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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2012, 05:33 PM
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Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
The Hero came out 3 years ago and the only reason JB wouldn't run as well is because the hardware is too old, that's a really stupid analogy considering the first WP7 device shipped with a snapdragon.

What's funny is JellyBean actually works with only a few issues on the Hero

[ROM] ELIGOROM 3.0.0p1, now with more jellybean! cam works 8/26/2012 - xda-developers

so the device is STILL relevant 3 years later. Same with the iPhone 3GS, it is still getting updated and you can port Siri etc...

You can try to spin it any way you want, but at the end of the day everyone can see you just flat out refuse to see any faults and have the worst case of tunnel vision ever. Even when NO ONE brings up Android you just randomly bash it, it's the weirdest thing, it's like you get paid by MS or something.

How they let you moderate a site with that type of condescending and closed-minded attitude is just beyond me.
Lol I said that once b4 and it was over looked glad folks are just now waking up to it ..

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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2012, 06:35 PM
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Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
The Hero came out 3 years ago and the only reason JB wouldn't run as well is because the hardware is too old, that's a really stupid analogy considering the first WP7 device shipped with a snapdragon.

What's funny is JellyBean actually works with only a few issues on the Hero

[ROM] ELIGOROM 3.0.0p1, now with more jellybean! cam works 8/26/2012 - xda-developers

so the device is STILL relevant 3 years later. Same with the iPhone 3GS, it is still getting updated and you can port Siri etc...

You can try to spin it any way you want, but at the end of the day everyone can see you just flat out refuse to see any faults and have the worst case of tunnel vision ever. Even when NO ONE brings up Android you just randomly bash it, it's the weirdest thing, it's like you get paid by MS or something.

How they let you moderate a site with that type of condescending and closed-minded attitude is just beyond me.
He moderates at WPcentral....
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2012, 07:09 PM
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Re: Maybe Moving from Windows. Would like some real input reivews from users

gee folks. Sorry I asked.

You guys used to be very helpful with plenty of insight and assistance when I needed it.

Mods, If you would just close this thread or even delete it. My feeling won't be hurt. There's really nothing of any benefit here.

Thanks Inando84 for that link to Endgaget. I did not realize that the Photo 4G was only just released. Had I known it was that new on the market, I wouldn't have been asking for user reviews and input. It obviously hasn't been out long enough to really get used. My fault. I just didn't know.

Last edited by JohnMcD348; 08-27-2012 at 07:14 PM.
  #24 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2012, 07:13 PM
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Originally Posted by JohnMcD348 View Post
gee folks. Sorry I asked.

You guys used to be very helpful with plenty of insight and assistance when I needed it.

Mods, If you would just close this thread or even delete it. My feeling won't be hurt. There's really nothing of any benefit here.
Well if u really want insight hit up phonescoop and do a side by side comparison of phones u might be interested in I do it all the time..

Sent from my PG86100 using tapatalk 2

Last edited by rrjskj; 08-27-2012 at 07:19 PM.
  #25 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2012, 07:34 PM
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Re: Maybe Moving from Windows. Would like some real input reivews from users

Originally Posted by austin420 View Post
You should see what he posts about this site on other sites. He constantly bashes us on wpcentral.

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here is a good one here...
Switching from Android to Win7 - Page 3 - Windows Phone Forums at wpcentral.com

he blatantly does on other sites what i got banned from this site for. word for word if anyone recalls correctly.
also, look towards the bottom of the thread where he brags on getting banned from here.
he is a troll in the truest sense of the word. ive been trying to get this info out here for a long time, but no one listens, because apparently every one besides eric is a trouble maker or "neer-do-well".
Those posts on WPCentral are over a year old.
Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
The Hero came out 3 years ago and the only reason JB wouldn't run as well is because the hardware is too old, that's a really stupid analogy considering the first WP7 device shipped with a snapdragon.

What's funny is JellyBean actually works with only a few issues on the Hero

[ROM] ELIGOROM 3.0.0p1, now with more jellybean! cam works 8/26/2012 - xda-developers

so the device is STILL relevant 3 years later. Same with the iPhone 3GS, it is still getting updated and you can port Siri etc...

You can try to spin it any way you want, but at the end of the day everyone can see you just flat out refuse to see any faults and have the worst case of tunnel vision ever. Even when NO ONE brings up Android you just randomly bash it, it's the weirdest thing, it's like you get paid by MS or something.

How they let you moderate a site with that type of condescending and closed-minded attitude is just beyond me.
It's not an official JB or ICS though. My attitude is nowhere near condescending or closed-minded,look at the first WP7 threads and then tell me what closed-minded is.
  #26 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2012, 08:38 PM
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Originally Posted by JohnMcD348 View Post
gee folks. Sorry I asked.

You guys used to be very helpful with plenty of insight and assistance when I needed it.

Mods, If you would just close this thread or even delete it. My feeling won't be hurt. There's really nothing of any benefit here.

Thanks Inando84 for that link to Endgaget. I did not realize that the Photo 4G was only just released. Had I known it was that new on the market, I wouldn't have been asking for user reviews and input. It obviously hasn't been out long enough to really get used. My fault. I just didn't know.
Sorry for hijacking your thread, you didn't deserve that, you witnessed part of frustrations by some that had nothing to do with this.

The flame and off topic comments should have been moderated probably and I didn't help your cause.

Again, sorry for the derailment.

@ Eric , I've said what I thought, at the end of the day it's up to you to decide how you want to conduct yourself in life . I have nothing against you and I think your WP knowledge is useful and helpful at times.

But you like to stir shit up and cause drama and that just gets old

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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2012, 09:40 PM
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Re: Maybe Moving from Windows. Would like some real input reivews from users

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
Sorry for hijacking your thread, you didn't deserve that, you witnessed part of frustrations by some that had nothing to do with this.

The flame and off topic comments should have been moderated probably and I didn't help your cause.

Again, sorry for the derailment.

@ Eric , I've said what I thought, at the end of the day it's up to you to decide how you want to conduct yourself in life . I have nothing against you and I think your WP knowledge is useful and helpful at times.

But you like to stir shit up and cause drama and that just gets old

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I have nothing against you pr anyone else personally either. I don't try to stir up anything, it's just that my posts do get misinterpreted alot due to past wounds that still have yet to heal it seems.
  #28 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2012, 10:13 PM
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Re: Maybe Moving from Windows. Would like some real input reivews from users

Thanks O.k. I get that sometimes but what this thread has basically turned into is a

Fan Boys gone Apesh!t thread.

I've been, what's considered, a loyal Windows follower from the days of WinCE just a couple years or so prior to WinMo2003. Probably close to 12 years. But I also get that other OS's have benefits and weaknesses. Much the same as people who think their Cell Phone provider is better than anything else and everyone elses, just plain Suck. I, myself, have never really felt that strongly about these material things. I simply go with what serves my purposes.

Just like people who drive Fords, think Chevy is the worst POS on the planet. I drive a Dodge. Not because I don't like Ford or Chevy Su@k, but, because when the time came for me to get a new vehicle, I wanted a 4x4 truck. Ford and Chevy had 4 door trucks but Dodge had a MegaCab 4door that had more space than many full size cars(You can even recline the rear seats) That fit my needs where the others did not. So, that's what I drive. The same thing drives my thoughts when looking for the next item to suit my needs. What does it better? It has nothing to do with what's the latest and greatest. I have a set of specifications I want and I look for the item that fills it closest or best.

Last edited by JohnMcD348; 08-27-2012 at 10:16 PM.
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