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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 08-24-2012, 02:39 PM
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Question Help me choose a new Sprint phone

I am looking for opinions on my Sprint upgrade. I stuck with Windows phones since 2001 but after M$ pulled the plug on the essential WM services while most users were still under contract, I can't trust them anymore. So, assuming Sprint would get an iPhone 5 this September, which phone would you recommend and why ? Evo 3G vs Galaxy vs Iphone 4 vs iPhone 5. I want stability, speed, functionality (communication, office apps, multimedia, note taking, good phone / video would. be nice) basically using it as a mini computer), good battery life. I don't play games so they don't matter. I am not afraid to flash custom ROMs. Android seems more attractive because of customizable everything, but I also like the way everything on the iPhone just works, and I like Siri.

So what do you think ? I am eligible now but can wait.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-24-2012, 04:44 PM
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Re: Help me choose a new Sprint phone

Originally Posted by Amamba View Post
Evo 3G vs Galaxy vs Iphone 4 vs iPhone 5. I want stability, speed, functionality (communication, office apps, multimedia, note taking, good phone / video would. be nice) basically using it as a mini computer), good battery life. I don't play games so they don't matter. I am not afraid to flash custom ROMs. Android seems more attractive because of customizable everything, but I also like the way everything on the iPhone just works, and I like Siri.
The Galaxy III is strong and well received. If you like flashing and customizing, this may be the device for you. On the other hand, if you just want something that 'works' the iPhone 5 would be a good choice. If you can wait for the iPhone 5, do so. Have a blast out there.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 08-24-2012, 10:56 PM
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Re: Help me choose a new Sprint phone

Can't trust MS but are willing to trust Google? That's kinda ironic, anyway the upcoming WP8 phones should be more than sufficient for those needs stated. In fact WP in it's current state is also sufficient.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 08-25-2012, 07:15 AM
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Re: Help me choose a new Sprint phone

Originally Posted by eric12341 View Post
Can't trust MS but are willing to trust Google? That's kinda ironic, anyway the upcoming WP8 phones should be more than sufficient for those needs stated. In fact WP in it's current state is also sufficient.
For the love of God Eric, please give it up already!! Seeing you promote wp7, tmobile, and now wp8 in each & every single thread you possibly get the chance to here, got old last year!! I'm fairly positive that most(if not all) ppc geeks members are aware of the fact that you love anything tmobile/microsoft/WP and hate everything sprint/google/android..we all got that!! I hope you know that the continuous repeating of the same old crap isn't convincing anyone to see things your way/change their opinions!! OP(Amamba) left a post letting us all know about his/her own personal experience with m$(all valid reason why he/she feels they way they do)!! Who are you to come here and try saying it's ironic? I'm failing to see it how it's, in any way, ironic to OP's situation? The starting first 2 sentences should have told you all you needed to know(1st sprint upgrade,2nd no more wm or WP)..NO POINT FOR YOUR POST!!! Please eric, just move on next time without the useless blah blah blah!!

@ OP.. I'd either go with the EvoLTE or with the Galaxy III(like mentioned by tink) If you can, take a ride up to a sprint store and play with a few different devices. See which feels best to ya(some might feel like a toy). I personally have the evo3d and love it but have been eyeballing both of these. Can't go wrong with either
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Last edited by lnando84; 08-25-2012 at 07:47 AM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 08-25-2012, 08:00 AM
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Re: Help me choose a new Sprint phone

Originally Posted by lnando84 View Post
For the love of God Eric, please give it up already!! Seeing you promote wp7, tmobile, and now wp8 in each & every single thread you possibly get the chance to here, got old last year!! I'm fairly positive that most(if not all) ppc geeks members are aware of the fact that you love anything tmobile/microsoft/WP and hate everything sprint/google/android..we all got that!! I hope you know that the continuous repeating of the same old crap isn't convincing anyone to see things your way/change their opinions!! OP(Amamba) left a post letting us all know about his/her own personal experience with m$(all valid reason why he/she feels they way they do)!! Who are you to come here and try saying it's ironic? I'm failing to see it how it's, in any way, ironic to OP's situation? The starting first 2 sentences should have told you all you needed to know(1st sprint upgrade,2nd no more wm or WP)..NO POINT FOR YOUR POST!!! Please eric, just move on next time without the useless blah blah blah!!

