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  #1291 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2010, 01:02 PM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

Originally Posted by fendi503 View Post
sms is easier.......... Really?
yeah that falls into the category of the things that aren't actually easier but look more vibrant, and yes the way you can pull up the contact card from that screen and the options it gives you is much better. Maybe i should sms you a youtube link and see what your phone does with it, and then we'll see what the nexus or any droid does when it receive that same link.
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Last edited by p-slim; 02-08-2010 at 01:05 PM.
  #1292 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2010, 01:17 PM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

if i'm browsing the web and i see an app for android that i want, all i have to do is point my android phone at the barcode on the screen and guess what, my android will automatically download that app without me searching for it thru the marketplace. have you tried google goggles or google sky? the fact that android 2.1 has free gps maps. these are the simple things i'm talking about. winmo 6.5 can do these same things, but its easier on droids. The search feature (voice and text) and how its built into every application and the phone itself is amazing. The list with droids and how they simply your life goes on and on, it would be like writing a documentry. All i would have to do to get more ammo would be to go into the forums and look at all the ridiculous help that people need, winmo 6.5 is complicated for no reason.
  #1293 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2010, 01:33 PM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
damn salty i'm going to go ahead and say your an idiot. you obviously don't understand marketshare and you keep bringing it up. How long has Palm been around. That marketshare you're talking about isn't only comparing the the new palm os, its comparing palms in peoples hands in general, old palm and new palm. you act like android isn't the most rapidly growing os, it was even posted on the front of the ppcgeeks front page a couple of months back, isn't this a winmo website? i'm going to give you an example of marketshare your brain might be able to understand. If i create a flying car and the next flying car doesn't come out for 20 years, even if i fully agree that new flying car is better then mine, the fact that i've been out for 20 years will allow me to keep my marketshare forever. Now if i don't upgrade my flying car soon the new flying car will take over my marketshare. android has only been in the game a short while and they still sell their 1st ever android phone in stores, so how the hell can they be close to anyone in marketshare, but yet you see android commercials all the time. the fact that android is even as popular as it is shows winmo desperately needs a change to stay in the game.

you must not understand everything, sms feature is easier and more vibrant looking, web browsing is a better experience on any droid, contact card, mms, thousands of apps which are easier, gaming, you name it, its easier on droid, google maps, search feature, marketplace, you name it, its easier on droid. like i said the only advantage winmo has is slingbox and skyfire. androids memory management is better, i can keep going. and the things that aren't actually better, just look better with android. I use google even when i had winmo so everything that google incorporates for winmo is 10x better on the droid.
I'm an idiot for repeatedly proving that you don't know what the heck you're talking about? LOL, whatever man. No need to take that seriously because if I wait long enough I klnow you'll flip flop on that like you have everything else in this thread.

Again, for the morons who can't understand this- Windows Mobile user base GREW 5 TIMES as much as Androids in October of 2009. Do you understand that? Lert me say it again since you can't seem to grasp that- in the most recent numbers, which are from October of 2009- Android grew to it's all time high. In that same time frame- Windows Mobile added FIVE TIMES as many users as Android.

These are NEW users we're talking about, not the existing ones.

Man I actually feel sorry for you. You have continually made yourself look like a fool in this thread, and you have the nerve to call me an idiot. LOL!
  #1294 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2010, 01:42 PM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

salty here is the report man, i feel like i'm arguing with an incompotent.

where do you get added 5x? windows rose to 7, dropped to 6.6, then in october when windows 7 was released went to 7.1. this whole time android was doing nothing but rising and to 1 million at that, still selling the g1. This is NOT a good report for winmo, not in the least.

"Apple's iPhone has topped Microsoft's Windows Mobile in U.S. market share of smartphone operating systems for the first time, putting it in the No. 2 spot, according to a report from ComScore released Thursday.

In February, 5.2 million respondents to ComScore's survey reported using Apple's iPhone, while 6.8 million reported using phones running Microsoft's Windows Mobile, according to a report on FierceDeveloper. ComScore, a market research firm, averages results in a three-month period.

In May, Apple's number rose to 5.7 million, then 6.6 million in July, and finally to a high of 8.9 million for October, the most recent period for which results are available. In comparison, Microsoft rose in May to 7 million, dropped in July to 6.6 million, and went back up in October to 7.1 million.

The highest market share numbers in the survey go to Research In Motion's BlackBerry. It registered 9.6 million in February, 12.2 million in May, 13 million in July, and 14.9 million in October.

It's interesting to note that Palm's number rose from 2.3 million to 2.8 million in 2009, and Google's Android operating system rose to a high of 1 million by October. "
  #1295 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2010, 01:55 PM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

all this report shows is how iphone just swooped on winmo even though winmo has been out ages before iphone os, it shows blackberry already took them out the game, it also shows how fast android is rapidly growing (if you walk into tmobile they still have the g1 on display and selling it, wasn't that the 1st ever android phone), and lastly it shows that winmo desperately needs a change from winmo 6, any body besides salty care to comment and let me know if i'm right or wrong.
  #1296 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2010, 02:11 PM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
salty here is the report man, i feel like i'm arguing with an incompotent.

where do you get added 5x? windows rose to 7, dropped to 6.6, then in october when windows 7 was released went to 7.1. this whole time android was doing nothing but rising and to 1 million at that, still selling the g1. This is NOT a good report for winmo, not in the least.

