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  #1331 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2010, 09:28 PM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

Originally Posted by jethro_static View Post
Excuse me? Samsung Omnia flashed with M2D...


The WM phone that was never hacked was the phone the nobody cared about. So nobody even tried to hack it.
Yes I know Omnia's are flashed too. Although it is not the same as the way we do it, but yes they get flashed.

That LG projector phone doesn't get flashed though...
  #1332 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2010, 09:33 PM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

Originally Posted by brushrop03 View Post
I think the tables are going to turn on the whole smartphone marketshare and WinMo will be the minority.
yeah because corporate will abandon Windows Phone security & control for android, iphone and palm ROTFLMAO.


and you all think the carriers will continue to promote a DO ANYTHING & ABUSE OUR NETWORK for $29.99/mo (and lobby for "net neutrality") android giving up $10/mo turn-by-turn, push, etc.

you guys need to think beyond a 4-6 month marketing blitz.

lets get real, long term android could easily get the wm6.5 treatment from carriers alone once they have more choices, phones, etc. to choose from. put iPhone on verizon and what do you think happens to android?

either way until wp7 phones ship and xmas 2010 it's a total waste of bandwidth talking about it
  #1333 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2010, 09:35 PM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

Originally Posted by SaltyDawg View Post
Yes I know Omnia's are flashed too. Although it is not the same as the way we do it, but yes they get flashed.

That LG projector phone doesn't get flashed though...
I know they do it differently. But since we're talking about HTC, I gave HSPL as an example.
Like I said, If people do not care about it, It will not be exploited. If the projector phone will have 1 million users, Trust me. It will not escape.

This is how secured WM is. B4 WM6,5 even gets released, It's already on our phone for months...
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Last edited by jethro_static; 02-08-2010 at 09:41 PM.
  #1334 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2010, 09:56 PM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

Originally Posted by gcianc View Post
yeah because corporate will abandon Windows Phone security & control for android, iphone and palm ROTFLMAO.


and you all think the carriers will continue to promote a DO ANYTHING & ABUSE OUR NETWORK for $29.99/mo (and lobby for "net neutrality") android giving up $10/mo turn-by-turn, push, etc.

you guys need to think beyond a 4-6 month marketing blitz.

lets get real, long term android could easily get the wm6.5 treatment from carriers alone once they have more choices, phones, etc. to choose from. put iPhone on verizon and what do you think happens to android?

either way until wp7 phones ship and xmas 2010 it's a total waste of bandwidth talking about it
Android isn't the do everything and abuse however you want for only $29.99 that you make it out to be. For one thing, the carriers have a say in what is in the app store. See google blocking the tethering app from the G1's app store at T-Mobile's request. And for another thing, the carriers get a piece of the pie everytime someone buys an app. And soon the apps will be able to be paid for on your phone bill (if not already, it was a while ago when I read that it was coming).

So there are plenty of reasons carriers like and promote Android.
  #1335 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2010, 10:01 PM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

Originally Posted by jethro_static View Post
I know they do it differently. But since we're talking about HTC, I gave HSPL as an example.
Like I said, If people do not care about it, It will not be exploited. If the projector phone will have 1 million users, Trust me. It will not escape.

This is how secured WM is. B4 WM6,5 even gets released, It's already on our phone for months...
The fact that we have betas leaked doesn't mean it isn't secure, lol.

And there have been plenty of winmo phones that never got hacked. I just listed that projector phone because it is a pretty hot current phone that hasn't been hacked yet.

But look man, you can technically load a new OS on any phone if everyone wants to bad enough. If there is an OS loaded on a phone, then there is a way to change that OS if someone wants to bad enough. That does not mean it isn't secure though.

Now if someone else is getting into my phone and hacking it up or whatever remotely, then I would say it's not secure.
  #1336 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2010, 10:18 PM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

Originally Posted by SaltyDawg View Post
The fact that we have betas leaked doesn't mean it isn't secure, lol.

And there have been plenty of winmo phones that never got hacked. I just listed that projector phone because it is a pretty hot current phone that hasn't been hacked yet.

But look man, you can technically load a new OS on any phone if everyone wants to bad enough. If there is an OS loaded on a phone, then there is a way to change that OS if someone wants to bad enough. That does not mean it isn't secure though.

Now if someone else is getting into my phone and hacking it up or whatever remotely, then I would say it's not secure.
oh, u can cook an iphone rom and load it anytime. right. iphones newest firmwares are being used b4 it comes out. n hackin ur phone remotely is a whole another topic. nobody cares about the projector phone so it will never be hacked.
the phones security itself can easily be bypassed.have u ever CID'd? it will take u less than 2 minutes and u can change d ESN to whatever u want.

btw, a rom that is not out yet and being flashed by 13 year old on his phone is a secure os.
  #1337 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2010, 11:08 PM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

Originally Posted by jethro_static View Post
oh, u can cook an iphone rom and load it anytime. right. iphones newest firmwares are being used b4 it comes out. n hackin ur phone remotely is a whole another topic. nobody cares about the projector phone so it will never be hacked.
the phones security itself can easily be bypassed.have u ever CID'd? it will take u less than 2 minutes and u can change d ESN to whatever u want.

btw, a rom that is not out yet and being flashed by 13 year old on his phone is a secure os.
Yes man, you could load a new OS on an iPhone if someone wanted to bad enough. You're out of your mind if you think otherwise.

