Originally Posted by eric12341
I don't hate sprint, and you see I didn't mention anything about T-mobile. I was just saying that WP should be sufficient for his/her needs that have been stated. Reason why I said that about Google is because they're known to sell personal information.

LOL.. sure sounds like there's hatred in so many of your posts!! Anyways..OP asked for help choosing a new phone, named a few devices, and also said no more wp! Tink named a few devices and reasons why(as asked)..where are your suggested devices? Sure sounds like another one of your m$/WP plugs!!
And again..so what? OP specified his/her distrust for m$(& nothing of the same for google) so it's in no way ironic to him/her..maybe to you but not them!! How many times do you think the (frequent)members want to read your repetitive posts?