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Old 08-14-2009, 12:16 AM
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[VGA]Manila 2.1 Panoramic Background v2b

VGA Panoramic Mod for Gen.Y Manila 2.1

9 September 2009 update
-Fixed black curtain in secondary menus for Gen.Y Panorama v2b.cab

1 September 2009 update to v2b
-Updated/optimized lua script thanks to theboostman
-Default black curtain while sliding in all secondary menus (ie Music-Library) now
-Preview Icon while sliding made semi-transparent (75% opacity)
-Changed to Kamill's CompactHome Classic Full in 'VGA Gen.Y 2.1 Panorama with mods', as date, alarm, and carrier are all present in same layout as stock.

31 August 2009 update to v2a
-Fixed right side of landscape image not aligning with end of screen
-Made 'VGA Gen.Y 2.1 Panorama with mods' compatible with all Manila 2.1 language packs (also updated in 'v2.0 with mods')
-Added Kamill's CompactHome Standard to 'VGA Gen.Y 2.1 Panorama with mods'.
-Now shows 3 appointments on homescreen, 4 when clock pushed up, and auto-hiding call history.

21 August 2009 update to v2.0
-Compatible with all tab counts now
-Opaque background on all level 1 manila menus
-Again thanks to theboostman for these nice improvents!

20 August 2009 update to v1.2
-No more lines in portrait thanks to theboostman!
-Tweaked background image size to fix alignment issue at bottom of screen

17 August 2009 update to v1.1
-Added version for people who want 8 tabs in TF3D2.1 interface (is compatible with >4 tabs selected, image will not show when 4 or fewer tabs are present). Please note that 'Library' menus under music tab will not have a white background with the 8 tab compatible version.
-Fixed minor portrait image skew
-Improved landscape panorama - now uses the same 1536x512 image as portrait (can use same 512x512 image for both landscape and portrait now). It should also adjust correctly now to differing amounts of tabs.
-Changed Alarm icon

This is a panoramic mod for yozgatg's Gen.Y Manila 2.1 VGA port. Thanks go to yozgatg for his great port, NisseDILLIGAF and rotastrain for the panoramic mods they created, and Chainfire and 6Fg8 for their great development tools. This is based almost entirely on rotastrain's work, including being able to display the panoramic background while scrolling. I mainly got it to fit VGA correctly and changed the landscape panoramic view so that you can see the full wallpaper and it is not cut off. Many thanks to theboostman for removing lines in portrait mode and making the opaque white background appear in all menus and Kamill for the CompactHomeScreen mod.

You can watch a video of it in action here.

Gen.Y Panorama v2b contains only the panoramic manila files and the two backgrounds pictured above, so that you will still have the same slider, curtains, clock, etc.

Gen.Y Panorama with mods v2b.cab contains the panoramic manila files, and the two backgrounds pictured above, as well as the hidden when inactive call history/calendar (compatible with 25 languages), black-glass flip clock, Lucarp78's transparent slider, no curtains, and Kamill's CompactHome Classic Full. This is the version pictured and in the video. The icons by bullet7722 are not included.

Gen.Y Panorama mods v2b-No CompactHome
contains all things in Gen.Y Panorama with mods v.2b.cab except the CompactHome mod.

Gen.Y pano-slide move down fix 2b.cab will move the image down if it moves higher while sliding. Seems to be needed with NRG's Roms.

Known issues
-Some people are having the image move up/down while sliding across tabs. If this happens to use, please try the Gen.Y pano-slide move down fix.cab (do not uninstall VGA Gen.Y Panorama cab).
-Two thin vertical lines may appear on background in landscape mode

See Post #2 for more backgrounds!

Last edited by mwalt2; 09-09-2009 at 01:24 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-14-2009, 11:04 PM
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Re: [APP][VGA]Panoramic Background for Gen.Y Manila 2.1

1) I have Energy ROM and get blend of original background with the panoramic one.
See solution posted by hefman HERE.

2) What are the two thin vertical lines between images?
They are a by-product of the way the mod is written and cannot be fixed at this time (may be influenced by image quality).

3) The image moves up while sliding.
Please try Gen.Y pano-slide move down fix.cab from post #1.

