Maybe Moving from Windows. Would like some real input reivews from users
I've been a Windows user for many many years. From the old PDA days, up to the current, now discontinued HTC Arrive.
So anyway, since Sprint is no longer selling the Arrive and there's not really a newer WP8 device yet named, I was looking today at the different Droid phones that cold replace it. My wife has the Epic 4G and has really liked it. I've been up for renewal now for more than a year but was waiting for the next WP to come out.
Anyway, she really likes the Epic. I've really liked Windows, but I'm far from a Fanboy about it. I had a few things about the phone I wasn't sure on, I really didn't give it that close of a look.
How is the call quality on the phone?
I don't see or notice any kind of SD/MicroSD slot. IS there one for expandability?
What's the purpose of the dual USB ports?
How are Motorola Smartphones? I used a lot of Motorola phones with NexTel but never one of their Smartphones. I have pretty much been an HTC person from PDAs to cellphones up to this point.
Thanks for the input. It's appreciated.