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  #571 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2010, 12:09 PM
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Re: Completely unbiased review of the Evo 4G.

Originally Posted by antjones21 View Post
I keep hearing all the complaints on the battery life, but I've had many smart phones in my life and I just don't think it's realistic to expect a phone like the EVO to stay charged without charging it throughout the day. I plug my phone in a charger whenever I get a chance. And before bed I always plug my phone into the charger so for him to leave the phone off the charger overnight and expect it to still have battery life is just dumb in my opinion.
I agree. I've had 4 pda phones and the battery life sucked for all of them. I have a microusb charger in my car, and at my office. It sips power all day. I am getting an extra battery and external charger for sure.
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  #572 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2010, 01:27 PM
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Re: Got My Evo_Thoughts after 24hours

I can't believe all the people crying about this phone, whining about all sorts of things. Opinions are like a$$holes, everybody has 'em. If you don't like the phone and wanna stick with the TP2, then do it, buy why does everybody feel like they need to tell the world what they think about this phone? Like the guy who wrote the article on his "totally unbiased review of the Evo", please. How about "nit-picking and uneducated review". I have been dreaming about this phone since it was leaked last year. I have been with Sprint forever waiting for some decent devices. One finally gets here and so many reviewers are writing about its problems. Please tell me a device which doesn't have problems or does not require tweaks for it's user to get the most out of the phone according to the users demands? I've been reading post after post all morning. Sorry for the rant.
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  #573 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2010, 01:37 PM
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Re: Got My Evo_Thoughts after 24hours

Originally Posted by nautalis View Post
I can't believe all the people crying about this phone, whining about all sorts of things. Opinions are like a$$holes, everybody has 'em. If you don't like the phone and wanna stick with the TP2, then do it, buy why does everybody feel like they need to tell the world what they think about this phone? Like the guy who wrote the article on his "totally unbiased review of the Evo", please. How about "nit-picking and uneducated review". I have been dreaming about this phone since it was leaked last year. I have been with Sprint forever waiting for some decent devices. One finally gets here and so many reviewers are writing about its problems. Please tell me a device which doesn't have problems or does not require tweaks for it's user to get the most out of the phone according to the users demands? I've been reading post after post all morning. Sorry for the rant.
It's true, very true. Speak IT! You don't hear about a critic achieving the impossible odds, but every day there are those who accomplish greatness by standing up for what's right. No statues were erected for a critic, but the greats who stood out above the crowd we'll remember forever.. i.e. EVO!
reap, sow, and give thanks - words to live by.
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  #574 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2010, 02:12 PM
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Re: Completely unbiased review of the Evo 4G.

Originally Posted by rigo View Post
as soon as i open the website and saw the tittle .. i closed it .. its not even worth reading that crap
I agree, however the comments on the article were worth a few chuckles
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  #575 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2010, 03:07 PM
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Re: Completely unbiased review of the Evo 4G.

It was worth reading to me just to see how closed-minded fanboys can be. His gripes about the numbers on the top row of the keyboard being a negative?? And complaining about the large default clock widget that can be removed (duh its a widget). If you wanted your home screen to look like Apple's, you could tile it with program icons. Since when was having the choice a negative? Some people are so brainwashed by the Apple way, that they refuse to give anything different a chance.

That being said, I think some people in here are being too quick to defend some potential drawbacks to the EVO. If battery life is that bad (and I know we can't say until we have more reviews, or try it for ourselves), then that is surely a negative. I find it a major negative to have to carry a second battery around, or charge during the day. That's me.

Battery longevity varies greatly depending on how you manage your device. I am not surprised that an iPhone user gets horrible battery life on an Android device. They are trained to not think about background tasks, etc or having to "manage" their device.

I guess its good we have a choice. We can be dumb and let our phones be smart, or we can be smart and let our phones be a little dumber, but way more versatile. To every man his own. Can't wait for this phone to arrive!
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  #576 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2010, 03:29 PM
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Re: Completely unbiased review of the Evo 4G.

