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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2010, 08:35 AM
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Re: So what do you guys think so far?

don't forget about the Moment that Samsung says works flawless... I guess if you like wifi/cmda lockups it does work perfect. I will never own a Samsung phone again ever so the Evo is where I plan to be.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2010, 08:49 AM
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Re: So what do you guys think so far?

Samsung was okay for it's low end phones. They made pretty reliable cheapos. But they just can't seem to hack it in the big leagues.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2010, 09:07 AM
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Re: So what do you guys think so far?

Originally Posted by MrDSL View Post
A guy I work with has exchanged his Galaxy S twice cause the battery won't last longer than 6 hours. My EVO has never been that bad and I know I do more on my phone then he does.
As stated it is an issue for some..but in the end run if you tweak both devices the Galaxy S would end up winning in battery life, I'm sure you tweaked your EVO right?...some people reported 4 hours with EVO..it varies.. sometimes they may have some apps configured bad draining energy...

Originally Posted by MrDSL View Post
GPS still isn't fixed..I mean how long has the phone been out now? and yes the overseas version counts also.

Seems like Samsung support is about exactly the same as it was before. As long as the Galaxy S has been out this is no excuse not to issue a fix. That is my biggest gripe with the whole phone and many others. Samsung support has always SUCKED and everyone was talking about how this phone was going to be their flagship phone and it was going to be on ALL carriers and Samsung would for sure support the device and change their reputation.

What was the latest word for a fix? September? Really? Sure glad it didn't take HTC to release a sdcard fix oh and another OTA fix not long after that one..Oh wait that fix was available the day of release. Don't even try and say it was because of the google EVO's that were floating around that made the fix so quick. Samsung has had the Galaxy S released in Europe much longer then google EVO's were available before launch. They knew about the GPS long before the US launch.

Samsung hasn't changed at all and I am glad I didn't wait for the Epic.
Again..stop trying to pull cheap shots..they said September..give them a chance...we all know HTC fixed the 30fps limit like they promised on the EVO fast and all....

Originally Posted by 00_MACKIE_00 View Post
don't forget about the Moment that Samsung says works flawless... I guess if you like wifi/cmda lockups it does work perfect. I will never own a Samsung phone again ever so the Evo is where I plan to be.
Yes and HTC always said my windows mobile phones work perfect too with no lockups out of box in stock roms too :/

Originally Posted by lkillen View Post
Samsung was okay for it's low end phones. They made pretty reliable cheapos. But they just can't seem to hack it in the big leagues.
By sales they seem to be doing just fine...and so far they are releasing beta firmware pretty fast considering...


See guys its not like HTC has been that nice to us..more like we got used to their treatment and relied on the community...I mean in all realistically, when buying an HTC device, how many of you would have gotten it if there was no community?

In my argument..Samsung isn't any better or worse then HTC...they all treat us the same...
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Last edited by gTen; 08-16-2010 at 09:11 AM.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2010, 09:32 AM
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Re: So what do you guys think so far?

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
As stated it is an issue for some..but in the end run if you tweak both devices the Galaxy S would end up winning in battery life, I'm sure you tweaked your EVO right?...some people reported 4 hours with EVO..it varies.. sometimes they may have some apps configured bad draining energy...
I have not tweaked my EVO for battery life and it does fine lasting over 4-6 hours.

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Again..stop trying to pull cheap shots..they said September..give them a chance...we all know HTC fixed the 30fps limit like they promised on the EVO fast and all....
Its not a cheap shot..Its a fact..Sorry if facts bother you but it is what it is. HTC NEVER promised to fix 30fps..As they said its by design so please don't make stuff up to prove whatever point you're trying to prove and stick to facts.

Samsung's support is no where near the level of HTC..
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2010, 09:59 AM
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Re: So what do you guys think so far?

Originally Posted by MrDSL View Post
I have not tweaked my EVO for battery life and it does fine lasting over 4-6 hours.
Ok but most people with Galaxy S have it last over 8 hours..some have it last 84 hours out of box...can you get 84 hours out of box? There were some indications of 2 types of batteries one of them took a few days to reach 100% uptime on charging...

Originally Posted by MrDSL View Post
Its not a cheap shot..Its a fact..Sorry if facts bother you but it is what it is. HTC NEVER promised to fix 30fps..As they said its by design so please don't make stuff up to prove whatever point you're trying to prove and stick to facts.

Samsung's support is no where near the level of HTC..
Ok so HTC support is good when they don't fix issues? It is a FACT that if they don't fix things like that means their support is bad..no?

