Re: Maybe Moving from Windows. Would like some real input reivews from users
Well, I get a better deal with Sprint and I've been with them for the better part of 14 or so years including my initial time with NexTel before being moved over. I'm really just interested in the phone , if I do move over to Droid.
BTW, I found the answer to one of my questions about the dual ports on the side. I now know that 1 is an HDMI port.
I think my biggest question is about expansion. I did no see anything in the pics about SD card slots. I think that might be a deal breaker for me. I listen to alot of podcasts and such so I take up a lot of memory on my Arrive. I even upgraded the memory on it with the 32gb card so I would stop running out of room with the 16gb it came with.