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  #1421 (permalink)  
Old 08-01-2010, 10:07 PM
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Re: [TUTORIALS] EVERYTHING EVO - Rooting | NAND | Flashing Roms | for n00b's with vid

Originally Posted by JDM_SOHC View Post
So would you still recommend flashing that previous OTA ROM first..??

1. Flash previous ROM
2. Run SimpleRoot
3. Copy ROM to SD Card and restart phone into Bootloader

Is that all I have to do than in my case..??

On that previous ROM page from the link I provided, he mentions not being able to complete the process without engineering the HBOOT..??
Switch #1 and #2
You've got to have root before ANYthing else.
Simple root *should* give you full root access (unlocked nand) and from there you can flash whitslacks ROM to get the OTA update.
After Simple root verify your hboot version like whitslack says, boot into bootloader if you have .76.2 hboot then your nand unlocked and golden. If after Simple root you have .79 hboot you are only partially rooted.
You can do Toast Part II like whitslack says (Steps listed here too) to get your nand unlocked after Simple root-but like I said-Simple root is supposed to do EVERYthing for you.
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  #1422 (permalink)  
Old 08-01-2010, 10:17 PM
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Re: [TUTORIALS] EVERYTHING EVO - Rooting | NAND | Flashing Roms | for n00b's with vid

Originally Posted by iknowsquat View Post
Switch #1 and #2
You've got to have root before ANYthing else.
Simple root *should* give you full root access (unlocked nand) and from there you can flash whitslacks ROM to get the OTA update.
After Simple root verify your hboot version like whitslack says, boot into bootloader if you have .76.2 hboot then your nand unlocked and golden. If after Simple root you have .79 hboot you are only partially rooted.
You can do Toast Part II like whitslack says (Steps listed here too) to get your nand unlocked after Simple root-but like I said-Simple root is supposed to do EVERYthing for you.
Alright sweet, and should I be concerned about bricking my phone in this process..?? I see a lot of people getting stuck at certain points I just wanna make sure because I haven't really heard anyone refer to it as "bricked" yet lol... Just wanna make sure beforehand haha..

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  #1423 (permalink)  
Old 08-01-2010, 10:26 PM
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Re: [TUTORIALS] EVERYTHING EVO - Rooting | NAND | Flashing Roms | for n00b's with vid

Originally Posted by JDM_SOHC View Post
Alright sweet, and should I be concerned about bricking my phone in this process..?? I see a lot of people getting stuck at certain points I just wanna make sure because I haven't really heard anyone refer to it as "bricked" yet lol... Just wanna make sure beforehand haha..
Well you know all of this is "proceed at your own risk" but we are (looks at post count) 1417 posts deep and while people "get stuck" at some parts of the process there has not been one report of a "bricking".
99.9% of the issues here are user error, sometimes not their fault entirely (incomplete downloads).
IMO this device is hard to "brick" (brick=completely unresponsive paperweight).
Worst case scenario, IMO, is not being able to complete the process and being left with one kick-arse Stock device
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  #1424 (permalink)  
Old 08-01-2010, 10:34 PM
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Re: [TUTORIALS] EVERYTHING EVO - Rooting | NAND | Flashing Roms | for n00b's with vid

Originally Posted by iknowsquat View Post
Well you know all of this is "proceed at your own risk" but we are (looks at post count) 1417 posts deep and while people "get stuck" at some parts of the process there has not been one report of a "bricking".
99.9% of the issues here are user error, sometimes not their fault entirely (incomplete downloads).
IMO this device is hard to "brick" (brick=completely unresponsive paperweight).
Worst case scenario, IMO, is not being able to complete the process and being left with one kick-arse Stock device
Haha thanks man, yeah I searched but didn't find much and I never had any issues when flashing my 6700, mogul, tp1, or tp2's so I'm sure I'll be alright it's just the order I was confused on lol... I found a youtube vid on someone using simpleroot so I'll do that first, than go get that ROM, and proceed from there... So in all reality you don't flash a custom ROM until everything else has been done first..??
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  #1425 (permalink)  
Old 08-01-2010, 10:44 PM
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Re: [TUTORIALS] EVERYTHING EVO - Rooting | NAND | Flashing Roms | for n00b's with vid