Creating your own images:
Panoramic images for created as with the other panoramic mods (so search if you need a detailed guide ). Briefly, a 1536x512 panoramic picture is made into 3 sequential 512x512 .png images (named pano1,pano2,pano3 or whatever.). These images are then placed into 67ea4038_manila, 67fc58b9_manila, and 680e713a_manila for portrait with cfcgui and cfc compressed (optional). 6832a23c_manila, 6844babd_manila, and 682089BB_manila are the files for landscape. Copy them to /windows on your device and overwrite the ones there to change the background (requires restart of tf3d2.1). The manila files to edit are available here.

Guide for creating your own wallpapers by rotastrain.

Cabs for backgrounds I've made. Click image to download and restart manila/phone once cab is installed:
Most contain portrait and landscape cabs, so you can choose which you want. The zip contains cabs and larger .jpg to preview before install if you wish. Preview is portrait mode, landscape may be cropped.


Panoramas made by users here:

Portrait panorama by iullian here.

Portrait panorama by hansch here.

Portrait and landscape by Aaron McCarthy here. Updated to 1.1 here.

Deep Sky by Aaron McCarthy. Updated to 1.1 here.

The clock with 'no icons' removes the calendar and phone icon if you are using the cab with mods.

The icons seen in post one are available here.

For Reference:
NisseDILLIGAF's panoramic background.

rotastrains Mods for tf3d2 [Panoramic Background] in xperia forum

Last edited by mwalt2; 09-01-2009 at 01:35 PM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 08-15-2009, 02:33 AM
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Re: [APP][VGA]Panoramic Background for Gen.Y Manila 2.1

Good job & great detailed explanations !!!

Is it possible to make the same on TF3D1 : I mean the "no cut-off" image while scrolling ?

Thanks a lot,

  #4 (permalink)  
Old 08-15-2009, 08:43 PM
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Re: [APP][VGA]Panoramic Background for Gen.Y Manila 2.1

Originally Posted by RR33 View Post
Good job & great detailed explanations !!!

Is it possible to make the same on TF3D1 : I mean the "no cut-off" image while scrolling ?

Thanks a lot,

It shouldn't be too hard to get it to work on TF3D1, as it based off of NisseDILLIGAF's work (things have just been added). I'll look into it when I get some time if you don't mind testing it out for me .
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2009, 01:31 AM
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Re: [APP][VGA]Panoramic Background for Gen.Y Manila 2.1

Originally Posted by mwalt2 View Post
It shouldn't be too hard to get it to work on TF3D1, as it based off of NisseDILLIGAF's work (things have just been added). I'll look into it when I get some time if you don't mind testing it out for me .
Great, Thanks ^^

I wonder : wouldn't be better to put the full image 1536x512 instead of the 3 parts 512x512 ?
I know neither mode9 nor LUA so it may be too complicated to do...
  #6 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2009, 01:59 AM
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Re: [APP][VGA]Panoramic Background for Gen.Y Manila 2.1

wow that looks awesome
Remember 3-19-10, Sprint Winmo 6.5 release date

I <3 Android
  #7 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2009, 02:00 AM
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Re: [APP][VGA]Panoramic Background for Gen.Y Manila 2.1

Oh and hello to a fellow Michigander
  #8 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2009, 12:38 PM
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Re: [APP][VGA]Panoramic Background for Gen.Y Manila 2.1

All I can say is wow.... Great Job!!!

Please hit "Thanks" if I helped you.
  #9 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2009, 07:26 PM
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Re: [APP][VGA]Panoramic Background for Gen.Y Manila 2.1

im on energyrom with tf3d 2.1, and i installed hte darkearth cab, but nothing happened after i restarted tf3d and reset the phone

should i disable tf3d before installing?

edit: i got the main panorama cab in the first post to install, ill see if i can now install the dark earth cab
edit2: yep works great now
Please hit "Thanks" if I have helped you out in any way

Last edited by cesium; 08-16-2009 at 07:40 PM.
  #10 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2009, 07:38 PM
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Re: [APP][VGA]Panoramic Background for Gen.Y Manila 2.1

I installed the dark earth CAB and I noticed lines when switching through tabs...is that normal?
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