I love how you think you speak for everyone (NOBODY cares about the projector phone). LOL, get real man. You've been reading too many pslim posts- he's starting to wear off on you. That phone is the hottest thing on Winmo right now besides the HD2. And putting that aside, there have been PLENTY of Winmo phones that never got hacked. The only ones that ever do get hacked are HTC phones, Samsung phones, the Treos (and they got hacked when running Palm OS too), and the q's got hacked too.

The Toshibas never get hacked. I had a Hitachi G1000 back in the day that I was praying would get hacked and it never did.

And you keep saying 12 year olds are installing ROMs that aren't out yet- that's a bunch of bull. MS releases the beta builds and HTC leaks them to the community. 12 year olds aren't conjuring them up out of nowhere- they are being released. Maybe not released through the traditional means, but they are still being released.

Anything capable of legitimately having an OS loaded (or upgraded) is capable of being hacked. And, again, that does not mean it's not secure.
  #1338 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2010, 11:25 PM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

buys an android app.... ROTFLMAO.

there are plenty of reasons TODAY. later in the year maybenotsomuch

Originally Posted by SaltyDawg View Post
Android isn't the do everything and abuse however you want for only $29.99 that you make it out to be. For one thing, the carriers have a say in what is in the app store. See google blocking the tethering app from the G1's app store at T-Mobile's request. And for another thing, the carriers get a piece of the pie everytime someone buys an app. And soon the apps will be able to be paid for on your phone bill (if not already, it was a while ago when I read that it was coming).

So there are plenty of reasons carriers like and promote Android.
  #1339 (permalink)  
Old 02-09-2010, 12:05 AM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

Originally Posted by SaltyDawg View Post
Yes man, you could load a new OS on an iPhone if someone wanted to bad enough. You're out of your mind if you think otherwise.

I love how you think you speak for everyone (NOBODY cares about the projector phone). LOL, get real man. You've been reading too many pslim posts- he's starting to wear off on you. That phone is the hottest thing on Winmo right now besides the HD2. And putting that aside, there have been PLENTY of Winmo phones that never got hacked. The only ones that ever do get hacked are HTC phones, Samsung phones, the Treos (and they got hacked when running Palm OS too), and the q's got hacked too.

The Toshibas never get hacked. I had a Hitachi G1000 back in the day that I was praying would get hacked and it never did.

And you keep saying 12 year olds are installing ROMs that aren't out yet- that's a bunch of bull. MS releases the beta builds and HTC leaks them to the community. 12 year olds aren't conjuring them up out of nowhere- they are being released. Maybe not released through the traditional means, but they are still being released.

Anything capable of legitimately having an OS loaded (or upgraded) is capable of being hacked. And, again, that does not mean it's not secure.
I like the way you say that the only opinion matters is urs. The projector phone is hot? Have U seen anybody here that has a projector phone U speak of? U can cook a ROM for the the iPhone? where are you getting your Ideas man? A lot of WM phone is unhackable? Can't U understand that ia few WM device users, never had a hacking community? It's funny U list the hackable devices(Majority of WM) and "plenty" unhackable which U named 0.
Toshiba's are unhackable?
It's on it's way. Why it took so long? There are not too many people that owns a TG01 so there is no dev team created earlier.

I am pretty confused that You keep on saying the WM is secured. 1st, No phone is secure of being hacked remotely.
WM is a closed platform and what we do to it shouldn't be allowed. But since it's that easy to break the security and MS and HTC allows it, it's OK.
Android is fine to developed since it's an Open source.
iPhone OSX is extremely hard to break the security for the ROM to be cooked. Even if U break it, Apple will be on ur ass. It is also closed.
Palm is also secured. And a close platform and it is also extremely hard to cook a ROM for.

Why is Apple OSX and WebOS so secure? Because it's core based on UNIX! The most secure OS!

Don't U know that OSX does not use anti viruses?
Don't U know that Linux don't use viruses?
Because they are based on UNIX!

Last edited by jethro_static; 02-09-2010 at 12:07 AM.
  #1340 (permalink)  
Old 02-09-2010, 12:18 AM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

Originally Posted by SaltyDawg View Post
Yes man, you could load a new OS on an iPhone if someone wanted to bad enough. You're out of your mind if you think otherwise.

I love how you think you speak for everyone (NOBODY cares about the projector phone). LOL, get real man. You've been reading too many pslim posts- he's starting to wear off on you. That phone is the hottest thing on Winmo right now besides the HD2. And putting that aside, there have been PLENTY of Winmo phones that never got hacked. The only ones that ever do get hacked are HTC phones, Samsung phones, the Treos (and they got hacked when running Palm OS too), and the q's got hacked too.

The Toshibas never get hacked. I had a Hitachi G1000 back in the day that I was praying would get hacked and it never did.

And you keep saying 12 year olds are installing ROMs that aren't out yet- that's a bunch of bull. MS releases the beta builds and HTC leaks them to the community. 12 year olds aren't conjuring them up out of nowhere- they are being released. Maybe not released through the traditional means, but they are still being released.

Anything capable of legitimately having an OS loaded (or upgraded) is capable of being hacked. And, again, that does not mean it's not secure.
Man. Your hardcore winmo..Give it up.... There as dead as your posts are...
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