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  #71 (permalink)  
Old 02-26-2010, 07:31 PM
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Re: have you USED android yet??

On paper the only thing the Droid has is screen resolution and that's it...

N1 has newer os, multitouch capable, better processor no matter what you think, more ram...

Everything else is the same....

Like the tp1 vs tp2.. on paper their equal, but in person there way different..

Same as Droid vs n1.... and untilled you have tried them side by side, Your opinion is as stupid as someone saying the tp1 is the same as the tp2...
(Hummingbird FTW)
  #72 (permalink)  
Old 02-26-2010, 07:32 PM
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Re: have you USED android yet??

Originally Posted by Dragon2 View Post
Overclocking causes issues too. Id rather have a real ghz processor than a overclocked one... lmaooo reason they didn't overclock it is why? Because the 600 they get from it is the best clock speed for that processor
What issues does overclocking that OMAP to 1.1 gigs cause? List them please if you really know of any. I am pretty sure there aren't any. And they may very well be planning on overclockign it in a future update for all you know. HTC does crap like that all the time (see the HD2 not listing all of the RAM for proof of this).

And, even so- the OMAP does more per clock cycle than the qualcomms. So the Droid may very well have better bench marks than the Nexus without overclocking it anyway. The fact that it CAN be overclocked so much should tell you it's a pretty deent processor.
  #73 (permalink)  
Old 02-26-2010, 07:37 PM
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Re: have you USED android yet??

Originally Posted by SaltyDawg View Post
Man, check the specs here- it has both:
Notice it says "Secondary ROM capacity: 15258 MiB" and ALSO says "Expansion Interfaces: microSD, microSDHC, TransFlash, SDIO" for the Droid.

Again, you can easily overclock the Droid to 1.1 gigs.

SDee here for info on 2.1 running on the Droid:

And understand they have been unnoficially running 2.1 on it for quite a while now (much like us Sprint TP2 users running WM 6.5).

Agian, please tell me what advantages the Nexus One has before you go saying my opinion is crap.
Its a SD card moron.... overclocking sucks and is dangerous to the phone. And wow. 1.1 to non overclocked 1024.....

Just cause sprints tp2s have custom roms don't make it official...Lmaooo

N1 better processor, more ram, amoled screen, no shitty keyboard, real 2.1... do reading, the droids n1 wont even get 5 screens, Lmaooo dude I got a n1 you don't... I've compared in real life you have not....

Your opinion is off paper not real experience...

I'm done you have no backup with real experience. Later

Droids awesome but your wrong on that shit... no 16 internally, no real 2.1 yet, less ram, shat keyboard.. later
  #74 (permalink)  
Old 02-26-2010, 07:39 PM
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Re: have you USED android yet??

Originally Posted by Dragon2 View Post
On paper the only thing the Droid has is screen resolution and that's it...

N1 has newer os, multitouch capable, better processor no matter what you think, more ram...

Everything else is the same....

Like the tp1 vs tp2.. on paper their equal, but in person there way different..

Same as Droid vs n1.... and untilled you have tried them side by side, Your opinion is as stupid as someone saying the tp1 is the same as the tp2...
Wrong again, lol.

The Droid has the following advantages...
#1: Keyboard.
#2: 16 gigs internal storage.
#3: Better processor (even if you only care about clock speed, it can easily be overclocked to faster than the Nexus).
#4: It runs the same OS. Even if it is not official, it has been officially announced to be released any day now and everyone has been running it for quite a while.
#5: It has multitouch and all that, lol. Don;t know where you are getting your info but the Droid has multitouch.
#6: You obviously haven't tried them side by side either with all of your bogus information, so stop blasting me for not trying them side by side.. At least I admitteded i had only tried the Droid and was comparing specs.
#7: Again, Google asked Motorola to make the Nexus and Motorola said no. There is a reason for that. There is also a reason Motorola is making the Nexus 2 right now- and it looks a lot like a Droid, keyboard and all.
  #75 (permalink)  
Old 02-26-2010, 07:40 PM
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Re: have you USED android yet??

Originally Posted by SaltyDawg View Post
What issues does overclocking that OMAP to 1.1 gigs cause? List them please if you really know of any. I am pretty sure there aren't any. And they may very well be planning on overclockign it in a future update for all you know. HTC does crap like that all the time (see the HD2 not listing all of the RAM for proof of this).