"Apple's iPhone has topped Microsoft's Windows Mobile in U.S. market share of smartphone operating systems for the first time, putting it in the No. 2 spot, according to a report from ComScore released Thursday.

In February, 5.2 million respondents to ComScore's survey reported using Apple's iPhone, while 6.8 million reported using phones running Microsoft's Windows Mobile, according to a report on FierceDeveloper. ComScore, a market research firm, averages results in a three-month period.

In May, Apple's number rose to 5.7 million, then 6.6 million in July, and finally to a high of 8.9 million for October, the most recent period for which results are available. In comparison, Microsoft rose in May to 7 million, dropped in July to 6.6 million, and went back up in October to 7.1 million.

The highest market share numbers in the survey go to Research In Motion's BlackBerry. It registered 9.6 million in February, 12.2 million in May, 13 million in July, and 14.9 million in October.

It's interesting to note that Palm's number rose from 2.3 million to 2.8 million in 2009, and Google's Android operating system rose to a high of 1 million by October. "
LOL, of course you feel like you're arguing with an incompetent. That's what happens when you don't know what the heck you're talking about but you actually think you know everything. Look at those numbers man. Again, winMo GREW by 500,000, in the same time frame Android gGREW by 100,000. Now it doesn;t take a genius to see which number is bigger. So stop your stupid opinions and just tell me what those FACTS mean. And by the way, here is the link where that article got its nubers:
  #1297 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2010, 02:16 PM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
all this report shows is how iphone just swooped on winmo even though winmo has been out ages before iphone os, it shows blackberry already took them out the game, it also shows how fast android is rapidly growing (if you walk into tmobile they still have the g1 on display and selling it, wasn't that the 1st ever android phone), and lastly it shows that winmo desperately needs a change from winmo 6, any body besides salty care to comment and let me know if i'm right or wrong.
Look man, your opinion is pretty retarded. You keep trying to force your opinion on us, but it's totally WRONG and has been proven by FACTS time and time again. Here are the numbers:

There are FAR more winmo devices out there than Android. Period.

When Android just grew to its all time high in October, WinMo added FIVE TIMES as many new users (in that same time frame). Period.

Just the facts.

Last edited by BlackDynamite; 02-08-2010 at 02:19 PM.
  #1298 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2010, 02:24 PM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

You must not have read my thread about marketshare, I know winmo marketshare is currently higher, the whole argument is that if winmo doesn't do something drastic to 6.5 then android and iPhone OS will continue to skyrocket. This is the only thing I want you to comprehend. I don't care about anythoong else at this point because we will continue to go back and forth.
  #1299 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2010, 02:25 PM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

Well I'm not sure what we're arguing anymore lol. Sometimes it seems like its Android OS to WinMO OS and sometimes its N1 to WinMo.

But as far as comparing the OS UI, its still iffy. I say this because HTC makes the best phones IMO. I'm a huge fanboy of HTC. Their UI in all the phones they manufacture sets them apart. For example WinMo and the Touch Flo and Sense. And Android with the Sense UI.

But if you look at Android with the Moment or even the Droid it looks too bare. I'm only saying this because someone brought up a point where the UI looks better on Android with all the apps and everything. But IMO Android only looks better (if not comparable to WinMo sense and Touch Flo) on HTC phones. Other than that, it looks way too plan and boring.

As far as the apps go, the UI in Windows marketplace is pretty good and slick. That goes for the newer apps as well.

There's how many people living in the US compared to what 4 phone OS. So I would definitely want an OS that I can customize to my preferences. I know the Android can be customized too but IMO its not that big of a difference to jump to Android. Especially when WM7 is so close. And I know WM7 is not in the discussion but you can't ignore the fact that it is coming. Face it, we all want the newest phone or OS out. I just dont want to jump ship to Android and be locked in a one year contract when WM7 is due to come out. You see what I'm saying?
  #1300 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2010, 02:35 PM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
You must not have read my thread about marketshare, I know winmo marketshare is currently higher, the whole argument is that if winmo doesn't do something drastic to 6.5 then android and iPhone OS will continue to skyrocket. This is the only thing I want you to comprehend. I don't care about anythoong else at this point because we will continue to go back and forth.
Look man, I will say this again, read it slowly so you get it:
WinMo just added FIVE TIMES MORE new users than Android in the most recent 3 month period. Again- as well as you think Android is doing- Winmo just added FIVE TIMES as many new users in the most recent period.

You know why? Uh, because Winmo actually launched some phones during that period.

Now, again, I maintain that if Winmo actually marketed the way Android and iPhone does, then it would sell just as much or even more. But I rarely see a winmo commercial, and I see an android and iphone commercial several times per day.

Again- winmo just added FIVE TIMES as many new customers as Android in the most recent 3 month period. With no marketing whatsoever and most stores not even stocking the phones- it still added FIVE TIMES as many new users as Android in that same time frame.

Just the facts man.
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