Originally Posted by kevm14
Interesting. But are Fuze owners complaining about heat, battery life and dying while charging?
I am forced to draw upon another car analogy - the battery in a car is a requirement for a stable voltage output from the alternator due to the way a modern alternator works (PWM field current). If it has a PMIC, I don't see why it couldn't handle stabilizing any fluctuation in voltage from an external source. Any 5V charger is regulated itself, isn't it?
Your are correct, the PMIC has onboard Voltage regulation since all of the processor logic is 3V. From what I can see the only 5V supply is for battery charging, and from qualcomms reccomended implemenation block diagram, the battery should not be required to operate the unit with and external supply.
Originally Posted by cbunting
With everyone looking into spec shsets, and chipsets, etc, may I ask. WHY ARE WE DOING HTC'S WORK FOR THEM? They are the manufacturer here, we are the customer. We shouldn't have to fix their faulty product. And by saying faulty, yes I mean faulty. I'm not one of those people that is married to HTC and ignores problems that exist just because they have an obsession with them. HTC needs to fix these problems, and they need to fix them now. No excuses, they better have a programmer on this right now, or sprint should STOP selling their crappy devices..... they clearly have no QC
IMHO, we are not doing HTC's Job. HTC has made a device which is fully functional. While it may not meet all of my (or anyone elses) expectations, that is
my issue and so it is up to
me to either find a way to make it fit my expectations (including pointing out to the manufacturer where there is room for improvement) or change my expectations or the device altogether. While I believe some of the issues are due to poor QC/Implementation/or design, the only way to effect a change is by providing an
objective evaluation of the issues. Subjective evaluations never work and can always be disputed. Which is what I and many others of us are trying to do.
Originally Posted by GoodThings2Life
I don't think he is calling you an iPhone fanboy. I know I'm not. It's just an easy example to use for comparison, and you can't tell me that advertising the "nation's fastest/largest/most-god-like 3G network" and needing users to disable 3G service due to lack of coverage isn't a problem. It's the same thing you're arguing against the Touch Pro.
I fail to see how anyone is playing Russian roulette with the Touch Pro or any other product. Either the device meets your needs and expectations or it doesn't. If it doesn't you can either exchange it, or you can suck it up and wait for an update. If you wait, you'll be beyond your 30-day exchange window though, and if the update doesn't improve your opinion of it, you'll be stuck with it.
As I've said before-- documenting issues and submitting them is one thing. It doesn't get updates any faster, but at least it proves there's an issue. Complaining and ranting does nothing but irritate people.
From where I sit, you've had some productive posts here, and that's great-- I'd love to see more! But if your purpose here is solely to rant and troll over all our posts that provide rational information, you might as well move on.
GoodThings2Life returns to more worthwhile threads...
Well said! Let's evaluate any issues objectively as I said above. The subjective views do nothing but divide people and cause them to ignore input that may have some value. (not to mention clutter the thread)