Once a Apple fanboy, always a fanboy...this article he posted shows it. He said it was unbias review, but it wasn't...he kept going back to the Iphone for comparison. Leave the Iphone out of it completly..Two different phones, two different worlds.

When people do these reviews they need to stick to like devices...I would say HTC Incredible vs the Evo 4G, not Iphone vs Evo 4G....you will never get a good answer out of someone that uses the Iphone on a daily basis.

I knew coming into buying the product that the battery life wouldn't be stellar...and that won't make or break me getting the phone. My main reason for buying the EVO is because Im on WM, and i hate it.
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  #577 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2010, 03:56 PM
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Re: Completely unbiased review of the Evo 4G.

Originally Posted by ChrisH09 View Post
Once a Apple fanboy, always a fanboy...this article he posted shows it. He said it was unbias review, but it wasn't...he kept going back to the Iphone for comparison. Leave the Iphone out of it completly..Two different phones, two different worlds. When people do these reviews they need to stick to like devices...I would say HTC Incredible vs the Evo 4G, not Iphone vs Evo 4G....you will never get a good answer out of someone that uses the Iphone on a daily basis.
I don't think there's anything wrong with someone writing a review comparing two completely different devices. He said in the title he's an iPhone lover. If he didn't compare the EVO to the iPhone, he'd be misleading his readers. There are other reviews out there that fit different perspectives. The fact of the matter is, there are a lot of iPhone lovers out there who are pondering the thought of jumping ship to Android. They will probably have some of the same gripes that this reviewer had. I sent this review to a couple of my iPhone friends who are switching to the EVO to see if they can relate. The last thing I need is for them to be complaining non-stop to me, "why doesn't this work like my iPhone did?" I am 100% certain they will.

Originally Posted by ChrisH09 View Post
I knew coming into buying the product that the battery life wouldn't be stellar...and that won't make or break me getting the phone. My main reason for buying the EVO is because Im on WM, and i hate it.
If someone wrote a review of the EVO coming from WM (as most of the ppcgeeks reviews will be based around), you'd read it and find it to be very relevant and useful. An iPhone user wouldn't give a crap about those reviews, and rightfully so.
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  #578 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2010, 07:12 PM
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Re: Completely unbiased review of the Evo 4G.

Originally Posted by markus_del_marko View Post
Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.80 (Android; Opera Mini/5.0.18302/18.684; U; en) Presto/2.4.15)

to each their own. i knew the battery life would be horrid.
At least we can swap out our batteries. I doubt the 4th gen iTurd will be able to do that
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  #579 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2010, 07:33 PM
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Re: Got My Evo_Thoughts after 24hours

Originally Posted by princem131 View Post
Really? I actually really like Docs 2 Go. It's one of my few paid apps over $.99. I thought it was equal to or better than the native winmo office suite (i haven't used the native one since TP1 so there maybe a newer more improved version that I'm unaware of). I had it back in the day on my Moto Q too and loved it! It came pre-installed. It's clean and scales to your screen meets all of my needs for graduate school very well. I use it daily for word, PowerPoint, Excel, and pdf with no problems.

Never tried softmakers I'll have to check that out.
Softmakers has every function in it that the Desktop version has - nothing is ever stripped out. With many of these, including the Windows Mobile version, if you open a complex spreadsheet that you have emailed to yourself, edit it, and email it back to the desktop, things are stripped out. Softmaker doesn't do that, and also deals with the password protect issue (I think Docs To Go can handle that part too)
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  #580 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2010, 07:36 PM
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Re: Got My Evo_Thoughts after 24hours

Originally Posted by TheBundo View Post
Softmakers has every function in it that the Desktop version has - nothing is ever stripped out. With many of these, including the Windows Mobile version, if you open a complex spreadsheet that you have emailed to yourself, edit it, and email it back to the desktop, things are stripped out. Softmaker doesn't do that, and also deals with the password protect issue (I think Docs To Go can handle that part too)
Where can I find it I didnt see it in the marketplace. Link?

Check out my blog: http://brownhandstech.blogspot.com
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