Re: Who plans to go HD2?
Hopefully WinMo 7 and its hardware standards will help. I'm sure it will. But MS needs to get off their ass and get open up app development. I feel like they're really limiting themselves to the types of customers they can get and soon, Saltydawg, I think the tables are going to turn on the whole smartphone marketshare and WinMo will be the minority.
Re: Who plans to go HD2?
Patience .. It's a Virtue Part of StarCraft II :Beta Team PPCGeeks All around nice guy |
Re: Who plans to go HD2?
- Playing FaceBook Poker App on Skyfire right now and I just won a tournament hehe 1-3 tables and im eligible for some laptop or a hdtv, it's the thought that counts, anyway I did enter an entry for the Vegas trip, but yea I didn't get a call back from Zynga lol So this is live with people on Facebook and they're not even aware I'm on my WinPhone |
Re: Who plans to go HD2?
the touchflo contacts also integrates facebook. a good way to get pics and bdays and such. |
Re: Who plans to go HD2?
Re: Who plans to go HD2?
"Those figures aren't official; they're based on mobile app usage by newly-detected phones, divided by the types of phones detected. The numbers suggest that Nexus One sales haven't significantly sped up or slowed down over the course of a month." |
Re: Who plans to go HD2?
[YouTube] Awesome WinPhone Commercial Quote:
One word. Flash big part of the Internet as we know it in this present day. Until Android gets flash its not better. I'm not just talking skyfire here, IE mobile supports you-tube natively aswell. Adobe plans to have full Flash 10.1 on Windows Phones shortly as well [/QUOTE] Contact Card - Manila Sense Contact Card check MMS - Stock HD2 ROM will come with working carrier MMS APPS- Windows Mobile has by far the largest application catalog, Just because they've been around longer does not make this not true, Some Apps designed for WM6.0 and 5.0 have they're quirks but im still amazed at some of they're versatility. Windows Mobile 6.5 apps now support a larger amount of screen resoltions, and compatibility such as finger friendly tools and kinetic scrolling thanks for Windows 6.5 kinetic engine" Show me game on the Android Marketplace that's better than running a home backup of an awesome Playstation Game?[/QUOTE] Quote:
Windows MarketPlace - I think yours is called Android Market or something childish like that -You name it I can almost definitely find it better on the HD2 Quote:
There are are so many things people will enjoy more an a business oriented device, i.e word, power point, pico projector which offers entertainment applications aswell such as full playstation emulation on the Expos (1ghz Snapdragon + a Projector and some bluetooth Controllers = Office Party. music apps, Opn Market, alternative browsers/flash support, It's a wonderful world on Windows Phone Quote:
improved memory management was on the list somewhere, if you believe update reports which you seem to, because that new Nexus update magically fixed everyone's spotty NexusOne tmbile 3G coverage. I still say the day the vast majority of people believe software and technology is absolute "magic" as Steve Jobs loves to say about the IPad, is the day humanity steps backwards in evolution and we digress into two separate but somewhat familiar species. p.s this was one just one of pSlims comment posts, I took the liberty of observing |
Re: Who plans to go HD2?
This way of estimating sales numbers has proven to be extremely accurate though. They can see which ones are new devices in the app store. |
Re: Who plans to go HD2?
Deimoss wait, are you saying winmo 6.5.x has better memory management then android?
Google isn't being hush hush about their sales. The phone just came out and its not doing bad, they just want to move more units. Salty and deimoss is the reason winmo lost marketshare to iPhone. They didn't want to change. You have to change with the times which is what Microsoft is finally doing. You guys keep forgetting the head start Microsoft had over all these other companies. Microsoft has missed out on so much $ dealing with you dinosaurs. They're finally making the move and will win back support from developers, HTC will finally give them the commercials you want, when they create some random app like NBA gametime or Pandora, winmo finally wont be left out. Its time for winmo 6 to go bye bye.
Sprint Evo
T-Mobile Nexus One ------------------------ Google is the next skynet |