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  #2131 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2009, 05:30 PM
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Re: [Always Updating][KITCHEN]6.5 NK-23509/28004-TF2.1/2.5 & Titanium [UC/Sashimi]

Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
Anyone having any sms issues w/28005? At first I got the sim card error so I installed the sms sim card error fix cab I have, then I got this message in the pic. It's the first time I've seen that message.


So it was apparently trying to send smss as emails. Once I set up my email, texting seems to work fine.

Edit yet again,

SMS works from WM, but not thru manila. Attempting to send one through manila still gives me the error above.

Maybe I'll flash a different build to see if it's that or not.
feel free to hit me up if you need help or come in the ppcgeeks chat room & hollar. no need to reflash lol its a consequence of the classic messaging amarullz is building & its fixable in 30 seconds..
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  #2132 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2009, 11:14 PM
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Re: [Always Updating][KITCHEN]6.5 NK-23509/28004-TF2.1/2.5 & Titanium [UC/Sashimi]

Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
I just learned something new and wanted to share for anyone who has been trying to figure out how to do move programs out of the folders RZ has them in and onto the main start menu page. In the kitchen, use Notepad and just edit the app.dat file in EXT/Baseline/6_end/RZ_shortcut_placement. In that file you'll see it all laid out. For example, if you want to take File Explorer out of the Tools folder just change this line:

Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Tools"):-File("File Explorer.lnk","\Windows\fexplore.lnk")

to this

Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"):-File("File Explorer.lnk","\Windows\fexplore.lnk")
I occasionally flash RZ's pre-built ROMs as well, if I have no access to a computer and he releases a new one...so I set up a little mortscript with my SASHIMI build to automatically reorganize the start menu (my Start.reg is a list of itemposition values).

Move "\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Multimedia\*.*", "\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\"
Move "\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Tools\*.*", "\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\"
Move "\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Internet\*.*", "\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\"

Deltree "\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Multimedia"
Deltree "\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Tools"
Deltree "\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Internet"

RunWait("\Storage Card\SASHIMI\Program\Bin\taskMgr.exe", ToLower("\Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\REG\Start.reg") & " /silent")

HTC Touch Pro: raidzero 23569 kitchen custom rom [LatROM], sense 2.5.2016, 16mb pp

Replaced by an HTC Desire: DeFroST 5.x w/ HAVS kernel, 1113MHz ondemand
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  #2133 (permalink)  
Old 12-04-2009, 09:40 AM
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Re: [Always Updating][KITCHEN]6.5 NK-23509/28004-TF2.1/2.5 & Titanium [UC/Sashimi]

Originally Posted by drdrewdown View Post
feel free to hit me up if you need help or come in the ppcgeeks chat room & hollar. no need to reflash lol its a consequence of the classic messaging amarullz is building & its fixable in 30 seconds..
I Would like you cheer with us in this thread this thread need your support.
bonheur au revoir
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  #2134 (permalink)  
Old 12-04-2009, 09:43 AM
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Re: [Always Updating][KITCHEN]6.5 NK-23509/28004-TF2.1/2.5 & Titanium [UC/Sashimi]

Originally Posted by jdm627 View Post
I Would like you cheer with us in this thread this thread need your support.
this is true
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  #2135 (permalink)  
Old 12-04-2009, 11:04 AM
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Re: [Always Updating][KITCHEN]6.5 NK-23509/28004-TF2.1/2.5 & Titanium [UC/Sashimi]

Originally Posted by vernox701 View Post
Where can I find the clock and taskbar files in this kitchen....

clock is buried somewhere in the manila_core I am sure. taskbar is in SYS, its in shellres.192.dll, tshres.192.dll, and many more. download one of tsowen's taskbar packages to see the individual dll files that contain them.
Originally Posted by m_reyna_16 View Post
RZ, or anybody else...

1. how can i make an EXT so that i can replace a couple of stuff in the windows directory, such as the startup background and the .tsk file (RZ, i know you told me to do an EXT, but the question is how). do i have to include an app.dat file?

2. if i edit app.dat in EXT/Baseline/6_end/RZ_shortcut_replacement by adding a ";" in front of the directory where i dont want that app going, will that put everything in the startmenu? or do i need to edit the specified path?

For example:
Do i do this.....

";Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Office Mobile"):-File("Phone.lnk","\Windows\cprog.lnk")" //PUT A ";" IN FRONT OF THE LINE

or this...

"Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"):-File("Phone.lnk","\Windows\cprog.lnk")" //DELETED "OFFICE MOBILE" AFTER Programs DIRECTORY

EDIT: RZ, i used your bubblebreaker and solitare EXTs that you posted a while back and had no luck with them, just wondering if you can post a cab or something that i can install...

EDIT 2: it appears that the bubblebreaker and solitare EXTs do work, how do i edit the EXTs to make a shortcut on my games folder? i looked in the windows folder and they are there, just not in the games folder!
you are correct about editing app.dat files. to move solitaire and bubble breaker you just need to copy the contents of another app.dat and edit the links to point to the correct files. easy.
Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
I just learned something new and wanted to share for anyone who has been trying to figure out how to do move programs out of the folders RZ has them in and onto the main start menu page. In the kitchen, use Notepad and just edit the app.dat file in EXT/Baseline/6_end/RZ_shortcut_placement. In that file you'll see it all laid out. For example, if you want to take File Explorer out of the Tools folder just change this line:

Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Tools"):-File("File Explorer.lnk","\Windows\fexplore.lnk")

to this

Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"):-File("File Explorer.lnk","\Windows\fexplore.lnk")

That's the only one I've tried so far, but I'm assuming that it works for any of the others as well.

That's the arduous part of learning in the kitchen. You can only tell if it works after you cook it... over and over and over.
yes that's correct. what is not there is in individual ext app.dats and whats not there is in the initflashfiles.dat in oem_lang_0409.
Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
From what little I know about WinCE Cab Editor I think maybe you'd be able to extract them with it.
download the max manila package and extract all its *_manila files to a directory then drag that directory onto cfc_gui_2.5 in tools. you will be able to see which file is what graphic in manila.

In recent kitchens many things have been fixed, clear storage works, power icons are correct, last night one thing is messed up, the modules in resourceproxy need to be moved into the files dir. other than that its all working great. I have not explored manila at all since I slowed down on phone stuff. I have been concentrating on making a titanium only for myself, my wife, and people I work with to use since I have always been a titanium kind of guy. I am downloading 28008 right now to mess with it when I have time. I registered myself for tons of classes so I will not be on here that much, but I have not died lol.

Unix fundamentals - 7 hours - completed
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been busy with lots of stuff but I am still doing things here and there.. now off to see what has happened in the rom thread.
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  #2136 (permalink)  
Old 12-04-2009, 11:55 AM
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Re: [Always Updating][KITCHEN]6.5 NK-23509/28004-TF2.1/2.5 & Titanium [UC/Sashimi]

Great to see you back Glad to hear about all your upcoming learning. Thanks for letting us know what's going on in your life even though it's none of our business really. You are good people RZ. I guess when 28008 is ready we'll just see it in the kitchen, sys or xip file listings?
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  #2137 (permalink)  
Old 12-04-2009, 01:45 PM
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Re: [Always Updating][KITCHEN]6.5 NK-23509/28004-TF2.1/2.5 & Titanium [UC/Sashimi]

Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
Great to see you back Glad to hear about all your upcoming learning. Thanks for letting us know what's going on in your life even though it's none of our business really. You are good people RZ. I guess when 28008 is ready we'll just see it in the kitchen, sys or xip file listings?
28008 is ready now though I am still tweaking it, it will be in tonights xip/sys uploads, I have not stopped any of my upload routines. even though I may not get on this site that much anymore, I am still pretty active in the kitchen when I get time.

Last edited by raidzero; 12-04-2009 at 01:49 PM.
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  #2138 (permalink)  
Old 12-04-2009, 02:02 PM
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Re: [Always Updating][KITCHEN]6.5 NK-23509/28004-TF2.1/2.5 & Titanium [UC/Sashimi]

Hey RZ, one last question before you're off for another while...

In the 12/04/09 kitchen I noticed RZ CDMS SMS Fix is now in unused/7_manila_tweaks2.1. If I run the kitchen as is I get the Sim card error. I have the CDMS SMS Fix as a cab and have EXTfied it and cook it in and it fixes the SIM card error. I'm not sure if it's the same one you have in the kitchen. Why did you move it to the unused folder? It is necessary in order to not get the Sim card error message right?

