Re: DREAM PHONE - Mini guide :>))
nice post maxx.. as usuall, thanks/d
been a while since i used mmapplauncher, will have 2 look again, still have the cab on my sd... think i remember wishing it would return after app was closed to mmlauncher menu... had a today screen check box (wish). will look again, that may have been what got me started with easy today.. fdcsoft was another one I think.. wow ver 1! i was on test3.. nice post via tp2
Energy questions? Read posts 1-6 and ENERGY FAQ WIKI cdma FIRST!! .. (GSM here)
*HOW TO! *Voice (MSVC), Bing, Tellme *ANDROID *TV Don't hit THANKS (I've got a bad rep & want to keep it that way!) ![]() Last edited by teradog; 01-18-2011 at 05:36 AM. |
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Re: DREAM PHONE - Mini guide :>))
kyle, thanks for checking in! great post... you are farther ahead than you know...
"This post was friendly enough to get my phone from pretty useless to very usable" "Energy ROM, panel start menu and sense disabled" "With the pagepool set to 0 I boot with 120mb of free ram and I've never loved windows mobile more!" This pretty much sums it up! The simple fact you take the chance, don't do the typical... try different stuff... wow! For most getting it unlocked, flashing a ROM & adding a couple cabs is as far as they'll ever go... you've just earned a bunch of rep.. I don't know the answer to your specific question as I've not messed around with nuenobar at all but will probably look at it now :>)) And I'm not much into visuals, except that I want them to work & be fast, so no... no icon stuff for me. I'm not even suggesting IPT (an abbreviation for the iphone haters :>))... Simply to think out of the box, try some stuff... so many times I see people b*tching about being out of RAM & low memory, but refuse to follow some basics to get more??! I use to HATE SPB with a passion (also IPT), I never even tried it... lol, yea it's a pay app.. but it does give you 30days I think... I burn new ROMs more often than that! Try it, if you don't like it take out the single line in \windows\startup! Uninstall if you want to dump it all... just that easy... I'm not selling it, just trying different stuff... Good luck, you may want to post over there for icon packs, I know I've seen them. You may also want to check out IPT weather, comes with about 8 icons all telling the weather, kind of fills up 1/2 of the icons of an entire screen, and many are location sensitive, but worth a look. Also, look into mmapplauncher, FDCsoft menu & burn an 29007 Energy ROM & try the start menu layout switch... (you already did Energy...) fun TouchXperiance is VERY interesting, but not quite what did it for me.. some real out of the box nice stuff though. With all the RAM saved, you can run almost ALL of these together. SPB has some real nice supplements you can DL, that give you single push access to Sense (with or without Cookie... you've got to try Cookie!), Titanium... etc.. I haven't used 2nd today much since my Mogul days & manila weather, however there's a real nice, very in depth 2nd today weather @ xda, think it's called weatherpanel. It uses 2nd today as well, I was running it Oct, Nov... My top left (hidden button) pulls up quickmenu, top right wktask & set to close/close all with a hold, bottom right arrow hold xhook (REAL nice), bottom left, panel from Energy ROM, hard winkey winstart, hold offhook hardbutton (left)=voice command, hold on(hangup/right) hardkey, 4 choice Energy Airplane/lock/vibrate/term data screen... Use rhodiumkeyboardcfg cab to easily map hard keys, B&B tweaks in EROMS to map soft... even some stuff in advanced config menu... LOL.. may have to simplify though, getting to be a little much with the 2 SPB Carousals & ipt/spb toggle bottom right softkey... & droid/sense/titanium icons! ahhh the choices! LOL... people thought I was full of **** when first posting of getting over 120 MB of RAM...(giving links to xda arto startmenu remover & various today screen replacements..) ha! Now you know... :>)) I have NEVER seen an out of / low memory notification in Opera lately, use to get them alllllll the time...! Another little tid bit... in the URL type: opera:config, goto performance & double your server & max connections... a few other tiny tweeks in there have got people to report doubling their speed web browsing.. (no not double the DL speeds, but increases in those as well as a byproduct of a faster more functional, overclocked TP2 with tons of RAM to work with) keep having fun, enjoy & let us know some cool stuff you bump into, feel free to ask a Q also, if I don't know, odds are someone else may! *edit* I'm a 6.5.3 guy, re. noNueBar: "nueNoBar is WM 5, 6 and 6.1 compatible, and should run on WM 6.1 builds 20000+" anyone have it working with 29007? Last edited by teradog; 01-20-2011 at 02:16 PM. |
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Re: DREAM PHONE - Mini guide :>))
So, i'm still running BigMaxSense rom from a long time ago when Max stopped updating MaxSense. After that, i started using XDAndroid full-time. I've been steadily growing to like XDAndroid more and more as bugs are fixed and features are released. However, one BIG problem i have with XDAndroid is battery life. So... lately, i've been running winmo again. Only problem is ram usage over time goes to max. Then i stumbled upon this thread.
