Originally Posted by gTen
Ok but most people with Galaxy S have it last over 8 hours..some have it last 84 hours out of box...can you get 84 hours out of box? There were some indications of 2 types of batteries one of them took a few days to reach 100% uptime on charging...
If I sit my phone on a desk for 84 hours and not use it yes it will last that long. You don't actually know anyone who has used a Galaxy S and got 84 hours right? That is called hear say.
Originally Posted by gTen
Ok so HTC support is good when they don't fix issues? It is a FACT that if they don't fix things like that means their support is bad..no?
And many people did contact HTC support and were told they were working on a fix and the never delivered...
What is wrong with the EVO that hasn't been fixed? Are we still on the 30FPS thing that HTC has Offically responded to and said its by design because of the HDMI port?
Just because some entry level employee over the phone says something is going to happen doesnt make that an offical response from HTC..
There was a problem with sdcards and there was a patch available at launch for it..
There was a problem with touchscreen grounding and sensitivity and that was patched with 1.47 OTA among other things..
They have already released Android 2.2 update.
Samsung hasn't even fixed the GPS issue and are saying that maybe September sometime..I don't have anything in front of me but wasn't the Galaxy S released in like early June around the same time the EVO was..Maybe even sooner..
We all know Samsung's support history I really don't need to name devices etc. This is Samsung's flagship device the one thats available everywhere, the one that they are going to change their name with and show support etc.
All I am saying is it sure seems like the same old Samsung to me..