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  #581 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2010, 07:41 PM
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Re: Got My Evo_Thoughts after 24hours

Originally Posted by princem131 View Post
Where can I find it I didnt see it in the marketplace. Link?
It's only on WinMo so far. They said they are shorthanded to port it over real fast for Android. Probably because so many people pirate software, and they can't easily afford development costs.
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  #582 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2010, 07:42 PM
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Evo recieves 9.5 out of 10.....

The review covered all areas hardware, software, camera ect.....found it very intresting and made me more excited for the 4th to come so i thought i would share with you guys

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  #583 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2010, 07:45 PM
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Re: Got My Evo_Thoughts after 24hours

Originally Posted by TheBundo View Post
It's only on WinMo so far. They said they are shorthanded to port it over real fast for Android. Probably because so many people pirate software, and they can't easily afford development costs.
Oh too bad no problem tho because I really am cool wit Docs 2 Go. Thanks tho fam!

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  #584 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2010, 07:52 PM
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Re: Evo recieves 9.5 out of 10.....

Originally Posted by crownholder View Post
The review covered all areas hardware, software, camera ect.....found it very intresting and made me more excited for the 4th to come so i thought i would share with you guys

LMAO, that was the funniest review I have ever heard. First off, this dude sounded so unhappy and monotone giving a good review on the evo. He sounded like a robot, or more like him reading off a script with a gun pointed to his head and if he didn't give a good review he was gonna die a horrible death. Isn't phonearena more pro iphone than anything else? Maybe thats why he sounded that way.

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  #585 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2010, 07:54 PM
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Re: Likes & Dislikes of the EVO...

Originally Posted by BRIVERS73 View Post
The phone icon should be in the status bar when your connected, just slide down the curtain & click end call...
You are correct. Thanks. It's still an extra step, but let's face it, extra steps have been the name of the game lately. The Mogul was probably the peak for the least number of steps needed for many things, because of 20+ buttons, and combined with AEButton+, it was not only so easy to get around, there were multiple ways to do almost anything.

But we have see "progress" take away good features before. When I was a kid, if I wanted to watch TV after everyone was sleeping, I could turn the volume down, THEN pull the button out to turn the TV on. Now, I have to turn it on first, and then race to get the volume down before it wakes anyone up, or find a workaround, like muting the cable box first, etc.
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  #586 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2010, 08:05 PM
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Re: Evo recieves 9.5 out of 10.....

Originally Posted by themuffinman View Post
LMAO, that was the funniest review I have ever heard. First off, this dude sounded so unhappy and monotone giving a good review on the evo. He sounded like a robot, or more like him reading off a script with a gun pointed to his head and if he didn't give a good review he was gonna die a horrible death. Isn't phonearena more pro iphone than anything else? Maybe thats why he sounded that way.
lol a good phone is a good phone he had to admit it ........i was really suprised at the score as well since they are pro iphone.....come on 4th
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  #587 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2010, 08:22 PM
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Re: Evo recieves 9.5 out of 10.....

Pretty good review. Obviously his speech during the review was pre-written as it did sound pretty infomercial-esque, but at least he didn't play it down because it's not an iPhone. Man I can't wait!

I found it funny how much he talked about the red color on the back underneath the battery cover. It's cool yeah, but is it really that important? He made it sound like it was a major feature and a valid selling point. I could care less what color the back of the phone is because you can't see it unless your battery cover is off. It could be puke green for all I care.

I'm glad to see the mobile hotspot app is capable of WPA2 encryption. I don't feel comfortable sending any pertinent information over a wireless connection that isn't WPA2 encrypted. WPA packets are too easy to sniff out, if people know what they're doing. I've half thought about cancelling my cable internet and paying the $29.99 per month fee for the mobile hotspot and using that for my primary internet connection, since my monthly cable bill is $72 per month. I dunno though, I do a lot of torrenting, and I'd have to see what kind of speed I get in my house before I decide that.

I need to stop watching these reviews. Every one I see makes the 4th feel further and further away.

Last edited by TheHoard; 05-31-2010 at 08:24 PM.
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  #588 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2010, 08:32 PM
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Re: Got My Evo_Thoughts after 24hours

Originally Posted by nautalis View Post
I can't believe all the people crying about this phone, whining about all sorts of things. Opinions are like a$$holes, everybody has 'em. If you don't like the phone and wanna stick with the TP2, then do it, buy why does everybody feel like they need to tell the world what they think about this phone? Like the guy who wrote the article on his "totally unbiased review of the Evo", please. How about "nit-picking and uneducated review". I have been dreaming about this phone since it was leaked last year. I have been with Sprint forever waiting for some decent devices. One finally gets here and so many reviewers are writing about its problems. Please tell me a device which doesn't have problems or does not require tweaks for it's user to get the most out of the phone according to the users demands? I've been reading post after post all morning. Sorry for the rant.
So, so right. This all really comes down to opinion; and no matter what you'll always find something to peeve over.
To read everyone else's review of the EVO may only harm your own.

For now, my plan is to read the discussions on this forum and then test drive an EVO for a month when I get it on the 5th (I'm out of town till then). Worst case scenario, I return it before the 1 month due date.

The only thing that I do know is that this will not fulfill my insatiable appetite for the best smart phone. :D
Though it may help me make it through the next 6 to 12 months. Lol!

Originally Posted by TheBundo View Post
It's only on WinMo so far. They said they are shorthanded to port it over real fast for Android. Probably because so many people pirate software, and they can't easily afford development costs.
I'm probably going to get Docs 2 Go, but I'll be keeping my eye out for Softmaker. Thanks. :)
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  #589 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2010, 09:09 PM
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Re: Completely unbiased review of the Evo 4G.

Originally Posted by TheBundo View Post
At least we can swap out our batteries. I doubt the 4th gen iTurd will be able to do that
Say what you want but I haven't seen any device with as good of battery life as the iTurd. That includes multitasking every app and full push notifications. Anyway, back to the topic....

rooster94, where did you get your Evo and is a "day" 24 hours?
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  #590 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2010, 09:11 PM
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I just played with the EVO and loved it!! just a responsive as my incredible! Can't wait to get mine on Friday
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