...

I don't think D was saying he was better, rather, he was saying he's earned his keep here. I see your point about percentages, but ratio is only one side of the coin here. The consistency & volume of his help speak loudly. But don't forget, he's a Pens/Steelers Fan, so you have to keep that in mind...

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  #9318 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2010, 02:32 PM
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Re: 12.13.10 VINdows ROMs

Originally Posted by mwalt2 View Post
First, to me rep means nothing. You got thanked 5 times for the quoted post. There's nothing in that post that is useful IMO, but you're cool...so people just press a button on an internet forum. I was honestly trying to be similarly funny by posting that, though I apparently did a bad job (thought the exclamation mark might make it more obvious). If you don't have time, why reply at all or why not reply with "I'll try to help later"?

Since you brought it up about the whole rep thing, here's a little math. You have been thanked for 40.93% of your posts. I have been thanked for 57.34% of my posts. This is assuming that each thanks is to a unique post (which is not true, but percentages will just be lower with multiple thanks/post). By these numbers, you can conclude that your rep is higher only because you spend more time making posts on this internet forum. If we had the same number of posts (aka I average 41 posts/day), my 'rep' would be roughly 17% higher than yours.

I don't have any problem with you, but I don't appreciate you trying to think you're somehow better based off of 'rep'. Please don't be offended by this, I'm only trying to make a point and defend myself. You can delete this post if you wish, but I would appreciate if you would also delete the similarly off topic posts in response to my previous post .
my post was a joke to the guy with lots of issues/questions and i would never delete your post cause i dont like it or it offends me and i actually like that you explain yourself and voice your opinion. if this thread was all business i would not have posted my joke but its such a fun thread and vin likes a good chuckle as do others in here but if i offended you im sorry and was not my intention nor was it my intention to act better than anybody in here but i help a ton of people and lots of time its off the site on my own time. hope this explains my original post a little but it was kinda a inside joke to vin and few other guys. (resurrection/swear ect)
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  #9319 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2010, 03:23 PM
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Re: 12.13.10 VINdows ROMs

Oh,well three legged cat is homeless now...

I tryed to fix fm radio and after 2 days of screwing spl and radio,my TP2 is bricked

The good thing is now I know alot more about working with spl,.nb and.ndh.I even cooked Plutonium with 2.35 radio.Rare thing to see custom ROM with radio...

I guess its time for me to choose Droid or iOS or maybe cheapy prepaid phone lol
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  #9320 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2010, 03:45 PM
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Re: 12.13.10 VINdows ROMs

Originally Posted by vin255764 View Post
Oh,well three legged cat is homeless now...

I tryed to fix fm radio and after 2 days of screwing spl and radio,my TP2 is bricked

The good thing is now I know alot more about working with spl,.nb and.ndh.I even cooked Plutonium with 2.35 radio.Rare thing to see custom ROM with radio...

I guess its time for me to choose Droid or iOS or maybe cheapy prepaid phone lol
Hell, post your paypal addy so we can pitch in to get you another TP2!!
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