Originally Posted by JDM_SOHC
Awesome man thanks for that info..!!
And yeah it sucks, I also have tinnitus so I get a constant ringing in the same eat that gives me the Meniere's issues (vertigo, cold sweats, dizzy, etc) it's shitty when it happens man and sometimes I think get's taken a bit to lightly by those who've never experienced it... There's nothing like walking around feeling fine, than boom the next second you can barely see straight without the world spinning in circles and knives being dug into your ears  <~~~ makes you wanna do that lol...
But about the rooting though, so do I just download an update and use a RUU like the TP2's had to update the ROM..?? Than just run that program after that..?? What about a Radio, do I have to flash that as well, I can't seem to get a solid answer on that... Thanks man...
Originally Posted by JDM_SOHC
I feel ya, my wife has MS and can get bouts of vertigo-cant move, in bed all day, wants someone to stop the world so she can get off.
Yes that link is what I was talking about for AFTER the root process.
Once rooted the custom ROM's are typically in a zip format, just put them on your card and select them from Recovery-that'll make sense later if you root

THAT file is different. It's in a PC36IMG format. You put that on your card and boot into bootloader and the file is read and flashed automatically.
RUU's are still used but only for Stock, unrooted ROM's
afaik. We can still use them to get back to Stock if we ever need to bring our devices in for service.
I've rooted, unrooted and rooted again (for educational purposes) as has FastRX8. The only thing is there is no current root process for Froyo as I mentioned before.