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  #241 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2010, 06:45 PM
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Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by WarChild View Post
LMAO I cant blame you I would of had to pass on that charge too, man


I actually got into a Debate with the Sprint Rep over this data pricing.

Her: "I can go ahead and get that Touch Pro2 upgrade started with the new data plan"

Me:"Woh,woh,woh why would I want to pay $15 more for the same thing I have now? "

Her: "Well the Touch Pro 2 requires the new Pro $30 data plan."

Me:"Since When?"

Her:" I'm not sure."

Me: "No Thanks."

Her: "Actually you'd be better off on the New 450 Everything Plan, After your 22% discount it would be $55/month.

Me:"Again, I'm paying $43/month how would I be better off paying $12 more/month?"

Her: "I see, you do have a pretty good plan, I guess there is nothing I can do for you."

Me:"I guess not!"

Hangs up with a look of Disbelief!
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  #242 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2010, 06:52 PM
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Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by gullzway View Post
I actually got into a Debate with the Sprint Rep over this data pricing.

Her: "I can go ahead and get that Touch Pro2 upgrade started with the new data plan"

Me:"Woh,woh,woh why would I want to pay $15 more for the same thing I have now? "

Her: "Well the Touch Pro 2 requires the new Pro $30 data plan."

Me:"Since When?"

Her:" I'm not sure."

Me: "No Thanks."

Her: "Actually you'd be better off on the New 450 Everything Plan, After your 22% discount it would be $55/month.

Me:"Again, I'm paying $43/month how would I be better off paying $12 more/month?"

Her: "I see, you do have a pretty good plan, I guess there is nothing I can do for you."

Me:"I guess not!"

Hangs up with a look of Disbelief!
I hate Sprint conversations like that. Describes it perfectly.



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  #243 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2010, 07:34 PM
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Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by Q_Q View Post
In practical terms, why would ppl even purchase a phone without 4g?
The $10 shouldn't affect you because you wouldn't even be considering it until it comes to your town.

I mean if ppl are going to throw network, data caps & bandwidth around, why even bother if it's not in your town?

because with 4G aside its still the best spec'd phone sprint has ever had
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  #244 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2010, 07:50 PM
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Re: Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by jbearamus View Post
in that case it works out great, congrats, i love being able to get new phones at the expense of the old ones. but i didn't have your information and was trying to keep it in perspective for clockcycle

but then it brings up the argument why should i pay for a service i don't have yet and yes i'd get it eventually but charging me for it is tantamount to an interest free loan, except its not even a loan because its not like i'll get my money back
And I understand that. But by requiring all evo users to pay the add on, you are contributing to the r&d of the 4G towers and network to your area. Here's my example; I live in orange county which is 10ish minutes from la county line. La is slated to get 4G this summer but I feel, even though oc is huge, we will not get the 4G. But I'm ok with that. Honestly I'm happy with the 3G. And even though I know I'm paying for the 4G I feel that its gonna help expand and eventually bring it to my area. It may take time. But as I stated before I'm seeing it in a business way. Gotta be able to fund this expandsion somehow. Sprint ain't no att or Verizon with huge stock piles of green backs. The more that's bought into sprints wimax the faster it'll grow. Gotta have a drive to expand. If the evo falls flat on its face, say goodbye to wimax. There's no point in switching if ppl don't want it.

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  #245 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2010, 08:01 PM
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Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by mbaseball3 View Post
And I understand that. But by requiring all evo users to pay the add on, you are contributing to the r&d of the 4G towers and network to your area. Here's my example; I live in orange county which is 10ish minutes from la county line. La is slated to get 4G this summer but I feel, even though oc is huge, we will not get the 4G. But I'm ok with that. Honestly I'm happy with the 3G. And even though I know I'm paying for the 4G I feel that its gonna help expand and eventually bring it to my area. It may take time. But as I stated before I'm seeing it in a business way. Gotta be able to fund this expandsion somehow. Sprint ain't no att or Verizon with huge stock piles of green backs. The more that's bought into sprints wimax the faster it'll grow. Gotta have a drive to expand. If the evo falls flat on its face, say goodbye to wimax. There's no point in switching if ppl don't want it.

Sent from my HTC Hero using Tapatalk
except that conventional business would be get a loan or issue stock to raise funds, you don't start charging people for a service that doesnt exist yet. and yeah the money would go into development of the network, companies don't typically sit on money, they issue dividends or reinvest it in the company; however, like someone said earlier in the thread yeah the extra money would help develop the network but what happens when i pay my $10/month for two years and there's still no 4G on the horizon as i'm sure that may be the case for some people.
and the roaming into a 4G network isn't fair because yeah, you're 10 mins away so you would be able to use it on occasion but I like a lot of people are 5-6 hrs away from the closest 4G service area
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  #246 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2010, 09:19 PM
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Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Well good news everyone..sprint figured out they did something wrong with the pre:


But has yet to figure out how they are going wrong with the EVO >.>
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  #247 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2010, 09:54 PM
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Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Google I/O in 14 hours and 6 minutes. Can't wait. its going to be an exciting 2 days.
Sprint Evo
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  #248 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2010, 10:21 PM
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Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
Google I/O in 14 hours and 6 minutes. Can't wait. its going to be an exciting 2 days.
yup, where they will officially announce Froyo and the Evo's software will be out of date from day one
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  #249 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2010, 10:26 PM
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Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
Google I/O in 14 hours and 6 minutes. Can't wait. its going to be an exciting 2 days.
You got a thanks for that one

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  #250 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2010, 10:34 PM
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Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Well good news everyone..sprint figured out they did something wrong with the pre:


But has yet to figure out how they are going wrong with the EVO >.>
After reading that, along with the plethera of threads on how to get this discount when your not really an employee, or get this Perk by calling and complaining(don't get me wrong, I'm guilty as charged) but I kind of feel bad for them.

Sprint has been the best Carrier I've ever had, And I've had them all except Verizon.

How many of us would be singing a different tune if the options were (1)Pay the $10 fee and enjoy the baddest phone that's ever been released in the U.S. or (2) Sprint goes Bankrupt and you can switch to Verizon,AT&T, or T-Mobile! I'll tell you right now, I'd pay the $10 fee and suck it up till 4g was available here in Tulsa,OK!

Last edited by gullzway; 05-18-2010 at 10:45 PM.
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