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  #1411 (permalink)  
Old 08-01-2010, 06:10 PM
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Re: [TUTORIALS] EVERYTHING EVO - Rooting | NAND | Flashing Roms | for n00b's with vid

Originally Posted by iknowsquat View Post

Nope. Hopefully someone will develop a process but for now you're SOL for root.
You could try to flash a stock RUU for an older version but I wouldn't hold your breath.

Thanks.. Knew i jumped the gun to soon
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  #1412 (permalink)  
Old 08-01-2010, 06:36 PM
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Re: Can I root if baseband is

Originally Posted by latinsbest View Post
My phone was bricked but Sprint was able to bring it back but they updated the baseband so I am looking for the best or appropiate method to root my phone... Any help?
Then your phone WAS NOT BRICKED!

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  #1413 (permalink)  
Old 08-01-2010, 07:06 PM
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Re: How to Manually Completely Wipe - Not Using Rom Manager

Your post shows you have a TP2. Is that correct? if so you are in wrong threads. This is for Evo.
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  #1414 (permalink)  
Old 08-01-2010, 07:57 PM
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Re: [TUTORIALS] EVERYTHING EVO - Rooting | NAND | Flashing Roms | for n00b's with vid

Originally Posted by JDM_SOHC View Post
Other than that, "iknowsquat" thanks for the help man I truly appreciate it...
No prob.
Sorry 'bout the Meniere's that can suck.

Just thought I'd mention that Simple root knocks you back to an earlier pre-OTA version of the software so you'll need the update again.
The best way is to flash whitslacks stock ROM on xda or OMJ's v1.7 ROM1.
It has ALL the OTA files which is more than just radio and wimax.
From there you can wipe and jump to whatever ROM you want.
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  #1415 (permalink)  
Old 08-01-2010, 08:26 PM
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Re: [TUTORIALS] EVERYTHING EVO - Rooting | NAND | Flashing Roms | for n00b's with vid

Originally Posted by iknowsquat View Post
No prob.
Sorry 'bout the Meniere's that can suck.

Just thought I'd mention that Simple root knocks you back to an earlier pre-OTA version of the software so you'll need the update again.
The best way is to flash whitslacks stock ROM on xda or OMJ's v1.7 ROM1.
It has ALL the OTA files which is more than just radio and wimax.
From there you can wipe and jump to whatever ROM you want.
Awesome man thanks for that info..!!

And yeah it sucks, I also have tinnitus so I get a constant ringing in the same eat that gives me the Meniere's issues (vertigo, cold sweats, dizzy, etc) it's shitty when it happens man and sometimes I think get's taken a bit to lightly by those who've never experienced it... There's nothing like walking around feeling fine, than boom the next second you can barely see straight without the world spinning in circles and knives being dug into your ears <~~~ makes you wanna do that lol...

But about the rooting though, so do I just download an update and use a RUU like the TP2's had to update the ROM..?? Than just run that program after that..?? What about a Radio, do I have to flash that as well, I can't seem to get a solid answer on that... Thanks man...

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  #1416 (permalink)  
Old 08-01-2010, 08:40 PM
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Re: [TUTORIALS] EVERYTHING EVO - Rooting | NAND | Flashing Roms | for n00b's with vid

I found this link over at XDA but he says this will only work if it's already NAND unlocked, mine's all stock... Just wondering if this is the one you were talking about..

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  #1417 (permalink)  
Old 08-01-2010, 08:57 PM
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Re: [TUTORIALS] EVERYTHING EVO - Rooting | NAND | Flashing Roms | for n00b's with vid

Originally Posted by JDM_SOHC View Post
Awesome man thanks for that info..!!

And yeah it sucks, I also have tinnitus so I get a constant ringing in the same eat that gives me the Meniere's issues (vertigo, cold sweats, dizzy, etc) it's shitty when it happens man and sometimes I think get's taken a bit to lightly by those who've never experienced it... There's nothing like walking around feeling fine, than boom the next second you can barely see straight without the world spinning in circles and knives being dug into your ears <~~~ makes you wanna do that lol...

