02-09-2010, 12:18 AM
Location: USA, Portland OR
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?
Originally Posted by SaltyDawg
Yes man, you could load a new OS on an iPhone if someone wanted to bad enough. You're out of your mind if you think otherwise.
I love how you think you speak for everyone (NOBODY cares about the projector phone). LOL, get real man. You've been reading too many pslim posts- he's starting to wear off on you. That phone is the hottest thing on Winmo right now besides the HD2. And putting that aside, there have been PLENTY of Winmo phones that never got hacked. The only ones that ever do get hacked are HTC phones, Samsung phones, the Treos (and they got hacked when running Palm OS too), and the q's got hacked too.
The Toshibas never get hacked. I had a Hitachi G1000 back in the day that I was praying would get hacked and it never did.
And you keep saying 12 year olds are installing ROMs that aren't out yet- that's a bunch of bull. MS releases the beta builds and HTC leaks them to the community. 12 year olds aren't conjuring them up out of nowhere- they are being released. Maybe not released through the traditional means, but they are still being released.
Anything capable of legitimately having an OS loaded (or upgraded) is capable of being hacked. And, again, that does not mean it's not secure.
Man. Your hardcore winmo..Give it up.... There as dead as your posts are...
(Hummingbird FTW)