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  #131 (permalink)  
Old 09-24-2009, 03:48 PM
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Re: Sprint replacing for TP2

Originally Posted by Table83 View Post
Frankly I agree with you. Sprint set this system up, and didn't think of the consequences of doing so. This is the way that it works.

I'm actually a sprint stock holder. I don't agree with the way they have set this up, and because of it their stock is down! http://www.google.com/finance?q=s

But frankly it's a realization that you and I have to deal with. So just deal with it and don't take it out on these forums. You should help us build here. (If the phones were built better then sprint wouldn't need to have such amazing insurance.) I believe Dan Hesse see's that. He is actually starting to accept better phones, and their rate plans are starting to be really competitive. That makes me glad. Hence the new Hero with that beautiful Sence UI in it!

When they have solid phones maybe they will minimize these types of issues instead of just swapping out a phone every time.

why should i pay when i can get a replacement...let the rich people buy the phone!!!!lmfao
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  #132 (permalink)  
Old 09-24-2009, 03:57 PM
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Re: Sprint replacing for TP2

Originally Posted by achqm5 View Post
I think we can all agree, even though it may be bad for sprint business wise, that TPs will eventually be replaced with TP2s. Just a matter of time.

Here's how the path that I took to get to where I am now.

First phone: Treo 700. I broke the Screen. Filed a claim through TEP.
Second Phone: Asurion replaced Treo 700 with Treo 755. Woke up one morning to the bootloader screen and the phone being completely unresponsive (this was before I started customizing or flashing or anything.) Took it to the Sprint store and they were out of Treo 755s completely.
Third phone: The sprint store told me I could pick out any phone in the store as a replacement because they were completely out of Treo 755s. So without knowing anything about Windows Mobile or the phone, I chose the Mogul. So year and a half or so later, I break the screen on my Mogul.
Fourth phone: Asurion replaced my Mogul with a Touch Pro. I am now on my 4th Touch Pro all because of dead keyboards.

Treo 700-->Treo 755-->Mogul-->Touch Pro.
You're right, I don't think there is any arguing your point. The argument seems to be people want to replace the TP with the TP2 NOW, and some people have different reasons as to why. I don't see why Sprint is putting up such a hassle. I had the Treo 800w, the sound quality was terrible, couldn't hear the other person talking if there was any kind of background noise, hell sometimes when it was dead quiet...checked the threads of several BBs and notice this was a common defect. I get 2 replacements for the 800w's, always the same issue. Got to the point where I didn't have faith in the 800w so I asked sprint to send me a touch pro, which they did no problem. Fast forward to today, I'm on my 4th TP, all based on the same issue with the keyboard no longer working. Needless to say, I've lost faith in the TP and believe the next one they send me will do the same thing, so how about replacing the TP with the TP2 which seems to have the keyboard issue resolved? Nope, Sprint would rather have a frustrated customer with a defective phone who according to sprint should be happy because his monthy plan is lower than the competitors. Oh, and the argument against this in this thread seems to be, hey suck it up, deal with it and spend the money
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  #133 (permalink)  
Old 09-24-2009, 04:03 PM
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Re: Sprint replacing for TP2

Originally Posted by ott View Post
I am disappointed in this thread. I honestly don't see how some people go through so many phones! I have had 6 different models of phones in my life, and had 1 replaced 1 time. That was because the charging port went out and I had no choice but to get another phone. If you continue to brick your phone due to your own flashing failures and think you deserve a free TP2, your insane! Why would you expect this from a carrier or any company period!? I mean if you buy a 2005 Lexus, and you keep having problems with it, mainly due to your own tamperings, then do you really think you can take it back and have them give you a 2010 Lexus?! I mean really... Stop your complaining that the carrier won't replace your phone, again! I mean the rest of us have to wait to upgrade, or pay a huge price for our new TP2, why should you be any different!? Take it up with the manufacturer if you have any problems, it's produced by HTC, call them, don't give the carrier's bad wraps about not giving you everything you want on a silver platter. It really sucks that people that are this spoiled and whine to get these upgrades and then you have the honest customer that pays for their products and does the right, respectable thing. That's my 2cents.