And many people did contact HTC support and were told they were working on a fix and the never delivered...
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2010, 10:24 AM
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Re: So what do you guys think so far?

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Ok but most people with Galaxy S have it last over 8 hours..some have it last 84 hours out of box...can you get 84 hours out of box? There were some indications of 2 types of batteries one of them took a few days to reach 100% uptime on charging...
If I sit my phone on a desk for 84 hours and not use it yes it will last that long. You don't actually know anyone who has used a Galaxy S and got 84 hours right? That is called hear say.

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Ok so HTC support is good when they don't fix issues? It is a FACT that if they don't fix things like that means their support is bad..no?

And many people did contact HTC support and were told they were working on a fix and the never delivered...
What is wrong with the EVO that hasn't been fixed? Are we still on the 30FPS thing that HTC has Offically responded to and said its by design because of the HDMI port?

Just because some entry level employee over the phone says something is going to happen doesnt make that an offical response from HTC..

There was a problem with sdcards and there was a patch available at launch for it..

There was a problem with touchscreen grounding and sensitivity and that was patched with 1.47 OTA among other things..

They have already released Android 2.2 update.

Samsung hasn't even fixed the GPS issue and are saying that maybe September sometime..I don't have anything in front of me but wasn't the Galaxy S released in like early June around the same time the EVO was..Maybe even sooner..

We all know Samsung's support history I really don't need to name devices etc. This is Samsung's flagship device the one thats available everywhere, the one that they are going to change their name with and show support etc.

All I am saying is it sure seems like the same old Samsung to me..
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2010, 10:50 AM
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Re: So what do you guys think so far?

Originally Posted by MrDSL View Post
If I sit my phone on a desk for 84 hours and not use it yes it will last that long. You don't actually know anyone who has used a Galaxy S and got 84 hours right? That is called hear say.
This is based of reviews....I don't particularly think they'd lie on purpose as it would effect their viewer-ship...its not like its shocking that a device using 4" super amoled and a 45nm processor waists less energy then a 4.3" LCD with a 65nm processor..

Originally Posted by MrDSL View Post
What is wrong with the EVO that hasn't been fixed? Are we still on the 30FPS thing that HTC has Offically responded to and said its by design because of the HDMI port?

Just because some entry level employee over the phone says something is going to happen doesnt make that an offical response from HTC..

There was a problem with sdcards and there was a patch available at launch for it..

There was a problem with touchscreen grounding and sensitivity and that was patched with 1.47 OTA among other things..

They have already released Android 2.2 update.

Samsung hasn't even fixed the GPS issue and are saying that maybe September sometime..I don't have anything in front of me but wasn't the Galaxy S released in like early June around the same time the EVO was..Maybe even sooner..

We all know Samsung's support history I really don't need to name devices etc. This is Samsung's flagship device the one thats available everywhere, the one that they are going to change their name with and show support etc.

All I am saying is it sure seems like the same old Samsung to me..
Ok..so you swear to me that everyone on this forum, no one is having their EVO run above 30 fps correct?

Also..samsung gave a date for a fix....I don't see whats wrong with that...as I said the GPS issue does not happen to everyone..it happens in certain situations..thus things like this takes time to find out whats going on and debug...

testing out a GPS is a lot harder then testing an SD card...also to note..the Galaxy S was released a bit before the EVO..BUT...the EVO aka the Supersonic existed a lot longer and had a lot more time for HTC to identify issues...such as the 30 fps thing and they released it anyways...

If your trying to find an angel in HTC and a devil in Samsung your trying too hard..they are both the same..for profit corporations...to them money will always speak louder then their conscience..

I don't see your problem with them if they are actually giving you a fix...while you hold nothing against HTC if they don't even bother to fix it and give you an excuse...
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2010, 11:33 AM
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Re: So what do you guys think so far?

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
This is based of reviews....I don't particularly think they'd lie on purpose as it would effect their viewer-ship...its not like its shocking that a device using 4" super amoled and a 45nm processor waists less energy then a 4.3" LCD with a 65nm processor..
No I agree the Galaxy S should and probably is better with a battery then the EVO..But you know as well I as I do reviews on battery life are pretty skeptical because you need a good 3-4 full battery cycles to get a good feel for how long the battery will last.

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Ok..so you swear to me that everyone on this forum, no one is having their EVO run above 30 fps correct?
Why would I say that? I've never mentioned that at all..Of course people are over 30fps using a hack..That is what it is a hack..It is not a real cap lift..

