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  #111 (permalink)  
Old 09-22-2009, 10:04 PM
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Re: Sprint replacing for TP2

Good question OTTeventhough you explained it al very well above. So now, what is this dude s question
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  #112 (permalink)  
Old 09-22-2009, 11:03 PM
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Re: Sprint replacing for TP2

I read 4 of 7 pages of this thread but now I'm going to ask my question.

Lots of people talking about cheaper upgrades because of issues, and being told no, that's one thing...

But how many TPs do you think Spint has in stock? Sooner or later filing an Asurion claim will lead to a TP2 because they won't have any more TPs. Before I moved to PPCs I did this 3 or 4 phones in a row with my Sanyo flip phones. It breaks but I file it lost/stolen ( because I don't want to wait for them to fix it or tell me they can't fix it) and then a few days later in the mail I receive the latest version of that phone. Doesn't mean it'll happen every time but it might... eventually.
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  #113 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2009, 12:24 AM
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Re: Sprint replacing for TP2

Originally Posted by jawxx View Post
I read 4 of 7 pages of this thread but now I'm going to ask my question.

Lots of people talking about cheaper upgrades because of issues, and being told no, that's one thing...

But how many TPs do you think Spint has in stock? Sooner or later filing an Asurion claim will lead to a TP2 because they won't have any more TPs. Before I moved to PPCs I did this 3 or 4 phones in a row with my Sanyo flip phones. It breaks but I file it lost/stolen ( because I don't want to wait for them to fix it or tell me they can't fix it) and then a few days later in the mail I receive the latest version of that phone. Doesn't mean it'll happen every time but it might... eventually.
Funny when I had my Sanyo 8200, when it broke they sent me 8300 and when I lost that one they sent me the 8400.
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  #114 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2009, 01:07 AM
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Talking Re: Sprint replacing for TP2

Originally Posted by Sporkman View Post
im on my 9th TOUCH PRO
I am too! I'm waiting for the repair center tech to call me so I can go pick it up. On top of that, when I took my TP in the tech implied that I had messed up the phone b/c I had to have my other TP replaced last month for the same issues! I told him that it wasn't my fault that the TP has so many defects! I will be upgrading November 1st for sure! Good-bye TP and hello TP2!
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  #115 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2009, 01:26 AM
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Re: Sprint replacing for TP2

Originally Posted by RicoTreo700wx View Post
I am too! I'm waiting for the repair center tech to call me so I can go pick it up. On top of that, when I took my TP in the tech implied that I had messed up the phone b/c I had to have my other TP replaced last month for the same issues! I told him that it wasn't my fault that the TP has so many defects! I will be upgrading November 1st for sure! Good-bye TP and hello TP2!
And knowing HTC's tracks you'll be trading one set of problems for another lol
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  #116 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2009, 04:50 AM
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Re: Sprint replacing for TP2

Two questions for you guys:

1. Are those of you who are getting replacements under warranty/paying insurance? I don't have either and I purchased my phone back in October when it first came out from Best Buy.

2. Are the replacement phones any better at battery life or anything better at all or are they usually the same quality every time? I mean, I could easily come up with some issue for my phone IF I knew I was gonna get a little more battery juice out of it but otherwise I'll just stick with it until I can afford to jump over to the TP2.
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  #117 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2009, 08:32 AM
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Re: Sprint replacing for TP2

Originally Posted by RicoRich196 View Post
Funny when I had my Sanyo 8200, when it broke they sent me 8300 and when I lost that one they sent me the 8400.
That's exactly what I mean! Pretty much what I did.
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  #118 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2009, 11:56 AM
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Re: Sprint replacing for TP2

Originally Posted by jawxx View Post
...Sooner or later filing an Asurion claim will lead to a TP2 because they won't have any more TPs...
I just filed a claim with Asurion last week because my TP decided it wanted to dance out of its case and into a rain puddle... ...They sent me a BRAND NEW TP...no TP2, but hey, at least I didn't get a refurb TP.

Last edited by ale896; 09-23-2009 at 11:56 AM. Reason: forgot "2" in TP2...
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  #119 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2009, 12:46 PM
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Re: Sprint replacing for TP2

I paid full price for my Touch Pro, the shipper was kind enough to throw it over the fence and tear my screen door with the box. I called Sprint and had it noted on the account. A month later it died, went to the repair center and had it replaced with a new one. I went straight to the mall and had it wraped with invisashield. A couple friends poke at me for paying full price but is saving $50 (paid $200more vs. $150 ETF) worth being held hostage for 2 years? I think not. The TP2 is not worth the headache. It is the "latest and greatest toy" but it is no better than the TP untill they get the drivers for the video. We have dealt with the lack of video driver issues with the Mogul the TP and now the TP2, all have had screen and keyboard issues, HTC and Qualcomm need to get it together and finish the phone issues before Samsung's Omnia Pro slider comes out. The Omnia beats the I-Phone hands down as it is and HTC is next. The lack of the hardware keyboard is the only dealbreaker I have with the Omnia.
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  #120 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2009, 03:43 PM
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Re: Sprint replacing for TP2

Originally Posted by ott View Post
I would really like to say some harsh comments about your reply to my message, but for the sake of the forums, I will hold them in. In your example with the navigation going out on a Lexus, they will fix the issue, just like HTC is pushing out replacement keyboards for the defective ones. You don't need a whole new phone when a simple piece goes out. Are they really going to compensate you that much, or fix the issue? Their not going to give you a new upgraded model when they can fix your issue. And why should Sprint, or HTC give you a TP2 due to a keyboard defect? I never said that people are bricking their phones and want a TP2 due to flashing, I'm saying 90% of the reason people have gone through so many is because they bricked it multiple times with flashing, this is your own fault, if you have had multiple devices due to hardware failure, such as the keyboard, which HTC has addressed and can fix, then let them fix it. Nothing is perfect. If you have the nerve to complain and go through all the hassle just to save money when everyone else works hard 40+ hours a week and pays for their actual phone. Stop whining and just buy the dang phone!!!

Frankly I agree with you. Sprint set this system up, and didn't think of the consequences of doing so. This is the way that it works.

I'm actually a sprint stock holder. I don't agree with the way they have set this up, and because of it their stock is down! http://www.google.com/finance?q=s

But frankly it's a realization that you and I have to deal with. So just deal with it and don't take it out on these forums. You should help us build here. (If the phones were built better then sprint wouldn't need to have such amazing insurance.) I believe Dan Hesse see's that. He is actually starting to accept better phones, and their rate plans are starting to be really competitive. That makes me glad. Hence the new Hero with that beautiful Sence UI in it!

When they have solid phones maybe they will minimize these types of issues instead of just swapping out a phone every time.

Last edited by Table83; 09-23-2009 at 03:48 PM.
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