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  #1391 (permalink)  
Old 08-01-2010, 07:43 AM
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Re: [TUTORIALS] EVERYTHING EVO - Rooting | NAND | Flashing Roms | for n00b's with vid

So I rooted my phone a different way (before I found this amazing site ) and I believe it was a full root because I downloaded "quick boot" hit recovery and my phone went into Clockworkmodrecovery I think it was called is that whats its supposed to go to? anyways I wanted to try getting a new rom but don't really know how to go about it (the evo-ology red one) I looked at the video but got lost since my phone was rooted a different way can someone point me in the right direction PLEASE! Thanks
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  #1392 (permalink)  
Old 08-01-2010, 09:09 AM
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Re: Easiest root method ever for 1.47.651.1!!!

Originally Posted by cmdauria View Post
I found this over at XDA. It really does make rooting your phone a joke!


The 4 step is still the easiest, but if you can't do that successfully, This comes in a close second.


Did you do either of these?
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  #1393 (permalink)  
Old 08-01-2010, 10:52 AM
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Re: [TUTORIALS] EVERYTHING EVO - Rooting | NAND | Flashing Roms | for n00b's with vid

Originally Posted by Hamburglar Hunk View Post
So I rooted my phone a different way (before I found this amazing site ) and I believe it was a full root because I downloaded "quick boot" hit recovery and my phone went into Clockworkmodrecovery I think it was called is that whats its supposed to go to? anyways I wanted to try getting a new rom but don't really know how to go about it (the evo-ology red one) I looked at the video but got lost since my phone was rooted a different way can someone point me in the right direction PLEASE! Thanks
First how did you root your phone? It's sounds like you're fine but just want to verify. To ensure you are completely rooted with an unlocked nand- power off your phone, hold Vol Down and boot into bootloader. At the top of your screen it will tell you your hboot version. If it is .76.2 you're golden. If it says .79 then you only got through 1/2 the process and need to still unlock your nand.

The steps for flashing a ROM are contained in this tutorial but I'll run ya through it.

Before you start perform a backup of the ROM your are on just in case you need to start over. You should have that option in Recovery. Look for a backup/restore option.

I assume you are talking about OMJ ROM v1.9 EnamoRED?
Since there's a very good chance the root process took you back to pre-OTA software you'll want to flash OMJ v1.7 ROM1 to get back all the OTA files.

(Also grab the zip file for v1.9 and place that on your card http://vegasden.net/OMJ/ROMs/OMJ_EVO...9_EnamoRED.zip)

v1.7 ROM1 is a different file format than most ROM's. It's in the PC36IMG file format that you may/may not have used during the root process. Place the file on the root of your SD card. Then boot into bootloader like I described above. The file will be read, when prompted select Yes for update, then Yes again for reboot.

After the ROM reboots dont bother setting up the ROM. Just click next through the menus till you're back at the home screen. Then boot into Recovery.
Once there select Wipe and factory reset and wipe dalvik cache 2 times each (some debate whether this is needed but I'd do it)
Next select flash zip from SD card. Select v1.9 that you put on your card earlier and wait for it to finish.
Reboot once it's done.
By the time you do all this you'll then want to flash Froyo j/k once you are set up you can flash any ROM that's in the zip format the way you flashed v1.9
OMJ's Froyo ROM is flashed that way.
Radio and wimax updates are flashed like that as well but you dont need to wipe beforehand. Just put them on your card and select them from Recovery.
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  #1394 (permalink)  
Old 08-01-2010, 11:19 AM
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Re: [TUTORIALS] EVERYTHING EVO - Rooting | NAND | Flashing Roms | for n00b's with vid

Okay so I'm super new to Android lol, like 3 days now... And I'm just curious, is unlocking and flashing custom ROM's on the EVO the equivalent to unlocking/flashing on a TP2..?? Faster, more features, etc..?? I have the OTA 1.47.651.1 ROM (came preinstalled when I bought it) so I'm just curious if it would even be worth it to root and all that or just wait for the release of the official Froyo and see what's all available after that... It just seems like a huge mission to unlock this thing, that's the only reason I ask, thanks..

