Originally Posted by Big D5
I actually have the Pro again, and if you were following the threads of people trying to solve the problems with the Pro, you would realize that. I can understand if your TP was "flawless, perfect, ideal," etc, that you may not care--but I find it hard to believe, because so far, no one has stood up and shown that their TP doesn't overheat during normal usage.
I believe I have the newest TP manufactured, (11/7/08,) and it still has many glarying, device-crippling defects.
I love this phone too and I want it to WORK. Of course, if HTC and/or Sprint cannot deliver, then I will find another phone. I would hardly call it trolling to point out that most people here are pulling the wool over their OWN eyes, and pretending like there are no critical flaws with this phone. So far, the other main poll going on is saying that MOST people ARE having trouble with their Pro. Interesting news--and saddening, because it really lowers my chances, (as well as anyone else,) of getting a "perfect" Touch Pro.