Re: Who plans to go HD2?
Deimoss wait, are you saying winmo 6.5.x has better memory management then android?
Google isn't being hush hush about their sales. The phone just came out and its not doing bad, they just want to move more units. Salty and deimoss is the reason winmo lost marketshare to iPhone. They didn't want to change. You have to change with the times which is what Microsoft is finally doing. You guys keep forgetting the head start Microsoft had over all these other companies. Microsoft has missed out on so much $ dealing with you dinosaurs. They're finally making the move and will win back support from developers, HTC will finally give them the commercials you want, when they create some random app like NBA gametime or Pandora, winmo finally wont be left out. Its time for winmo 6 to go bye bye.
Sprint Evo
T-Mobile Nexus One
Google is the next skynet