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  #1395 (permalink)  
Old 08-01-2010, 11:21 AM
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Re: Rooting froyo

The devs probably already rooted but not put out in public till the real rom is out on 8/3 so they dont patch the loophole b4 it go's out unless its a different rom than the leaked 1
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  #1396 (permalink)  
Old 08-01-2010, 11:58 AM
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Re: [TUTORIALS] EVERYTHING EVO - Rooting | NAND | Flashing Roms | for n00b's with vid

Originally Posted by JDM_SOHC View Post
Okay so I'm super new to Android lol, like 3 days now... And I'm just curious, is unlocking and flashing custom ROM's on the EVO the equivalent to unlocking/flashing on a TP2..?? Faster, more features, etc..?? I have the OTA 1.47.651.1 ROM (came preinstalled when I bought it) so I'm just curious if it would even be worth it to root and all that or just wait for the release of the official Froyo and see what's all available after that... It just seems like a huge mission to unlock this thing, that's the only reason I ask, thanks..
To root or not to root that is the question.....
(sorry I would've responded sooner but your gif was distracting me )
IF you want to root I'd do it now, there is no root process for Froyo and while there MAY be in the future there is no guarantee.

The improvements post root come from the custom ROMs and mods not the root process (just like WinMo).

Stock Evo rocks, rooted is better IMO. The choice is yours.
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  #1397 (permalink)  
Old 08-01-2010, 12:12 PM
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Re: [TUTORIALS] EVERYTHING EVO - Rooting | NAND | Flashing Roms | for n00b's with vid

Originally Posted by iknowsquat View Post
To root or not to root that is the question.....
(sorry I would've responded sooner but your gif was distracting me )
IF you want to root I'd do it now, there is no root process for Froyo and while there MAY be in the future there is no guarantee.

The improvements post root come from the custom ROMs and mods not the root process (just like WinMo).

Stock Evo rocks, rooted is better IMO. The choice is yours.
Yeah theres just something about Jessica Alba's ass that's very captivating, puts me in a trance-like state lmao...

But thanks man I do appreciate the feedback, I'm just kinda nervous since it's so involved lol... Coming from "HSPL Unlock, Flash ROM, done" to "step 1, step 2, step 3, step 4, step 5....... step 427, step 428, etc" lol a bit exaggerating but I guess I was just overwhelmed lol... However, I was watching YouTube vid's on rooting, and I came across this 3 step tutorial by EmoGamer I believe, and he's using Toast's OTA SimpleRoot and it's named after my ROM so would I be able to do that instead of all these other steps..?? I can't really find much feedback on that program, but maybe I'm not searching in the right areas, thanks man..
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  #1398 (permalink)  
Old 08-01-2010, 12:54 PM
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How to Manually Completely Wipe - Not Using Rom Manager

Can someone please post how to completely wipe before flashing a new rom. I know this is going to be VERY important when going to the new 2.2 roms.

I have always done it automatically via Rom Manager, however I think it will be better to do it manually when making the move.

I belive the things to wipe are :DATA/FACTORY RESET. CACHE. AND DALVIK CACHE

Also does this erase date on the SD card like music and such, stuff not affiliated with the rom?

Thanks and I know this is buried somewhere in these forums, just not in an easy place to search (I tried)

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  #1399 (permalink)  
Old 08-01-2010, 01:08 PM
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Re: How to Manually Completely Wipe - Not Using Rom Manager

Im not 100% but it seems like those are all you need to wipe. And no, it won't touch anything on the SD card
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  #1400 (permalink)  
Old 08-01-2010, 02:24 PM
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Re: [TUTORIALS] EVERYTHING EVO - Rooting | NAND | Flashing Roms | for n00b's with vid

Okay thanks for all the info iknowsquat I first checked the version in my bootloader and it is only 79.000 so im assuming the Nand isn't unlocked? Can I unlock it by just following this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotat...Kbw&feature=iv
Again thanks for all the help
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