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  #91 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2008, 10:39 PM
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Re: A little tough Love about battery issues.

Originally Posted by Big D5 View Post
kevm14 you can put more than 1 quote per post plus I am getting tired of cleaning this up. Keep the good opinions coming but please try to get more information in each post it will help keep things tidy
Sorry about that. I usually multi-quote in forums but I guess I just got lazy.
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  #92 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2008, 10:39 PM
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Re: A little tough Love about battery issues.

Well, my battery burn was drastically different when I first got my touch pro than it is now.

I was easily draining it in a day for about a week. Then I started, with a lot of help from this site, tweaking a bit. There is a really good battery life tweak/cab out there...FInixNOverBattery...

May have been just the timing with the battery strengthening and adding the above file, but something happened!

Now, I am 30% with moderate use and had a full charge yesterday morning.

Works for me....love this phone...just the lighted keypad aggrivation
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  #93 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2008, 10:42 PM
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Re: A little tough Love about battery issues.

Quick Update on my battery state: at 3:50-ish I was at 70-75%, and as of 9:20PM, with an additional 15 minute call, a dozen more emails, a 20 minute demonstration of the phone to some friends at dinner tonight (including GPS via Live Search), I'm actually at the 50-55% marker tonight... a little lower than average for me (60% usually), but not horrible either.

I'll throw it back on the charger in an hour or two for the night and start again fresh in the morning using Palladium's tool to see what my logs come up with. I doubt seriously they'll be any different than what's already been reported, but instead I believe it will just prove that the only thing that keeps my phone going is my own usage habits.
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Last edited by GoodThings2Life; 11-17-2008 at 10:53 PM.
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  #94 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2008, 10:45 PM
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Re: A little tough Love about battery issues.

Originally Posted by Palladium View Post
So it looks like the power usage is independant of the type of transmitter which is at least encouraging for a software fix!
Interesting. But are Fuze owners complaining about heat, battery life and dying while charging?

Originally Posted by Palladium View Post
the Voltage regulation and charging circuitry is built into the PM7500 power managment IC. Since getting datasheets on the PM7500 is next to impossible, its not clear to me whether the requirement of having the battery in the circuit is a requirment of the PMIC or a shortcut on HTC's part. (I would REALLY like to get my hands on the datasheet and some application info!)
I am forced to draw upon another car analogy - the battery in a car is a requirement for a stable voltage output from the alternator due to the way a modern alternator works (PWM field current). If it has a PMIC, I don't see why it couldn't handle stabilizing any fluctuation in voltage from an external source. Any 5V charger is regulated itself, isn't it?

Last edited by kevm14; 11-17-2008 at 10:49 PM.
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  #95 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2008, 10:58 PM
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Re: A little tough Love about battery issues.

Originally Posted by kevm14 View Post

Are you using the factory AC charger?
I tried it with both Factory charger (1000mA) that came with my Touch Pro and a Motorola RAZR charger (500mA) . The Factory charger reads about 800mA Charge rate and the Motorola RAZR reads about 500mA Charge rate. Yet when the phone is used at all, BOTH charge rates dropped to the same rate of <400mA, which were both under the Discharge rate.

These numbers tell me that it has nothing to do with overheating, the charge rate is purposefully lowered when the phone is in use no matter what. Rather than the Touch Pro's battery intelligently regulating the charge rate to avoid damage, it's a dumb charging system, that just cuts the charge rate no matter what.

Simply lazy programming. Hopefully it's fixed in the firmware update.


Last edited by Edwood; 11-17-2008 at 11:01 PM.
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  #96 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2008, 11:10 PM
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Re: A little tough Love about battery issues.

But there is still the radio inefficiency issue.
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  #97 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2008, 11:13 PM
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Re: A little tough Love about battery issues.

Seidio online has a 1500mah that fits the diamond and pro (cdma) with the same backing. Cost is $44.95. I have purchased extended batteries from this site for, 800wx and 755p. They were great. I plan to purchase this battery soon.
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  #98 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2008, 11:18 PM
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Re: A little tough Love about battery issues.

With everyone looking into spec shsets, and chipsets, etc, may I ask. WHY ARE WE DOING HTC'S WORK FOR THEM? They are the manufacturer here, we are the customer. We shouldn't have to fix their faulty product. And by saying faulty, yes I mean faulty. I'm not one of those people that is married to HTC and ignores problems that exist just because they have an obsession with them. HTC needs to fix these problems, and they need to fix them now. No excuses, they better have a programmer on this right now, or sprint should STOP selling their crappy devices..... they clearly have no QC
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  #99 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2008, 11:39 PM
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Re: A little tough Love about battery issues.

Actually for all it's faults, the Touch Pro has a lot more Pros than Cons for me. I also got lucky and did not get an overheating one (although that has nothing to do with the non-charging issue).

HTC is the best thing that has happened to the Pocket PC. There is simply not one other manufacturer that has brought so much innovation and quality to both hardware and software side of Pocket PC's.

I've been a Palm user since the original Palm Pilot and the 6700 was my first Pocket PC. It was far from perfect, but eventually, HTC fixes the problems, or wonderful, enterprising communities like this forum or others like XDA Devs do. That's what I love about Pocket PC's. M$ doesn't blatantly get in the way of DIY fixing like Apple does. You may complain that "We shouldn't have to fix their faulty product". But it goes beyind just "fixing". Custom ROM's and such here make it even better. Think of the alternative. Apple still hasn't "fixed" the issue of no Cut and Paste. If DIY homebrew were allowed, people would've fixed that in less than one day.
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  #100 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2008, 11:48 PM
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Re: A little tough Love about battery issues.

Originally Posted by Edwood View Post
Apple still hasn't "fixed" the issue of no Cut and Paste. If DIY homebrew were allowed, people would've fixed that in less than one day.
You miss the point. No cut and paste isn't a problem in as far as you can read any review and obtain that information then decide whether or not to purchase the phone based on that, and other such information. However, every single problem mentioned about the TP that people are complaining about is not information available in any review. There is a HUGE difference. All the features in the world are irrelevant if they are only partially implemented. Think of all the things you can do with a TP that don't really work that well, but work enough to impress your friends. Is that all everyone cares about?
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