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  #1831 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2010, 03:36 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

Originally Posted by mapaz04 View Post
Weird... to test, i edited my startup file and switched to both 240 and 210. 240 just made things bigger on screen thus less realstate, 210 made everything smaller (more space) but also miss-aligns the screen a little.

Neither time did I have to delete my data.img, it worked good for both tests... hmmm... just my results though...
It'll change your resolution within Android, but evidently the Market won't register the resolution change without a new data.img. I've only discovered this vicariously through endless82.
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  #1832 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2010, 05:21 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

Ahhh.... Didnt check the Market... I just booted it to ensure success... Now the picture is complete... jejeje. Im going to check it again on mine and see how that goes...

teaMJPx/mapaz04 - WP7 & Android - Hit "THANKS" if i've been able to help you
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  #1833 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2010, 05:36 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

Alright, I dont know what is going on but I was able to boot with both 240 and 210 values. both allowed me to use market and all other internet and apps.

To test I went to the Market (with 240 value) and downloaded World War (A demo game) and it downloaded, installed, and ran correctly.

I am rebooting now, going back to the 210 value and rebooting to droid at which time, I will then try to see if the download actually stayed and if the game boots... otherwise, does anyone need the files that I am running? I dont get any forcecloses whatsoever. I originally compiled it from the 01.03.10 release MAKK had and a separate sqush...

Ill post back with the results for the 210 value...
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  #1834 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2010, 05:40 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

well this is looking good today. 3/31 pkg from xda with the rootfs and zimage (incl. modules) from the 3/19 build and i have been running since atleast 10 this morning (4 hours) and i still have more than half a battery left. been surfing on the browser, checking out the market, looking for stuff to download, some text messages, some emails, a phone call. still plenty of battery left. i have had winmo roms with worse battery than this build.

gps doesn't seem to be working for me (not even cell location). it's all turned on but my weather comes up as no location and google comes in as can't find my location.

google earth won't work, could this be a 210 vs 240 issue?

i now see a link to the camera in the media gallary but it does nothing lol
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  #1835 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2010, 05:46 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

Alright, went back to 210... EVERYTHING IS RUNNING AS IT SHOULD!!! I am not able to replicate the issue with the 210/240 deal people are having... Went back to 210 and downloaded replica island (another demo), it has installed and I am running it right now...


hamac... I dont think the issue with your cell position having anything to do with the 210/240 issue... I cant even replicate the issue...
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  #1836 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2010, 05:49 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

lol no cell position doesn't have anything to do with the 240/210 issue. i was wondering about google earth not running due to that issue.

cell location is something different, don't know what yet. may be the new sqsh file from the 3/31 pkg.
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  #1837 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2010, 05:53 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

Ahhh, never got Google Earth to run... However, I dont think cell positioning data is with the SQUSH.. reason is now that I have updated modules, I cant get a cell position lock either... I have the bluetooth "working" but lost the cell positioning... One vs the other i guess. (Positioning used to work with my current sqush until updating to newer zimage, modules, and initrd...

If I can get it to run again I will post... jejeje

EDIT 1: Verify this for me... Does Maps allow you to "JOIN LATITUDE"? Just asking because mine seems to attempt forever and then...nothing...nothing...nothing... This must all be linked to something in the modules... I believe since I am running a different sqush and still getting issues connecting where I used to connect before... Should have not updated those files... shoulda kept a backup to my backups...(deleted what was on my memory card because I was sure I had it backed up...dmnit!!)

Last edited by mapaz04; 03-31-2010 at 06:09 PM.
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  #1838 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2010, 06:36 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

If your boot up at first with lcd.density=210, and sign on to the market, it remembers that for some time. If you then change to 240, it will remember, and show all apps in the market, for up to a week or more. If you start in 240, the same thing will happen, but in reverse (things will continue to not show up, even if you switch to lcd.density=210). And, to clarify, the market will continue to work; some applications will disappear, though. Among them Facebook, Google Voice, and Pandora, iirc.

I put together all the latest files last night, booted up with my old data.img, and had no problems. Ran until this afternoon, then the data connection dropped and I couldn't get it back up (this has happened before, so nothing new). I guess I'll wrap up these files into a new package.

hamagc, I'll put the updated MMS info on Page 1. I assume it's the addition of the gallery apk that makes picture sending work (that was my guess before, as well). the simpler mms gateway address is nice, too.

And I've got some bad news -- I'm trading my TP for a TP2, so I'm not going to be able to continue doing hands on testing on new releases. But there's more the same than different between the two, and there's a bunch of people testing and figuring things out here, so I'm not too worried it'll stall out.
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  #1839 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2010, 06:41 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

my hopes and dreams have jsut been shattered.

this is a dire day for the tp1-cdma/android community.

looks like i'm in the market for a tp2 again lol.
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  #1840 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2010, 06:45 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

You know that feeling you get in your heart like its sinking? I just got that reading your post. I'm at a loss of words.

You brought the Droid to the CDMA TP community. My hat is off to you...

I am coming up on an upgrade from Sprint on my line... TP2 perhaps??? There are less and less reasons to keep the TP...
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