Originally Posted by JDM_SOHC View Post
Haha thanks man, yeah I searched but didn't find much and I never had any issues when flashing my 6700, mogul, tp1, or tp2's so I'm sure I'll be alright it's just the order I was confused on lol... I found a youtube vid on someone using simpleroot so I'll do that first, than go get that ROM, and proceed from there... So in all reality you don't flash a custom ROM until everything else has been done first..??
Hey! You're catching on!
Yessir, finish the root process, get the OTA updates (whitslacks ROM), then flash yer brains out.
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  #1426 (permalink)  
Old 08-01-2010, 10:59 PM
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Re: [TUTORIALS] EVERYTHING EVO - Rooting | NAND | Flashing Roms | for n00b's with vid

Haha yeah I can sense it's gonna be done pretty soon.. I'm downloading and organizing everything I need... I found the WiMax and Radio in another chef's thread, should I add them into the mix somewhere if I choose a ROM with no radio..?
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  #1427 (permalink)  
Old 08-01-2010, 11:17 PM
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Re: [TUTORIALS] EVERYTHING EVO - Rooting | NAND | Flashing Roms | for n00b's with vid

Originally Posted by JDM_SOHC View Post
Haha yeah I can sense it's gonna be done pretty soon.. I'm downloading and organizing everything I need... I found the WiMax and Radio in another chef's thread, should I add them into the mix somewhere if I choose a ROM with no radio..?
It may depend on the ROM you choose.
While you can mix and match I read from those smarter than me that the phones software is written to work with certain radios and wimax and that you should keep them together for optimal performance.
As an example with a Froyo ROM the chef recommends using this order:
ROM/Radio/wimax. Not saying that's the only way, just the way I've read (and follow)
The ROM thread you choose *should* give some info on the matter.
If you are talking about the LATEST radio and wimax then you would be looking to flash a Froyo ROM.
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  #1428 (permalink)  
Old 08-02-2010, 02:29 AM
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Re: [TUTORIALS] EVERYTHING EVO - Rooting | NAND | Flashing Roms | for n00b's with vid

Originally Posted by iknowsquat View Post
Switch #1 and #2
You've got to have root before ANYthing else.
Simple root *should* give you full root access (unlocked nand) and from there you can flash whitslacks ROM to get the OTA update.
After Simple root verify your hboot version like whitslack says, boot into bootloader if you have .76.2 hboot then your nand unlocked and golden. If after Simple root you have .79 hboot you are only partially rooted.
You can do Toast Part II like whitslack says (Steps listed here too) to get your nand unlocked after Simple root-but like I said-Simple root is supposed to do EVERYthing for you.
where is toast part II
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  #1429 (permalink)  
Old 08-02-2010, 02:48 AM
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Re: [TUTORIALS] EVERYTHING EVO - Rooting | NAND | Flashing Roms | for n00b's with vid

Originally Posted by mike6200 View Post
where is toast part II
Post #2
Section 2/Step 5S=same thing. That is Toast Part II which unlocks nand.
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  #1430 (permalink)  
Old 08-02-2010, 04:24 AM
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Re: [TUTORIALS] EVERYTHING EVO - Rooting | NAND | Flashing Roms | for n00b's with vid

I had just gotten my evo so I had the 1.47.651.1
I did the simple root OTC 1.47.651.1 edition
I now show I have
firmware 2.1 update1
kernel 2.6.29
build 1.32.651.1
software 1.32.651.1

I tested by doing this

A. Super easy way to figure out if you're rooted.
1. Make sure USB Debugging is on.
Menu>Settings>Applications>Development>USB Debugging should be checked

2. Connect your phone using "Charge Only"
3. Open a "Run" window and type "c:\evo-recovery\adb-windows shell"
If you get a "$" you're not rooted [IMG]
If you get a "#" you're rooted [IMG]f

I get the # sign
I download rom manager and select install Rom from SD Card and it says
"you must have ClockworkMod Recovery installed before continuing. I try to instal and it says An error occurred while attempting to run privileged commands
Ive tried Manually doing steps 1and 2 and it says main version is older.

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