A few questions... 1. Would you recommend i flash a different ROM with PP 0? Or will i see the most gains from simply replacing the startmenu and doing some other tweaks to my existing rom? If you recommend flashing a diff. rom, exactly which of Nrg's rom's would you recommend? Can i use his maxsense or is that outdated? 2. I went ahead and ran the Arto Start Menu remover as well as installed WinStart2.0beta cabs. However, the new start menu takes exactly 12 seconds to load after hitting the hard start menu button. Is this normal or should i see instant response? After replacing the start menu, i'm showing 82.35 MB free program memory and 148.28 MB free storage memory (this is after a fresh reboot). When you said 120 MB, I assume you mean program memory, correct? Your help is MUCH appreciated. Glad to see this forum is still alive and kicking. There is not a phone on the market that i would replace my TP2 with yet. Still waiting for Android 4G phones with verizon LTE this summer. Last edited by skyguy04; 01-20-2011 at 05:43 PM. |
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Re: DREAM PHONE - Mini guide :>))
PP zero won't get you more RAM.. actually the opposite, but AFTER you've got an extra 50+MB, what the heck.. If all your after is RAM, flash with a 6, or 8 pp. But as I said in the first post, do it in the numbered order... most ram the fastest with the least "change" impact/difference to you... So, no new ROM needed ("any ROM will work"), but as I mentioned, flashing an Energy ROM with the Start Menu Replacement Switch in settings, makes it real easy. Otherwise you used arto and then you'll probably have to use that other xbutton cab a few posts back to get your x-button back.. no worries, it's painless... Maxsense was great in it's time, still is to many... I used it for a while last spring... outdated? hmmmm, well that depends.. the one you are still using is.. OS is certainly a zillion revisions behind & so are probably all of the individual packages within... (BT, dialer, sms, mms, etc.. etc..) However NRG was still updating till a month or two ago, so that is much newer... but think he's dumped it now.. so.. his is even outdated, newer htc packages now as well i'm guessing... one thing for sure... if he stopped updating it for good, it's only going to get older fast! X button on bottom = 29007 (many say it's more finger friendly & on the edge (pushing the limits more) than 21xxxx), if you like it on top 21xxxx, .............. some recommend the Neo ROM as it has more free RAM than the Pluto ROM... not sure try them all !! I'm on 29007 sencity now, with sense unchecked in settings/home... almost never use Cookie or sense (.. personally don't like the slider or bug chasing, but that's just me.. my opinion for what it matters). He just updated the Titanium, doesn't do that often, but it's the smallest, still has all his key programs & tweeks, the startmenu switch I think etc.. As it says in post 3 of the Energy ROM thread, good for tweaking & low memory profile. It has no sense or cookie, so i'm giving that one a whirl next... "your existing ROM"... I can't comment on that, as you didn't mention which one... and I don't know what all of their memory numbers are especially based on the fact anyone can change the pp & that changes everything.. if you're on an existing ROM, you probably have a bunch of cabs & stuff already on it... that's probably why your at 83MB. I can tell you using the Panel on Energy should put you over 90 especially if you use something like a pp of 12-14. Yea, to remember RAM, think progRAM. 