And, even so- the OMAP does more per clock cycle than the qualcomms. So the Droid may very well have better bench marks than the Nexus without overclocking it anyway. The fact that it CAN be overclocked so much should tell you it's a pretty deent processor.
It is awesome But not as fast as the n1... I've tried em both you haven't.... even then you don't have a Droid.. dude your fighting a fight with someone who has 1 of the 2 your comparing, you don't have either....

Overclocking causes battery drain and heating issues.
  #76 (permalink)  
Old 02-26-2010, 07:41 PM
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Re: have you USED android yet??

Originally Posted by SaltyDawg View Post
Man, check the specs here- it has both:
Notice it says "Secondary ROM capacity: 15258 MiB" and ALSO says "Expansion Interfaces: microSD, microSDHC, TransFlash, SDIO" for the Droid.

Again, you can easily overclock the Droid to 1.1 gigs.

SDee here for info on 2.1 running on the Droid:

And understand they have been unnoficially running 2.1 on it for quite a while now (much like us Sprint TP2 users running WM 6.5).

Agian, please tell me what advantages the Nexus One has before you go saying my opinion is crap.
Simple, advantages are 1ghz processor right out of he box without over clocking. Its that simple, overclocking is not what that processor is supposed to run at. Rom is not an issue because a storage card is where all media files get stored. Amoled screen looks way better when side by side comparison.
Also like I stated the ui on the nexus is 10x better as well. Like dragon said you haven't played with them both so your opinion is kind of crap. You haven't overclocked and compared them, nor do you know how simple it is to even root your Droid and is it worth it as it voids warranty. Many of my friends have the Motorola Droid and of course theirs isn't rooted and one of the first things they notice (after the gorgeous display of course) is how freaking fast my phone is, it never fails. Besides keyboard no one would ever pick the Droid over the nexus one.
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  #77 (permalink)  
Old 02-26-2010, 07:43 PM
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Re: have you USED android yet??

The Droid don't have multitpuch fool. Only in dolphin browser not pics, Google maps or Google earth.... damn

And the 16 gb is a card dude. Jesus Christ..

Its not on 2.1 yes and even then it wont have the same as the n1....

I run android you don't...
  #78 (permalink)  
Old 02-26-2010, 07:44 PM
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Re: have you USED android yet??

The Droid don't have multitouch fool. Only in dolphin browser not pics, Google maps or Google earth or stock browser.... damn

And the 16 gb is a card dude did you read my link that said pre installed card. Jesus Christ..

Its not on 2.1 yet and even then it wont have the same as the n1....

I run android you don't...
  #79 (permalink)  
Old 02-26-2010, 07:46 PM
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Re: have you USED android yet??

Originally Posted by Dragon2 View Post
Its a SD card moron.... overclocking sucks and is dangerous to the phone. And wow. 1.1 to non overclocked 1024.....

Just cause sprints tp2s have custom roms don't make it official...Lmaooo

N1 better processor, more ram, amoled screen, no shitty keyboard, real 2.1... do reading, the droids n1 wont even get 5 screens, Lmaooo dude I got a n1 you don't... I've compared in real life you have not....

Your opinion is off paper not real experience...

I'm done you have no backup with real experience. Later

Droids awesome but your wrong on that shit... no 16 internally, no real 2.1 yet, less ram, shat keyboard.. later
You are just flat out wrong man. I posted the link and you continue to ignore it.
#1: Droid has the better processor.
#2: Droid has the better resolution screen.
#3: Droid has a keyboard.
#4: Droid also has 2.1.
#5: You have clearly not tried them both liek you claim or you would not be making all of these bogus claims.
#6: And yes, it has a MicroSd SLOT AND internal memory. And I posted a link listing the specs that proved it. So while I may not pretend to have all of this experience with both like you, at least I posted a link to the actual specs and they confirmed what I said.
  #80 (permalink)  
Old 02-26-2010, 07:46 PM
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Re: have you USED android yet??

Salty is psycho... everything he's saying is opinion...but the internal storage is fact to be a SD card, not internal.
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