who said anything about cooked roms and tamperings? i don't do that. this is a STOCK DEVICE. my last 3 have been STOCK DEVICES.

i'm an honest customer. i pay my bills, i don't try to get free ****. i'm a "sprint premier customer" or whatever, like that really means anything. don't start assuming **** just because you have the ability to assume.

p.s. went to get the phone repaired at the sprint store. reset the ribbons, etc. tech said he would order me a replacement TP. i asked him about paying a little for a TP2, he referred me to CS. CS/Retentions quoted me 350 for the phone.

i'm honestly thinking about dropping HTC as a whole. i love their form factors, I like WM. i just want it to be reliable.
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  #134 (permalink)  
Old 09-24-2009, 04:12 PM
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Re: Sprint replacing for TP2

Originally Posted by mr.8820 View Post
i'm not sure if this is a thread-jack, if so, feel free to flame away. if you had a mogul that went south, got a tp that keeps going south, why would you think the tp2 is any better? imo, htc sucks at phone making. sorry fans.
my mogul actually worked well. the only reason i got rid of it is because i dropped it and broke it right when the TP was coming out. I decided to go with a TP.
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  #135 (permalink)  
Old 09-24-2009, 04:32 PM
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Re: Replacement Woes

Alright Issue resolved. The representative responsible for escalated retentions issues said from today on out, I am not under contract.

You guys were right... it is just a matter of speaking to the right person
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  #136 (permalink)  
Old 09-24-2009, 06:00 PM
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Re: Sprint replacing for TP2

Originally Posted by The Specialist View Post
who said anything about cooked roms and tamperings? i don't do that. this is a STOCK DEVICE. my last 3 have been STOCK DEVICES.

i'm an honest customer. i pay my bills, i don't try to get free ****. i'm a "sprint premier customer" or whatever, like that really means anything. don't start assuming **** just because you have the ability to assume.

p.s. went to get the phone repaired at the sprint store. reset the ribbons, etc. tech said he would order me a replacement TP. i asked him about paying a little for a TP2, he referred me to CS. CS/Retentions quoted me 350 for the phone.

i'm honestly thinking about dropping HTC as a whole. i love their form factors, I like WM. i just want it to be reliable.


that's all i have to say.

btw, sprint premier customer just means your on one of the everything plans and pay your bill on time. thats it. woot! blah... i didn't accuse anyone of bricking their phone specifically. i only said that their are alot of people who brick their phones due to flashing, this in turn makes the replace it more than normal. i didn't point any fingers at anyone specific, u should read my other posts before quoting me.

also, if u have anymore questions on this topic or anything else, feel free to ask, i know the answer
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  #137 (permalink)  
Old 09-24-2009, 07:27 PM
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Re: Replacement Woes

Cool man, i knew you ll get it resolved. Sprint aint in the business of cheating. There are some bad reps and dum phuks here and there just like everything else...just gotta navigate and skate well
Da Believer....
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  #138 (permalink)  
Old 09-24-2009, 08:07 PM
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Re: Sprint replacing for TP2

why thank you so much.
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  #139 (permalink)  
Old 09-24-2009, 08:30 PM
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Re: Sprint replacing for TP2

Originally Posted by The Specialist View Post
Anyone had any luck getting the TP replaced by sprint for a TP2? I have had mine replaced at least 3 times and is going dead again with multiple issues. I'm willing to pay a little to upgrade, i'm just not willing to pay 600 bucks. more like 50, given the TPs i have had are just plain faulty.

yes i searched.
Yes, I successfully had Sprint replace my TP with TP2! I get it tomorrow, cant wait!
It's an HTC EVOlution!

Audiovox 6700> Samsung i760> HTC Touch Pro> HTC Touch Pro2> HTC HeRooted> HTC EVOlutionized!
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  #140 (permalink)  
Old 09-24-2009, 08:32 PM
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Re: Sprint replacing for TP2

Originally Posted by heydjbobby74 View Post
Yes, I successfully had Sprint replace my TP with TP2! I get it tomorrow, cant wait!
did u go thru care or a repair center?
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