Originally Posted by gTen
As stated it is an issue for some..but in the end run if you tweak both devices the Galaxy S would end up winning in battery life, I'm sure you tweaked your EVO right?...some people reported 4 hours with EVO..it varies.. sometimes they may have some apps configured bad draining energy...
I have not tweaked my EVO for battery life and it does fine lasting over 4-6 hours.
Originally Posted by gTen
Again..stop trying to pull cheap shots..they said September..give them a chance...we all know HTC fixed the 30fps limit like they promised on the EVO fast and all....
Its not a cheap shot..Its a fact..Sorry if facts bother you but it is what it is. HTC NEVER promised to fix 30fps..As they said its by design so please don't make stuff up to prove whatever point you're trying to prove and stick to facts.
Samsung's support is no where near the level of HTC..