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  #111 (permalink)  
Old 11-18-2008, 10:02 AM
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Re: A little tough Love about battery issues.


I don't think he is calling you an iPhone fanboy. I know I'm not. It's just an easy example to use for comparison, and you can't tell me that advertising the "nation's fastest/largest/most-god-like 3G network" and needing users to disable 3G service due to lack of coverage isn't a problem. It's the same thing you're arguing against the Touch Pro.

I fail to see how anyone is playing Russian roulette with the Touch Pro or any other product. Either the device meets your needs and expectations or it doesn't. If it doesn't you can either exchange it, or you can suck it up and wait for an update. If you wait, you'll be beyond your 30-day exchange window though, and if the update doesn't improve your opinion of it, you'll be stuck with it.

As I've said before-- documenting issues and submitting them is one thing. It doesn't get updates any faster, but at least it proves there's an issue. Complaining and ranting does nothing but irritate people.

From where I sit, you've had some productive posts here, and that's great-- I'd love to see more! But if your purpose here is solely to rant and troll over all our posts that provide rational information, you might as well move on.

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  #112 (permalink)  
Old 11-18-2008, 10:25 AM
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Re: A little tough Love about battery issues.

Originally Posted by GoodThings2Life View Post
I don't think he is calling you an iPhone fanboy. I know I'm not. It's just an easy example to use for comparison, and you can't tell me that advertising the "nation's fastest/largest/most-god-like 3G network" and needing users to disable 3G service due to lack of coverage isn't a problem. It's the same thing you're arguing against the Touch Pro.
I hear you on that, in a way. I could only laugh when iPhone users asked if the TP supported 3G. It's not like EvDO has been out for years or something...oh wait. Haha. It is true that Apple specifically chose AT&T but that was most likely a function of simply going with the largest US GSM carrier, for international reasons.

However, I disagree that it is the same issue with the TP. I mean, if you somehow proved that this is EXACTLY the issue, then great! I don't think it is a flaw to have to disable EvDO in a fringe signal area, either for the iPhone or the TP. But I am not convinced that this is the only problem with the TP. It is one thing to have to disable EvDO while at work to keep the battery. But it is entirely another issue to not be able to talk on the phone for a few hours while charging, at home. To be clear, I don't have a TP, so I don't have these issues. But I just don't feel satisfied, at this time, that it is worth the monetary risk and potential hassle. Maybe I should just get a Blackberry. Technically I am not supposed to have a camera. And I don't know if a WinMo Blackberry can do what the TP can, like remote desktop.

Originally Posted by GoodThings2Life View Post
I fail to see how anyone is playing Russian roulette with the Touch Pro or any other product. Either the device meets your needs and expectations or it doesn't. If it doesn't you can either exchange it, or you can suck it up and wait for an update. If you wait, you'll be beyond your 30-day exchange window though, and if the update doesn't improve your opinion of it, you'll be stuck with it.
That's just it. On paper, it MORE than meets my needs. In fact as I write this I am still not sure if I want a phone with e-mail (for work). However, I am frankly bewildered as to the number of issues possible. I shouldn't have to trade the phone in even once. It would be a huge inconvenience. What am I going to do, have sprint re-activate my old phone while they send me a new one? Yeah, you know that's going to be an argument "sir, we can, but you will need to pay another $72 to reactivate your old phone then switch to your 2nd replacement TP." I am just not up for those kind of shenanegans. Maybe you guys are used to calling and *****ing at Sprint until they give you what you want. I haven't needed to in all the years I've been with them (since early 2000). And I don't want to start now.

Last edited by kevm14; 11-18-2008 at 10:30 AM.
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  #113 (permalink)  
Old 11-18-2008, 10:49 AM
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Re: A little tough Love about battery issues.

Originally Posted by kevm14 View Post
Interesting. But are Fuze owners complaining about heat, battery life and dying while charging?

