Re: <> 4-18-2010 <}{> Medium Hill ROM's <}{> Sense 2.5 <>
Well, just my luck... looks like everyone else gets to enjoy CHT 1.7.1 except me. lol.
I reinstalled the latest Verizon test rom yesterday, and have not had any issues with answering calls. Only cabs installed are total commander and my phone. Went though the calling test and all is well. I did notice that on one of my calling test, I happened to receive an email and sms at the same time... The call was in at about 20 seconds before my cell register the call and rang. I guess that is normal behavior, but never considered that maybe this type of behavior could cause scenarios where I here the phone only ring once or twice, and by the time I slide to answer the call, it has already been forwarded to voice mail, and I miss the call. I do get a lot of emails during the day, and I always have exchange sync emails as the arrive... so that above scenario might be much more common for me then most people.
On a side note, after uninstalling CHT 1.7.1 the other day my phone start acting really weird and unstable. Most notable was it started draining the battery really fast... it died within 4 hrs after a full nights charge. Anyways thought I pass on my experience.
Rhodium OC to 787 w/ Start Menu disabled.

Last edited by cls_; 04-29-2010 at 12:08 AM.