@ OP.. I'd either go with the EvoLTE or with the Galaxy III(like mentioned by tink) If you can, take a ride up to a sprint store and play with a few different devices. See which feels best to ya(some might feel like a toy). I personally have the evo3d and love it but have been eyeballing both of these. Can't go wrong with either
I don't hate sprint, and you see I didn't mention anything about T-mobile. I was just saying that WP should be sufficient for his/her needs that have been stated. Reason why I said that about Google is because they're known to sell personal information.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 08-25-2012, 08:39 AM
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Re: Help me choose a new Sprint phone

Originally Posted by eric12341 View Post
I don't hate sprint, and you see I didn't mention anything about T-mobile. I was just saying that WP should be sufficient for his/her needs that have been stated. Reason why I said that about Google is because they're known to sell personal information.
LOL.. sure sounds like there's hatred in so many of your posts!! Anyways..OP asked for help choosing a new phone, named a few devices, and also said no more wp! Tink named a few devices and reasons why(as asked)..where are your suggested devices? Sure sounds like another one of your m$/WP plugs!!

And again..so what? OP specified his/her distrust for m$(& nothing of the same for google) so it's in no way ironic to him/her..maybe to you but not them!! How many times do you think the (frequent)members want to read your repetitive posts?

Last edited by lnando84; 08-25-2012 at 09:23 AM.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 08-25-2012, 12:26 PM
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Re: Help me choose a new Sprint phone

Originally Posted by lnando84 View Post
LOL.. sure sounds like there's hatred in so many of your posts!! Anyways..OP asked for help choosing a new phone, named a few devices, and also said no more wp! Tink named a few devices and reasons why(as asked)..where are your suggested devices? Sure sounds like another one of your m$/WP plugs!!

And again..so what? OP specified his/her distrust for m$(& nothing of the same for google) so it's in no way ironic to him/her..maybe to you but not them!! How many times do you think the (frequent)members want to read your repetitive posts?
Just because something sounds like something doesn't make it so. If I would recommend an android I would say the EVO LTE,but he/she shouldn't exclude WP as an option. I wasn't trying to start anything with that post.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 08-25-2012, 07:17 PM
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Re: Help me choose a new Sprint phone

Originally Posted by Amamba View Post
I am looking for opinions on my Sprint upgrade. I stuck with Windows phones since 2001 but after M$ pulled the plug on the essential WM services while most users were still under contract, I can't trust them anymore. So, assuming Sprint would get an iPhone 5 this September, which phone would you recommend and why ? Evo 3G vs Galaxy vs Iphone 4 vs iPhone 5. I want stability, speed, functionality (communication, office apps, multimedia, note taking, good phone / video would. be nice) basically using it as a mini computer), good battery life. I don't play games so they don't matter. I am not afraid to flash custom ROMs. Android seems more attractive because of customizable everything, but I also like the way everything on the iPhone just works, and I like Siri.

So what do you think ? I am eligible now but can wait.
Realistically speaking at this point no matter what high end device you buy it will in a way "just work" or in a way "just not work". The specs of these devices are so high they pretty much account for any sort of lag or anything. The things start varying though hardware wise like radio and etc. So at this point most devices failure comes from poor engineering or getting a dud. Which no phone is immune to.

As far as communication, office apps, multimedia any high end phone will do. IF you chose to go Android, most of these have a Siri alternative. Now the problem comes with taking notes part. Most of the new phones come with capacitive screens instead of resistive. If you plan to take notes with a stylus like device I wouldn't recommend it. The only phone that can take notes via stylus is the Galaxy Note and LG Optimus Vu. Though neither exist on sprint at the moment. Maybe the Galaxy Note 2 will have a higher carrier adoption who knows.

I say use your 14 days to try out the devices and read up on any issues each device has and see if those issues effect you or not.

Originally Posted by eric12341 View Post
Can't trust MS but are willing to trust Google? That's kinda ironic, anyway the upcoming WP8 phones should be more than sufficient for those needs stated. In fact WP in it's current state is also sufficient.
He is talking about them abandoning wm platform and killing all services.