But about the rooting though, so do I just download an update and use a RUU like the TP2's had to update the ROM..?? Than just run that program after that..?? What about a Radio, do I have to flash that as well, I can't seem to get a solid answer on that... Thanks man...
Originally Posted by JDM_SOHC View Post
I found this link over at XDA but he says this will only work if it's already NAND unlocked, mine's all stock... Just wondering if this is the one you were talking about..

I feel ya, my wife has MS and can get bouts of vertigo-cant move, in bed all day, wants someone to stop the world so she can get off.

Yes that link is what I was talking about for AFTER the root process.
Once rooted the custom ROM's are typically in a zip format, just put them on your card and select them from Recovery-that'll make sense later if you root
THAT file is different. It's in a PC36IMG format. You put that on your card and boot into bootloader and the file is read and flashed automatically.

RUU's are still used but only for Stock, unrooted ROM's afaik. We can still use them to get back to Stock if we ever need to bring our devices in for service.
I've rooted, unrooted and rooted again (for educational purposes) as has FastRX8. The only thing is there is no current root process for Froyo as I mentioned before.
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  #1418 (permalink)  
Old 08-01-2010, 09:34 PM
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Re: [TUTORIALS] EVERYTHING EVO - Rooting | NAND | Flashing Roms | for n00b's with vid

Originally Posted by iknowsquat View Post
I feel ya, my wife has MS and can get bouts of vertigo-cant move, in bed all day, wants someone to stop the world so she can get off.

Yes that link is what I was talking about for AFTER the root process.
Once rooted the custom ROM's are typically in a zip format, just put them on your card and select them from Recovery-that'll make sense later if you root
THAT file is different. It's in a PC36IMG format. You put that on your card and boot into bootloader and the file is read and flashed automatically.

RUU's are still used but only for Stock, unrooted ROM's afaik. We can still use them to get back to Stock if we ever need to bring our devices in for service.
I've rooted, unrooted and rooted again (for educational purposes) as has FastRX8. The only thing is there is no current root process for Froyo as I mentioned before.
Yeah man sometimes when that vertigo ordeal starts goin on, it's no joke.. While it's happening it's the worst feeling I've ever felt before, but when it's gone (in times like right now) I feel normal... Besides the 60% hearing loss in my right ear from the inflammation during vertigo and ear infections, which is also what causes the constant ringing...

But I'm starting to finally understand haha thanks man, not as fast as I adapted to WinMo but it's coming along... It's just that everything has different names and what not so I get confused lol... But I wanna flash OMJ EVO 2.2 FroYo v2.0 that Includes Baseband Radio (which is the radio I'm on right now)...
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  #1419 (permalink)  
Old 08-01-2010, 09:47 PM
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Re: [TUTORIALS] EVERYTHING EVO - Rooting | NAND | Flashing Roms | for n00b's with vid

Originally Posted by JDM_SOHC View Post
Yeah man sometimes when that vertigo ordeal starts goin on, it's no joke.. While it's happening it's the worst feeling I've ever felt before, but when it's gone (in times like right now) I feel normal... Besides the 60% hearing loss in my right ear from the inflammation during vertigo and ear infections, which is also what causes the constant ringing...

But I'm starting to finally understand haha thanks man, not as fast as I adapted to WinMo but it's coming along... It's just that everything has different names and what not so I get confused lol... But I wanna flash OMJ EVO 2.2 FroYo v2.0 that Includes Baseband Radio (which is the radio I'm on right now)...
He also has a ROM zip up without the radio. I'd flash that as someone reported an issue with trying to flash with ROM with the radio when they already had it like you.
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  #1420 (permalink)  
Old 08-01-2010, 09:59 PM
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Re: [TUTORIALS] EVERYTHING EVO - Rooting | NAND | Flashing Roms | for n00b's with vid

So would you still recommend flashing that previous OTA ROM first..??

1. Flash previous ROM
2. Run SimpleRoot
3. Copy ROM to SD Card and restart phone into Bootloader

Is that all I have to do than in my case..??

On that previous ROM page from the link I provided, he mentions not being able to complete the process without engineering the HBOOT..??
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