1. Startmenu replacement: 25MB 2. Sense/cookie/today/home menu replacement: 25MB Again, these are rough numbers, many claim much more... I've seen 40MB claimed for #1. It also depends on what you replace them with! 3. Lower page pool (prior to burning ROM on TP2), lower = more RAM until you hit zero, then it's MUCH more.. like burning with a 28 pp to start. Re. Winstart: instant!! it seems many are having issues with Winstart, I'm not, don't know why, DUMP IT!! too many other options! My only issue with winstart is that it gets triggered too often & pops up.. i can probably fix by only mapping to hard windows key & not autostart. In my sig howto I list some startmenu replacements under VI. I believe.. "quick menu" seems to be among the stable, & most popular.. VERY low overhead on RAM. But some don't like the desktop type menus.. Panel in the Energy ROM is nice. Here's what I see real rough, low 90's with my Energy & panel & I dump NRG's Arkswitch (startup) for another 2MB. Uncheck Sense & Windows default (Titanium)... low 120's, add any of those I list in post 1 & end up like this.. "Easy Today" around 120, ipt in the teens, SPB 100-105. Drop your pp 10 & get 10, add 10 lose 10. So if the chef makes his ROMs with a 18 pp, & you flash 8, you get more.. flash 28, less. If you want RAM, RAM, RAM... I'd burn Energy Titanium with pp 4, switch to panel or compact startmenu (quick), reboot, uncheck Titanium in settings/home/>>items, and run Easy Today, take Arkswitch & anything else you don't want out of windows\startup & it should put you over 130MB... this summer we were seeing a bunch of ROM's in the low 50's to start!!! arrrggghhh *edit* lol, if you really want RAM, find a barebones android boot ROM, & do what I mentioned above (arto & QM/easy/etc..) Last edited by teradog; 01-20-2011 at 11:32 PM. |
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Re: DREAM PHONE - Mini guide :>))
Thanks a bunch Teradog!
I guess i mentioned more ram with PP 0 because you said for every 10 PP you reduce, you get 10 more ram. Maybe i misunderstood. Think i'm going to go with Titanium with PP 0, uncheck sense and windows default, load easy today,etc.. What the hell... i like trying stuff. ![]() |
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Re: DREAM PHONE - Mini guide :>))
I notice you and Teradog & others not using sense, So I am now interested to see how it is lookin ![]()
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Re: DREAM PHONE - Mini guide :>))
I too would like to see what the TERADOG's screen looks like!
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Re: DREAM PHONE - Mini guide :>))
This will be fun to see ![]()
* Using: Energy.RHODCDMA|Leo.[6.5.3].Sense2.5+CHT185 (July.4.2011) | AmeriCanAndroid HD2 | MOAR GS3
+ Helping with: [XDA_UC][UC][SASHIMI][S4X] S4X_Auto (Updated: Jan.17.2011) + Energy ROM Script/XDA_UC Contributions: Auto Carrier Provisioning | Start Menu Layout * Rhodium NRG Energy CDMA ROM Wiki - please read before posting a new question... |
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Re: DREAM PHONE - Mini guide :>))
Hello, this is my 1st post ever. I just got a htc tp2 on sprint sero plan. Can you give a link where to download the cabs from? Like I said I'm new & I'm not sure where to find anything yet. I've been reading now for days, but it seems I wasted alot of time reading threads from 2008-2009. Also can I ask about android? I tried twice to put this on my phone xdandroid and both times it froze during loading or sent me to launcherpro and said it wasnt available. Any help would be great. Or maybe someone could point me in the right direction for the best threads on the tp2? Sorry for bothering you all but Id really appreciate your help. Im running energy rom now. I put the iphone on (really cool) but I'm not sure how to go back to sense if I want to. Do I remove the iphone today program?
Last edited by klbarnes1; 01-24-2011 at 12:13 AM. Reason: Add |
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