Originally Posted by GoodThings2Life
I don't think he is calling you an iPhone fanboy. I know I'm not. It's just an easy example to use for comparison, and you can't tell me that advertising the "nation's fastest/largest/most-god-like 3G network" and needing users to disable 3G service due to lack of coverage isn't a problem. It's the same thing you're arguing against the Touch Pro.
I hear you on that, in a way. I could only laugh when iPhone users asked if the TP supported 3G. It's not like EvDO has been out for years or something...oh wait. Haha. It is true that Apple specifically chose AT&T but that was most likely a function of simply going with the largest US GSM carrier, for international reasons.
However, I disagree that it is the same issue with the TP. I mean, if you somehow proved that this is EXACTLY the issue, then great! I don't think it is a flaw to have to disable EvDO in a fringe signal area, either for the iPhone or the TP. But I am not convinced that this is the only problem with the TP. It is one thing to have to disable EvDO while at work to keep the battery. But it is entirely another issue to not be able to talk on the phone for a few hours while charging, at home. To be clear, I don't have a TP, so I don't have these issues. But I just don't feel satisfied, at this time, that it is worth the monetary risk and potential hassle. Maybe I should just get a Blackberry. Technically I am not supposed to have a camera. And I don't know if a WinMo Blackberry can do what the TP can, like remote desktop.
Originally Posted by GoodThings2Life
I fail to see how anyone is playing Russian roulette with the Touch Pro or any other product. Either the device meets your needs and expectations or it doesn't. If it doesn't you can either exchange it, or you can suck it up and wait for an update. If you wait, you'll be beyond your 30-day exchange window though, and if the update doesn't improve your opinion of it, you'll be stuck with it.
That's just it. On paper, it MORE than meets my needs. In fact as I write this I am still not sure if I want a phone with e-mail (for work). However, I am frankly bewildered as to the number of issues possible. I shouldn't have to trade the phone in even once. It would be a huge inconvenience. What am I going to do, have sprint re-activate my old phone while they send me a new one? Yeah, you know that's going to be an argument "sir, we can, but you will need to pay another $72 to reactivate your old phone then switch to your 2nd replacement TP." I am just not up for those kind of shenanegans. Maybe you guys are used to calling and *****ing at Sprint until they give you what you want. I haven't needed to in all the years I've been with them (since early 2000). And I don't want to start now.