I am forced to draw upon another car analogy - the battery in a car is a requirement for a stable voltage output from the alternator due to the way a modern alternator works (PWM field current). If it has a PMIC, I don't see why it couldn't handle stabilizing any fluctuation in voltage from an external source. Any 5V charger is regulated itself, isn't it?
Your are correct, the PMIC has onboard Voltage regulation since all of the processor logic is 3V. From what I can see the only 5V supply is for battery charging, and from qualcomms reccomended implemenation block diagram, the battery should not be required to operate the unit with and external supply.

Originally Posted by cbunting View Post
With everyone looking into spec shsets, and chipsets, etc, may I ask. WHY ARE WE DOING HTC'S WORK FOR THEM? They are the manufacturer here, we are the customer. We shouldn't have to fix their faulty product. And by saying faulty, yes I mean faulty. I'm not one of those people that is married to HTC and ignores problems that exist just because they have an obsession with them. HTC needs to fix these problems, and they need to fix them now. No excuses, they better have a programmer on this right now, or sprint should STOP selling their crappy devices..... they clearly have no QC
IMHO, we are not doing HTC's Job. HTC has made a device which is fully functional. While it may not meet all of my (or anyone elses) expectations, that is my issue and so it is up to me to either find a way to make it fit my expectations (including pointing out to the manufacturer where there is room for improvement) or change my expectations or the device altogether. While I believe some of the issues are due to poor QC/Implementation/or design, the only way to effect a change is by providing an objective evaluation of the issues. Subjective evaluations never work and can always be disputed. Which is what I and many others of us are trying to do.

Originally Posted by GoodThings2Life View Post

I don't think he is calling you an iPhone fanboy. I know I'm not. It's just an easy example to use for comparison, and you can't tell me that advertising the "nation's fastest/largest/most-god-like 3G network" and needing users to disable 3G service due to lack of coverage isn't a problem. It's the same thing you're arguing against the Touch Pro.

I fail to see how anyone is playing Russian roulette with the Touch Pro or any other product. Either the device meets your needs and expectations or it doesn't. If it doesn't you can either exchange it, or you can suck it up and wait for an update. If you wait, you'll be beyond your 30-day exchange window though, and if the update doesn't improve your opinion of it, you'll be stuck with it.

As I've said before-- documenting issues and submitting them is one thing. It doesn't get updates any faster, but at least it proves there's an issue. Complaining and ranting does nothing but irritate people.

From where I sit, you've had some productive posts here, and that's great-- I'd love to see more! But if your purpose here is solely to rant and troll over all our posts that provide rational information, you might as well move on.

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Well said! Let's evaluate any issues objectively as I said above. The subjective views do nothing but divide people and cause them to ignore input that may have some value. (not to mention clutter the thread)
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  #114 (permalink)  
Old 11-18-2008, 01:12 PM
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Re: A little tough Love about battery issues.

Originally Posted by Big D5 View Post
Why are you still trolling in the TP forums when you announced that "BACK to the ORIGINAL Touch, after 3 weeks of hell with the Pro" you just hanging around trying to cause trouble? I have a message for you in my signature.
I actually have the Pro again, and if you were following the threads of people trying to solve the problems with the Pro, you would realize that. I can understand if your TP was "flawless, perfect, ideal," etc, that you may not care--but I find it hard to believe, because so far, no one has stood up and shown that their TP doesn't overheat during normal usage.

I believe I have the newest TP manufactured, (11/7/08,) and it still has many glarying, device-crippling defects.

I love this phone too and I want it to WORK. Of course, if HTC and/or Sprint cannot deliver, then I will find another phone. I would hardly call it trolling to point out that most people here are pulling the wool over their OWN eyes, and pretending like there are no critical flaws with this phone. So far, the other main poll going on is saying that MOST people ARE having trouble with their Pro. Interesting news--and saddening, because it really lowers my chances, (as well as anyone else,) of getting a "perfect" Touch Pro.

