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  #111 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2009, 01:57 PM
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Re: [ROM]->>AUG 30<<-6.5 23017-clean-16MB PP-All Carriers-RZ Baseline 3.0 released!

Originally Posted by darkjje View Post
I am sure I'll like it plenty! I am actually trying to figure out how to update the sys in the kitchen myself. I want to try a later com3 branch such as 23053 so looks like I got some reading to do =)

I think my kitchen would make that very easy. just use 23053 organized in the old buildos style (all in one directory) and make a new folder called 23053 in SYS, place all the folders in there. on the XIP side you COULD just copy 23017 into a folder called 23503 or you could dump the xip.bin from 23053 using xipport (provided in the tools folder of my kitchen) and get the real thing in MSXIPKernel (leave oemxipkernel as it is - it is the 6.5 native kernel. if you get rid of the native kernel my kitchen will probably explode... or at least produce a CRAP *** rom...)
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  #112 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2009, 02:47 PM
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Re: [ROM][KITCHEN]->>SEP 29<<-WM 6.5 NK-All Carriers-RZ Baseline 3.1 released!

cool, thanks! going to give it a shot once rapidshare feels it's ready to let me start another download.

curse you, rapidshare!
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  #113 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2009, 02:51 PM
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Re: [ROM][KITCHEN]->>SEP 29<<-WM 6.5 NK-All Carriers-RZ Baseline 3.1 released!

If anyone wishes to mirror my files which are currently on rapidshare (easy to track the number of downloads to give me an approximation of usage), do so but let me know so I can add the mirror to the OP.
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  #114 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2009, 04:38 PM
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Re: [ROM][KITCHEN]->>SEP 29<<-WM 6.5 NK-All Carriers-RZ Baseline 3.1 released!

Update. Got the sys to build and everything, sept it stalls out at the preparing device part. Guess I'll just use the stock ROM instead. Thanks for all the help tho!
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  #115 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2009, 04:41 PM
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Re: [ROM][KITCHEN]->>SEP 29<<-WM 6.5 NK-All Carriers-RZ Baseline 3.1 released!

Originally Posted by darkjje View Post
Update. Got the sys to build and everything, sept it stalls out at the preparing device part. Guess I'll just use the stock ROM instead. Thanks for all the help tho!

are you using my XIP or the one from 23053? might want to verify that all the files are in it... also dummy sqm and dummy fwupdate are in in my OEM, so delete fwupdate and sqm from your sys and try again. I also keep wincenls_wwe in OEM too so might wanna remove that from your sys.

Last edited by raidzero; 09-29-2009 at 04:45 PM.
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  #116 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2009, 04:48 PM
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Re: [ROM][KITCHEN]->>SEP 29<<-WM 6.5 NK-All Carriers-RZ Baseline 3.1 released!

Was using your XIP and I compared the two directories and removed the ones in 53 that weren't in your 17 sys including sqm and fwupdate. Probably a bad idea and should have left it stock besides the two you said...
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  #117 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2009, 04:51 PM
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Re: [ROM][KITCHEN]->>SEP 29<<-WM 6.5 NK-All Carriers-RZ Baseline 3.1 released!

Originally Posted by darkjje View Post
Was using your XIP and I compared the two directories and removed the ones in 53 that weren't in your 17 sys including sqm and fwupdate. Probably a bad idea and should have left it stock besides the two you said...

are there any _skip files in any of your SYS folders? if there are, delete them

btw deleting stuff in the sys is ok, but there are some things that when you delete it stops working. if you keep all the stuff I have in my 23017 though you should be fine, I am not THAT familiar with the 6.5.1 builds, they have some new stuff, some of it may be critical... so as a troubleshooting measure, restore your sys to the way it was before you deleted anything. delete wincenls_wwe, sqm, and fwupdate, delete all _skip files. try to cook that..

Last edited by raidzero; 09-29-2009 at 04:54 PM.
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  #118 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2009, 05:35 PM
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Re: [ROM][KITCHEN]->>SEP 29<<-WM 6.5 NK-All Carriers-RZ Baseline 3.1 released!

Didn't look for the skip thing, oops.
I'll give it another shot tomorrow. For now I just kept your sys and removed the 2.5 icon set, along with the customized flame background + splash screen, Opera 9.5. Tomorrow I'll attempt the sys, removing/updating of iContact, and trying to murder the mannermode popup. As soon as I get a system up at my home again I'll be able to start digging in to this a lot more

Edit: Just noticed the items in the customization section in the start menu aren't working. Also just learned the flame files I edited don't seem to effect the start menus background.

Last edited by darkjje; 09-29-2009 at 05:50 PM.
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  #119 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2009, 07:23 PM
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Re: [ROM][KITCHEN]->>SEP 29<<-WM 6.5 NK-All Carriers-RZ Baseline 3.1 released!

Originally Posted by darkjje View Post
Didn't look for the skip thing, oops.
I'll give it another shot tomorrow. For now I just kept your sys and removed the 2.5 icon set, along with the customized flame background + splash screen, Opera 9.5. Tomorrow I'll attempt the sys, removing/updating of iContact, and trying to murder the mannermode popup. As soon as I get a system up at my home again I'll be able to start digging in to this a lot more

Edit: Just noticed the items in the customization section in the start menu aren't working. Also just learned the flame files I edited don't seem to effect the start menus background.
1, if you remove the splashscreen you should replace it with something else, I do not know how it will boot without one.
2, The flame bg is just in classic blue.tsk.
3, opera 9.5 is just an EXT
4, the customization scripts depend on mortscript, so if you remove clauncher or titaniumweather or opera titanium panel (one of those contais mortscript) they will fail.
5, icontact should be easy, just delete the ext. nothing else depends on it.
6, the start menu background is just the home screen wallpaper, which is in classic blue.tsk: set a new background through pictures and videos and it will change. if you want only the start menu bg to change, modify startmenubackground_480x640.png (not sure what the name is but just search for startmenu*.png or start*.png in the kitchen and you'll see.

hope it helps. modifying my kitchen may be a bit advanced, but will be a great learning experience and should make understanding other kitchens that much easier.
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  #120 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2009, 09:14 PM
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Re: [ROM][KITCHEN]->>SEP 29<<-WM 6.5 NK-All Carriers-RZ Baseline 3.1 released!

Whoops, I meant I already had done the above with the opera, background, bootscreen. But yea haven't done iContact yet, and thank you for the start menu info, I was going nuts trying to find that!
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