Originally Posted by SaltyDawg
The fact that we have betas leaked doesn't mean it isn't secure, lol.
And there have been plenty of winmo phones that never got hacked. I just listed that projector phone because it is a pretty hot current phone that hasn't been hacked yet.
But look man, you can technically load a new OS on any phone if everyone wants to bad enough. If there is an OS loaded on a phone, then there is a way to change that OS if someone wants to bad enough. That does not mean it isn't secure though.
Now if someone else is getting into my phone and hacking it up or whatever remotely, then I would say it's not secure.
oh, u can cook an iphone rom and load it anytime. right. iphones newest firmwares are being used b4 it comes out. n hackin ur phone remotely is a whole another topic. nobody cares about the projector phone so it will never be hacked.
the phones security itself can easily be bypassed.have u ever CID'd? it will take u less than 2 minutes and u can change d ESN to whatever u want.
btw, a rom that is not out yet and being flashed by 13 year old on his phone is a secure os.