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  #391 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2010, 03:51 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - Auto-brightness Testing: 10-28. Automatic Keyboard Detection!

Originally Posted by ModmyPPC View Post
Read the second post in this thread.

Can someone tell me whats the advantage of running this opposed to Reefermattness [CAB] version?

This would wipe the phone clean with the task29 and run android only correct? What advantages does this give.

Thanks guys
I wouldn't say it gives any advantages over haret right now, but eventually it should give a performance and power benefit, and it would open up the possibility for chefs to cook Android ROMs for the TP2.
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  #392 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2010, 03:54 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - Auto-brightness Testing: 10-28. Automatic Keyboard Detection!

Originally Posted by ModmyPPC View Post
Read the second post in this thread.

Can someone tell me whats the advantage of running this opposed to Reefermattness [CAB] version?

This would wipe the phone clean with the task29 and run android only correct? What advantages does this give.

Thanks guys
Advantage? Do you not know what we mean by NAND? This thread is for people testing to flash Android to our devices. Currently it's only a partial NAND, as Android still depends on the SD card but it does get rid of WinMo completely.

So I'm not sure what you mean by 'what advantages does this give' - it's not nearly at the level where haret is, so you won't get many advantages by running the NAND test, other than no mo WinMo.
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  #393 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2010, 04:07 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - Auto-brightness Testing: 10-28. Automatic Keyboard Detection!

Originally Posted by Lmiller1708 View Post
Great job Nate! I think it's a good idea at least for now to have our own Rootfs... Do you want to add my code to set the LCDDensity?
I posted it here.

How is everyone's battery life with NAND? Mine seems to drain in only a couple of hours a lot faster then Haret...
I'm testing a little with LCD Density. I'm trying to move away from cluttering the andboot folder with unnecessary files. I'm thinking about searching the froyo.user.conf or creating our own config file (like startup.txt) to grab this info from. That way we can just add custom commands to the for overriding default settings.

Tell me if I'm understanding this correctly. LCD Density is kind of like resolution for a monitor, right? It has nothing to do with differing panels used on the devices?

I wonder if this would work for changing it within Android: [App] [Root] LCDDensity (safe) - xda-developers
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  #394 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2010, 04:16 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - Auto-brightness Testing: 10-28. Automatic Keyboard Detection!

Originally Posted by natemcnutty View Post
Tell me if I'm understanding this correctly. LCD Density is kind of like resolution for a monitor, right? It has nothing to do with differing panels used on the devices?

I wonder if this would work for changing it within Android: [App] [Root] LCDDensity (safe) - xda-developers
Yes, that is how I understand and perceive it to function. Thanks for the hard work, I'm sure you'll figure out something.

That app looks interesting... never tried it.
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  #395 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2010, 04:22 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - Auto-brightness Testing: 10-28. Automatic Keyboard Detection!

Originally Posted by natemcnutty View Post
I'm testing a little with LCD Density. I'm trying to move away from cluttering the andboot folder with unnecessary files. I'm thinking about searching the froyo.user.conf or creating our own config file (like startup.txt) to grab this info from. That way we can just add custom commands to the for overriding default settings.

Tell me if I'm understanding this correctly. LCD Density is kind of like resolution for a monitor, right? It has nothing to do with differing panels used on the devices?

I wonder if this would work for changing it within Android: [App] [Root] LCDDensity (safe) - xda-developers
Since we only deal with Rhod, there is really no need to change the lcd density that much. We could always just set it in the tinboot cmdline so we dont have to bother with it.
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  #396 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2010, 04:25 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - Auto-brightness Testing: 10-28. Automatic Keyboard Detection!

Originally Posted by [ACL] View Post
Since we only deal with Rhod, there is really no need to change the lcd density that much. We could always just set it in the tinboot cmdline so we dont have to bother with it.
True. 240 is supposedly the 'best' resolution for our phones, and most apps fit in this resolution.

Was there any reason NAND was set to 210? I never really knew why it was like that
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  #397 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2010, 04:37 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - Auto-brightness Testing: 10-28. Automatic Keyboard Detection!

Originally Posted by arrrghhh View Post
True. 240 is supposedly the 'best' resolution for our phones, and most apps fit in this resolution.

Was there any reason NAND was set to 210? I never really knew why it was like that
It was never set actually. So by default we use whatever is on the build prop which happened to be 210 since xdandroid is for everyone. I've always added it to the conf file, but if we can avoid it might as well just throw it on the tinboot cmdline so we can just forget about it.
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  #398 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2010, 04:40 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - Auto-brightness Testing: 10-28. Automatic Keyboard Detection!

Originally Posted by arrrghhh View Post
True. 240 is supposedly the 'best' resolution for our phones, and most apps fit in this resolution.

Was there any reason NAND was set to 210? I never really knew why it was like that
Not sure why either... It seems that 210 was the default. And for me it caused my ADW.launcher to FC all the time.

Why don't we just add it to the cmdline for 240 and call it a done deal.

I agree with you that we should not clutter the andboot folder! If there are more things that need to change maybe we can just use the command line.

Edit: Looks like ACL beat me!

Last edited by Lmiller1708; 10-29-2010 at 04:44 PM.
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  #399 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2010, 04:46 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - Auto-brightness Testing: 10-28. Automatic Keyboard Detection!

Awesome. I'll modify the tinboot file to hard code 240 in there and call it a day.

At some point, ACL, you want to just add the lcd density command to tinboot/tinboot2.S - tinboot-linux-msm in Tinboot for linux-msm - Gitorious so we have it on git?

And actually, we can remove physkeyboard and hw3d.force from the command line on all of them so the people playing around with compiling their own stuff don't get hw3d forced off if they don't modify that file.

Last edited by natemcnutty; 10-29-2010 at 04:49 PM.
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  #400 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2010, 05:21 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - Auto-brightness Testing: 10-28. Automatic Keyboard Detection!

Originally Posted by natemcnutty View Post
Awesome. I'll modify the tinboot file to hard code 240 in there and call it a day.

At some point, ACL, you want to just add the lcd density command to tinboot/tinboot2.S - tinboot-linux-msm in Tinboot for linux-msm - Gitorious so we have it on git?

And actually, we can remove physkeyboard and hw3d.force from the command line on all of them so the people playing around with compiling their own stuff don't get hw3d forced off if they don't modify that file.
Yeah... sounds like a solid plan. I'll commit those changes.
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