I'm not really sure why you keep bringing this up as its already been stated this is by design because of the HDMI out. The 30fps lift hack you are mentioning is a hack and does not truly take out the 30fps it just hacks around it.

Should I mention the fact that the Galaxy S has their partitions all jacked up and doesn't use NAND for certain data and users get terrible lag..That problem is all over the forums..

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Also..samsung gave a date for a fix....I don't see whats wrong with that...as I said the GPS issue does not happen to everyone..it happens in certain situations..thus things like this takes time to find out whats going on and debug...

testing out a GPS is a lot harder then testing an SD card...also to note..the Galaxy S was released a bit before the EVO..BUT...the EVO aka the Supersonic existed a lot longer and had a lot more time for HTC to identify issues...such as the 30 fps thing and they released it anyways...
You keep mention the 30FPS and again ITS BY DESIGN because of the HDMI port..How do you know finding a GPS problem is easier then the sdcard problem? You have experience with finding and tracking bugs for cell phones?
Originally Posted by gTen View Post
If your trying to find an angel in HTC and a devil in Samsung your trying too hard..they are both the same..for profit corporations...to them money will always speak louder then their conscience..

I don't see your problem with them if they are actually giving you a fix...while you hold nothing against HTC if they don't even bother to fix it and give you an excuse...
I'm not trying to say angle/devil anything..You like to put words in people mouths to try and defend your points?

As I have stated before Samsung support sucks compared to HTC's. Yes HTC is a corporation and yes they do things I am not happy with just like any other company..The fact still remains by past track record and now that HTC has better support then Samsung..

That is what I am saying and unless you can provide me with actual facts which you have yet to do so far there really is no point in discussing this further.

Last edited by MrDSL; 08-16-2010 at 11:43 AM.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2010, 11:55 AM
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Re: So what do you guys think so far?

Originally Posted by MrDSL View Post
Why would I say that? I've never mentioned that at all..Of course people are over 30fps using a hack..That is what it is a hack..It is not a real cap lift..

I'm not really sure why you keep bringing this up as its already been stated this is by design because of the HDMI out. The 30fps lift hack you are mentioning is a hack and does not truly take out the 30fps it just hacks around it.
So if Samsung comes out next day and says the GPS doesn't work because of a design flaw youd be ok with it?

Originally Posted by MrDSL View Post
Should I mention the fact that the Galaxy S has their partitions all jacked up and doesn't use NAND for certain data and users get terrible lag..That problem is all over the forums..
You don't need to mention that..I already did...and we have a "hack" for that >.>

Originally Posted by MrDSL View Post
You keep mention the 30FPS and again ITS BY DESIGN because of the HDMI port..How do you know finding a GPS problem is easier then the sdcard problem? You have experience with finding and tracking bugs for cell phones?
Do we really need to compare a GPS mechanism to a sd card mechanism? I mean even 20$ media players have sd card slots these days...

Originally Posted by MrDSL View Post
I'm not trying to say angle/devil anything..You like to put words in people mouths to try and defend your points?

As I have stated before Samsung support sucks compared to HTC's. Yes HTC is a corporation and yes they do things I am not happy with just like any other company..The fact still remains by past track record and now that HTC has better support then Samsung..

That is what I am saying and unless you can provide me with actual facts which you have yet to do so far there really is no point in discussing this further.
I am not trying to put words in your mouth I'm trying to understand your way of thinking...because at this point it seems to me like HTC can come by and punch you in the stomach...then Samsung comes and slaps you and then you go to the police to arrest Samsung for slapping you...

IF they are actually planning on fixing the issue and gave a deadline...I don't exactly see what the problem is?

Oh and I have used HTC devices for the last 5 years or more..their support has been TERRIBLE...they have improved a little bit lately..but so has samsung's..while I do like my HTC devices..without the community my devices would probably have gone out the window :/

Last edited by gTen; 08-16-2010 at 12:15 PM.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2010, 12:39 PM
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Re: So what do you guys think so far?

So how 'bout that weather today? Anyway just figured I would post my thoughts...I want the Epic. I am glad I got the EVO first to learn a bit of Android but I have to say the Epic looks like it fits it's name spec wise. It will be the latest greatest for at least a few days. The keyboard is the big draw for me as I'll say again I like to have my full screen view and run in landscape for most things. In the support argument I have nothing to base on but from what I have read if they botched it the first time don't you think that any company will use criticism from their last offering and try to better themselves on their next big product? Well all n all I made up my mind and am selling my EVO and going to give the Epic a run as soon as it's out.
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