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Old 10-29-2010, 04:22 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - Auto-brightness Testing: 10-28. Automatic Keyboard Detection!

Originally Posted by natemcnutty View Post
I'm testing a little with LCD Density. I'm trying to move away from cluttering the andboot folder with unnecessary files. I'm thinking about searching the froyo.user.conf or creating our own config file (like startup.txt) to grab this info from. That way we can just add custom commands to the for overriding default settings.

Tell me if I'm understanding this correctly. LCD Density is kind of like resolution for a monitor, right? It has nothing to do with differing panels used on the devices?

I wonder if this would work for changing it within Android: [App] [Root] LCDDensity (safe) - xda-developers
Since we only deal with Rhod, there is really no need to change the lcd density that much. We could always just set it in the tinboot cmdline so we dont have to bother with it.
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