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Old 09-24-2009, 06:00 PM
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Re: Sprint replacing for TP2

Originally Posted by The Specialist View Post
who said anything about cooked roms and tamperings? i don't do that. this is a STOCK DEVICE. my last 3 have been STOCK DEVICES.

i'm an honest customer. i pay my bills, i don't try to get free ****. i'm a "sprint premier customer" or whatever, like that really means anything. don't start assuming **** just because you have the ability to assume.

p.s. went to get the phone repaired at the sprint store. reset the ribbons, etc. tech said he would order me a replacement TP. i asked him about paying a little for a TP2, he referred me to CS. CS/Retentions quoted me 350 for the phone.

i'm honestly thinking about dropping HTC as a whole. i love their form factors, I like WM. i just want it to be reliable.


that's all i have to say.

btw, sprint premier customer just means your on one of the everything plans and pay your bill on time. thats it. woot! blah... i didn't accuse anyone of bricking their phone specifically. i only said that their are alot of people who brick their phones due to flashing, this in turn makes the replace it more than normal. i didn't point any fingers at anyone specific, u should read my other posts before quoting me.

also, if u have anymore questions on this topic or anything else, feel free to ask, i know the answer
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