Originally Posted by Sharkie405
I just learned something new and wanted to share for anyone who has been trying to figure out how to do move programs out of the folders RZ has them in and onto the main start menu page. In the kitchen, use Notepad and just edit the app.dat file in EXT/Baseline/6_end/RZ_shortcut_placement. In that file you'll see it all laid out. For example, if you want to take File Explorer out of the Tools folder just change this line:
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Tools"):-File("File Explorer.lnk","\Windows\fexplore.lnk")
to this
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"):-File("File Explorer.lnk","\Windows\fexplore.lnk")
I occasionally flash RZ's pre-built ROMs as well, if I have no access to a computer and he releases a new one...so I set up a little mortscript with my SASHIMI build to automatically reorganize the start menu (my Start.reg is a list of itemposition values).
Move "\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Multimedia\*.*", "\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\"
Move "\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Tools\*.*", "\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\"
Move "\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Internet\*.*", "\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\"
Deltree "\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Multimedia"
Deltree "\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Tools"
Deltree "\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Internet"
RunWait("\Storage Card\SASHIMI\Program\Bin\taskMgr.exe", ToLower("\Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\REG\Start.reg") & " /silent")