Originally Posted by Palladium
So it looks like the power usage is independant of the type of transmitter which is at least encouraging for a software fix!
Interesting. But are Fuze owners complaining about heat, battery life and dying while charging?
Originally Posted by Palladium
the Voltage regulation and charging circuitry is built into the PM7500 power managment IC. Since getting datasheets on the PM7500 is next to impossible, its not clear to me whether the requirement of having the battery in the circuit is a requirment of the PMIC or a shortcut on HTC's part. (I would REALLY like to get my hands on the datasheet and some application info!)
I am forced to draw upon another car analogy - the battery in a car is a requirement for a stable voltage output from the alternator due to the way a modern alternator works (PWM field current). If it has a PMIC, I don't see why it couldn't handle stabilizing any fluctuation in voltage from an external source. Any 5V charger is regulated itself, isn't it?