Originally Posted by eric12341 View Post
I don't hate sprint, and you see I didn't mention anything about T-mobile. I was just saying that WP should be sufficient for his/her needs that have been stated. Reason why I said that about Google is because they're known to sell personal information.
Right, an the moon is made of cheese . Google does not sell personal information. Google is regularly audited by the government since they have a search monopoly. Same way microsoft is audited on their OS because they hold a monopoly there.


And guys if your going to hold a personal discussion rather then help out. Either take it to the cage or PM but not here.
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Last edited by gTen; 08-25-2012 at 07:20 PM.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 08-25-2012, 09:47 PM
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Re: Help me choose a new Sprint phone

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Realistically speaking at this point no matter what high end device you buy it will in a way "just work" or in a way "just not work". The specs of these devices are so high they pretty much account for any sort of lag or anything. The things start varying though hardware wise like radio and etc. So at this point most devices failure comes from poor engineering or getting a dud. Which no phone is immune to.

As far as communication, office apps, multimedia any high end phone will do. IF you chose to go Android, most of these have a Siri alternative. Now the problem comes with taking notes part. Most of the new phones come with capacitive screens instead of resistive. If you plan to take notes with a stylus like device I wouldn't recommend it. The only phone that can take notes via stylus is the Galaxy Note and LG Optimus Vu. Though neither exist on sprint at the moment. Maybe the Galaxy Note 2 will have a higher carrier adoption who knows.

I say use your 14 days to try out the devices and read up on any issues each device has and see if those issues effect you or not.

He is talking about them abandoning wm platform and killing all services.

Right, an the moon is made of cheese . Google does not sell personal information. Google is regularly audited by the government since they have a search monopoly. Same way microsoft is audited on their OS because they hold a monopoly there.


And guys if your going to hold a personal discussion rather then help out. Either take it to the cage or PM but not here.
Well they're getting ready to launch their ecosystem in high gear so something had to give, I'm sure it wasn't intended to be personal. I'm also not trying to fight with anyone.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 08-26-2012, 01:06 AM
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Re: Help me choose a new Sprint phone

Wow. I didn't want to start a pillow fight on the forum...

I think WM was a great platform. I still like it. I am sure WP7/8 is great. However, MS decided to pull the plug on WM while being fully aware that all major providers were still selling WM phones with 2 year contracts. And they didn't merely abandon the platform, they seem to have went out of their way to kill it. They killed MyPhone. They made SkyDrive all but unusable for WM devices. I can use MS Skydrive with my wife's Android phone and our Android tablets, I can use Dropbox and Box.net with my Windows Mobile phone, but I can't use MS Skydrive on MS WM phone. Finally, Bing Navigation quits working. Again, they are perfectly aware that there are tens of thousands of users still under contract. A normal reliable company would've waited for 2 years after the major providers discontinued WM devices to kill the services. So why would I want to stick with MS ? They've fooled me once already.

So, it's Android vs iOS, and looks like Galaxy III vs Evo 4G LTE. I am not getting 4G where I live, btw.

I tried Android's alternatives to Siri and they suck. OTOH, I like to tinker with my devices. Also, we already have 2 Android tablets and one Android phone, it makes sense to get an Android device. Should I wait until Sprint gets iPhone 5 ? (This may not happen for a while, it seems). Perhaps then the price on smartphones would drop - right now, to upgrade to either of the Android phones would cost me $200.

Also, can you compare a few features between the three phones above ?

1) Pic / video quality - I know they all have 8 mp cameras and hd video, but I assume the output isn't equal.

2) Battery life. From what I read Galaxy wins, then Evo, then iPhone ?

3) Overall "speed", feeling of the phone - which one is / feels faster ?

4) Multitasking... Android is supposed to have it but it doesn't always work on my Nexus 7 tablet. I like to be able to listen to the music while browsing internet / reading a book / editing a spreadsheet. No problems in WM, but can be problematic in Android. Although this may be device specific.

Last edited by Amamba; 08-26-2012 at 01:18 AM.
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