Last edited by ScrapMaker; 11-18-2008 at 01:24 PM.
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  #115 (permalink)  
Old 11-18-2008, 04:28 PM
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Re: A little tough Love about battery issues.

Good post. I had the 6700 from Sprint and ended up getting the thicker battery which lasted me all day. When I switched to the Mogul, I just pickedup a second battery which I carried with me if I was going to be away all day. It was no sweat to run empty and do the switch. Now with the Touch Pro, I do the same thing. It's really not a problem. Got a charging dock with a second slot for the battery backup. I am having fun. I can't complain when I have such a powerful little device in my holster.
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  #116 (permalink)  
Old 11-18-2008, 07:15 PM
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Re: A little tough Love about battery issues.

I agree with the op. My mogul and touch used to give me about 4 1/2 hours of constant usage. That means internet and mp3 at the saME TIME NON STOP. Then the Pro came out. So far I have not cycled the battery enough times to give a real good estimate but I have a average of 4 hours. Now.. taking in account of the exra 124 mhz and double the ram, 4 hours is what I was expecting.
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  #117 (permalink)  
Old 11-18-2008, 07:31 PM
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Re: A little tough Love about battery issues.

By the way, you guys remember audioinc? the guy that kept us updated on the Pros release? Well.. I remember he said that all Pros where updated again at the last minute to cure the battery heat.Then I recalled him saying if you hard reset then you will have the heat issue again. Well... its been over 2 weeks witht he stock rom and today I finally hard reseted. And to my surprised my Pro got super hot compared to before. Maybe he was right. Did anyone else noticed this ?
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  #118 (permalink)  
Old 11-18-2008, 07:47 PM
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Re: A little tough Love about battery issues.

Originally Posted by Exil3d View Post
By the way, you guys remember audioinc? the guy that kept us updated on the Pros release? Well.. I remember he said that all Pros where updated again at the last minute to cure the battery heat.Then I recalled him saying if you hard reset then you will have the heat issue again. Well... its been over 2 weeks witht he stock rom and today I finally hard reseted. And to my surprised my Pro got super hot compared to before. Maybe he was right. Did anyone else noticed this ?
I thought he had said they put in the heat shield?

He also mentioned that the "fixes" were part of the ROM, and would carry over with hard-resets.
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  #119 (permalink)  
Old 11-18-2008, 09:04 PM
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Re: A little tough Love about battery issues.

going with the op and definitely singing his woes
coming from an i730 (not much better than a xv6600) i was forever on my extended battery making it a giant brick. The xv6700 and xv6800 I was forever tethered to an outlet which wasn't a bad thing. Same thing with the 6900. But the touch pro has great battery life. Seriously, one full non stop hour of listening to music, IMing and having my contrast on middle and my battery was at 70% after it was all said and done isn't all that bad.
Now if voice wouldn't be so draining
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  #120 (permalink)  
Old 11-18-2008, 09:24 PM
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Re: A little tough Love about battery issues.

Originally Posted by Exil3d View Post
By the way, you guys remember audioinc? the guy that kept us updated on the Pros release? Well.. I remember he said that all Pros where updated again at the last minute to cure the battery heat.Then I recalled him saying if you hard reset then you will have the heat issue again. Well... its been over 2 weeks witht he stock rom and today I finally hard reseted. And to my surprised my Pro got super hot compared to before. Maybe he was right. Did anyone else noticed this ?
I remember him saying they made some changes... that's mainly why I haven't hard reset yet (that and because I didn't have low volume issues and that seemed to be the fix for peeps). I didn't know what changes they made, but when i started putting on apps and whatnot i started to wonder if any changes they made would be reverted if i hard reset the phone. Someone should contact him since almost everyone did the hard reset fix when they received their phone. Now i'm probably not going to hard reset for a while....... lol
My pro doesn't heat up for no reason*
Mogul->Diamond->TouchPro->Pro2->EVO 4G-> Q(';')-O
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