Anway once I get past that error I get this error

I noticed you have HTCSense_amarullzNoMessagingClient_1.00-091126 in the 12/04/09 kitchen. This is supposed to fix that? On XDA I've found version 1.50 which I believe is the newest version. I've tried them both and edited the app.reg file as the xda site suggest to do but I still can't respond thru the text tab in manila or I get this message. I've seen this message talked about on the xda site, but haven't seen someone post a definitive solution. Is there one?

Also, you used to have a Zenyee Disable HTC Messaging EXT of some sort in your kitchens didn't you. I don't see it in kitchens from the past few days. Is this why I get this error message? I have the cab and can convert it if need be, but I just wasn't sure...

drdrewdown said there's a 30 second fix. Do you know what that fix is?

Last edited by Sharkie405; 12-04-2009 at 02:13 PM.
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  #2139 (permalink)  
Old 12-04-2009, 02:14 PM
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Re: [Always Updating][KITCHEN]6.5 NK-23509/28004-TF2.1/2.5 & Titanium [UC/Sashimi]

Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
Hey RZ, one last question before you're off for another while...

In the 12/04/09 kitchen I noticed RZ CDMS SMS Fix is now in unused/7_manila_tweaks2.1. If I run the kitchen as is I get the Sim card error. I have the CDMS SMS Fix as a cab and have EXTfied it and cook it in and it fixes the SIM card error. I'm not sure if it's the same one you have in the kitchen. Why did you move it to the unused folder? It is necessary in order to not get the Sim card error message right?

Anway once I get past that error I get this error

I noticed you have HTCSense_amarullzNoMessagingClient_1.00-091126 in the 12/04/09 kitchen. This is supposed to fix that? On XDA I've found version 1.50 which I believe is the newest version. I've tried them both and edited the app.reg file as the xda site suggest to do but I still can't respond thru the text tab in manila or I get this message. I've seen this message talked about on the xda site, but haven't seen someone post a definitive solution. Is there one?

Also, you used to have a Zenyee Disable HTC Messaging EXT of some sort in your kitchens didn't you. I don't see it in kitchens from the past few days. Is this why I get this error message? I have the cab and can convert it if need be, but I just wasn't sure...

drdrewdown said there's a 30 second fix. Do you know what that fix is?
please use the 12/01 amarullz client. it resolves all your issues
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  #2140 (permalink)  
Old 12-04-2009, 02:16 PM
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Re: [Always Updating][KITCHEN]6.5 NK-23509/28004-TF2.1/2.5 & Titanium [UC/Sashimi]

Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
Hey RZ, one last question before you're off for another while...

In the 12/04/09 kitchen I noticed RZ CDMS SMS Fix is now in unused/7_manila_tweaks2.1. If I run the kitchen as is I get the Sim card error. I have the CDMS SMS Fix as a cab and have EXTfied it and cook it in and it fixes the SIM card error. I'm not sure if it's the same one you have in the kitchen. Why did you move it to the unused folder? It is necessary in order to not get the Sim card error message right?

Anway once I get past that error I get this error

I noticed you have HTCSense_amarullzNoMessagingClient_1.00-091126 in the 12/04/09 kitchen. This is supposed to fix that? On XDA I've found version 1.50 which I believe is the newest version. I've tried them both and edited the app.reg file as the xda site suggest to do but I still can't respond thru the text tab in manila or I get this message. I've seen this message talked about on the xda site, but haven't seen someone post a definitive solution. Is there one?

Also, you used to have a Zenyee Disable HTC Messaging EXT of some sort in your kitchens didn't you. I don't see it in kitchens from the past few days. Is this why I get this error message? I have the cab and can convert it if need be, but I just wasn't sure...

drdrewdown said there's a 30 second fix. Do you know what that fix is?
the SMS fix I had is for 2.1 only, which is why it is in 2.1 tweaks. I have not been on xda since I started real life, so I do not know what is going on there. I did go on today to get 28008 but thats all, I have not followed the manila 2.5 porting process in a while. I do not know what the fix is, but dr drew has been very helpful in my absence from what I have seen, I am sure he will share it if asked.
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