Originally Posted by MrDSL
I have not tweaked my EVO for battery life and it does fine lasting over 4-6 hours.
Ok but most people with Galaxy S have it last over 8 hours..some have it last 84 hours out of box...can you get 84 hours out of box? There were some indications of 2 types of batteries one of them took a few days to reach 100% uptime on charging...
Originally Posted by MrDSL
Its not a cheap shot..Its a fact..Sorry if facts bother you but it is what it is. HTC NEVER promised to fix 30fps..As they said its by design so please don't make stuff up to prove whatever point you're trying to prove and stick to facts.
Samsung's support is no where near the level of HTC..
Ok so HTC support is good when they don't fix issues? It is a FACT that if they don't fix things like that means their support is bad..no?
And many people did contact HTC support and were told they were working on a fix and the never delivered...