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  #231 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2009, 06:26 AM
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Re: Anyone else losing faith?

I'm perfectly content to wait, I think the elite team just needs to choose their words more carefully (and people need to take what is communicated with a grain of salt). I'm sure they are aware that a lot of people are frothing at the mouth for the unlocker, they should know that it they say tomorrow that's what a lot of people will expect. I think it would be best it they just came right out and said they don't really know for sure but are hoping it will be no later than (insert random date).

Don't get me wrong, I don't want the unlocker till they are comfortable dropping it (and I will still wait at least 1-2 days to unlock to see if there's a mass bricking), I just think as little as they have communicated, they need to be careful about giving false hope to the ones that can't wait.
  #232 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2009, 06:53 AM
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Here's what I sick of hearing from the complainer complainers: you all assume its an impatients thing with us who are getting short. I was quietly waiting for the HSPL until ELITE TEAM SET THE DEADLINE THEMSELVES and missed it three times now. They should have just updated weekly with "no...not yet" instead of leaving the post stale for weeks and then blowing THEIR OWN TIMELINE. No Im back to not giving a sheeiit when it comes out because I wont beleive anything they say.

And now there's something else...a licensing server!? There's only one reason I can think of why they need one...they're going to charge money for the HSPL. Can anyone shed some light on why they will be issuing licenses for it?
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  #233 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2009, 07:05 AM
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Re: Anyone else losing faith?

"Each user gets 1 license, or perhaps 2-3 on request if needed (which is valid forever and all this works as transparently as possible,, while businesses who need to unlock more devices than that, can pay, PM Olipro for requesting 1-2 more devices for private user (free), and PM cmonex or Olipro if you want to discuss bulk unlocking.

Yeah, that sounds like a dollar requirement, if I ever heard one.

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  #234 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2009, 07:20 AM
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Re: Anyone else losing faith?

Originally Posted by santod View Post

"Each user gets 1 license, or perhaps 2-3 on request if needed (which is valid forever and all this works as transparently as possible,, while businesses who need to unlock more devices than that, can pay, PM Olipro for requesting 1-2 more devices for private user (free), and PM cmonex or Olipro if you want to discuss bulk unlocking.

Yeah, that sounds like a dollar requirement, if I ever heard one.
So does anyone know how that exactly works? It is per device or per person. If someone gets a replacement TP2 for a defective one will it be able to be unlocked without trying to hunt someone down for a license or will it require contacting the team? Or will even the first unlock require contacting them?
  #235 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2009, 07:24 AM
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Re: Anyone else losing faith?

It appears to be per device. Sounds like it could be a hassle for anyone who might wanna get a replacement or need to return for servicimg, etc. Yeah, just seems like a hassle and yet another way to make money, on something that started as a hobby for many in the world of free software development. I guess all good things end up costing money, especially the moment their worth is discovered.

Last edited by santod; 10-24-2009 at 07:28 AM.
  #236 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2009, 07:38 AM
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Re: Anyone else losing faith?


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  #237 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2009, 07:46 AM
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Re: Anyone else losing faith?

Originally Posted by santod View Post
It appears to be per device. Sounds like it could be a hassle for anyone who might wanna get a replacement or need to return for servicimg, etc. Yeah, just seems like a hassle and yet another way to make money, on something that started as a hobby for many in the world of free software development. I guess all good things end up costing money, especially the moment their worth is discovered.
looks like alot of people "donated" to this only to have to pay upon its release
  #238 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2009, 08:15 AM
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Re: Anyone else losing faith?

I've been waiting patiently for the unlocker; and I have not posted because I beleive there is no point, it will be released when its done. But after reading some of the posts regarding the unlocking requiring a licence for it to work, I could not help myself. In all the updates there was never any mention on the licencing. It was always "Were still working on it, it will be any day now". In all likely hood it's been ready to go this entire time and they are busy working the bugs out of their pay per use system.

From what I've read, the first licence will be free, and ever one after that will cost you. We have all been around WM Devices long enough to know, that we are going to go through a couple of replacement devices, so WTF...I can think of a time when in the span of a month I unlocked then relocked atleast six times. I can only hope once its released someone much smarter than I figures out how it works and repacks without the pay feature (YES I KNOW THAT WOULD BE TAKING ABOUT WAREZ ).......But I'm a little pissed right now

As far as I'm concerned,If the unlocker is not free they can keep it. Will I be refunded if something goes wrong, probably not. I'm very disappointed with their deception, a lot of people donated under false pretences, SHAME . I guess i'm really not that surprised, everything always come back to money in the end, look like I'm waiting for Telus to release the WM6.5 update...........
Device: Touch Pro2
Radio: 1.92.00WV
ROM: Juicy R3

Last edited by O'Neil Mitchell; 10-24-2009 at 08:48 AM.
  #239 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2009, 08:30 AM
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Re: Anyone else losing faith?

Originally Posted by santod View Post

"Each user gets 1 license, or perhaps 2-3 on request if needed (which is valid forever and all this works as transparently as possible,, while businesses who need to unlock more devices than that, can pay, PM Olipro for requesting 1-2 more devices for private user (free), and PM cmonex or Olipro if you want to discuss bulk unlocking.

Yeah, that sounds like a dollar requirement, if I ever heard one.
The way I read this, you only have to pay if you are a business that needs to unlock more than 2-3 devices. Am I missing something?
  #240 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2009, 08:49 AM
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Re: Anyone else losing faith?

Originally Posted by savaytse66 View Post
The way I read this, you only have to pay if you are a business that needs to unlock more than 2-3 devices. Am I missing something?
Yeah, right? It looks like the ol' "you gotta pay us if you try to make money using our software" routine. I don't have any problem at all with this type of licensing arrangement.

Edit: And so what if they want to do this?!? This is basically the traditional freeware licensing set-up, so I really have no idea why anyone would be complaining. This world isn't free, and nobody is entitled to anything, except die and pay taxes. If folks are nice enough to share something with us, then take it & be happy. It is their decision as to when & how to give us a FREE license to use their software, period.

Oh snap, and there are major INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ISSUES & RIGHTS/POTENTIAL LIABILITY involved here. They probably got some legal advice and are now just CTAs...


Last edited by Recursion; 10-24-2009 at 09:03 AM.
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